How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

WHAT THE ****? 4 quintillions? I never thought this was possible. Anyone knows the credits cap on this game?

He's used an Action Replay Max and put in the credit cheat. 👍

You're 290yrs old?:eek:

Didn't you know?? Here's a portrait of me when I was 17.


Isn't that Mozart? :P

I'll be 24, more than likely. I've been through secondary-school, a masters degree in engineering and quit my Ph.D., all the while playing the various iterations of GT - good times! (And many more!)

Oh, and Argos is a catalogue shop in the UK...
Let's just say I had my majority when GT1 came out, I was married and had already bought my first house.

I've just realised, I'll have nearly paid off the mortgage by the time GT5 comes out.
46? Hm if so we'll have to wait for 10 years... :lol:

yup. I believe it will take that long if they keep delaying because of the complaints that something is wrong with the game.Although if they keep listening to the whiners that want every other sim in GT5 (Reverse lights , skid marks , better trees etc.) it will never get released.
This age gap, for me, is the most revealing and is exactly what I was striving to convey as the creator of this thread. were a 14 year old KID when GT4 came to be....and you'll practically be able to drink when GT5 is out.

Im in the exact same boat I was 14 in 2004 and I turned 20 in January. Only because I live in Canada I was able to drink last year. You see in Canada the drinking age is 19.
i am 25 now.. i will join the army this year.. i have been waiting for gt5 since 2006 now i must join to Army..
I think i was 5 or 6 when i got my original playstation with Rayman and Gran Turismo. Ahh, i remember the good times.
GT5 the special "After Life" edition; all the cars you dreamt of playing IRL now fully recreated with heavenly graphics, bone-crunching physics and all brought to you by a marketing department straight outta hell.....:scared:
GT5 the special "After Life" edition; all the cars you dreamt of playing IRL now fully recreated with heavenly graphics, bone-crunching physics and all brought to you by a marketing department straight outta hell.....:scared:

HAHA. This thread has made me laugh many times. And that wasn't even why I made it. But it's what I need right now.
None of the skills you learn in GT will help you get a driving licence (unless it's a racing licence). In a racing game your aim is to try and take a car to the absolute limit of it's potential, on a driving test you are trying to drive within the laws of the road and ultimately in the safest way as possible. My advice to you would be to forget everything to do with GT when driving on your driving test.
I don't know, if this astonishing story is true: I read, the winner of the 24h Nürburgring in 2004 learned the track-layout by playing GT4. He had never seen the Original track before. So, playing CAN help you, to become a better driver
How are we answering this question when there isn't even a PROJECTED release date yet?

There WAS, only for Japan, but that has been announced delayed, other than that, they really haven't given squat other than tidbits trying to keep peoples interest.

I am 100% positive this game will have lackluster sales compared to what was originally expected, and will be the last time for a long time an "artist" like KY is allowed to delay a game for over half a decade. I would bet my left nut they'll be losing quite the sum of money due to their screwing around, hell they already have, since XBOX is the only console with a full-blown racing/driving simulator that includes more than 1 or 2 types of cars.