How the hell is `Tsukuba` a swear word???

  • Thread starter Nismo GTi
My swearword dictionary:

Tsukuba: Short, tedious and highly overrated, having delusions of grandeur.

Usage: "Now, that Carla Bruni is a real looker, but I don't get why she's with Sarkozy, he's a complete...."
My swearword dictionary:

Tsukuba: Short, tedious and highly overrated, having delusions of grandeur.

Usage: "Now, that Carla Bruni is a real looker, but I don't get why she's with Sarkozy, he's a complete...."

It seems as though the mustard is completely off the hotdog now....
Great thread, OP. :lol:
Censorship is b.s.

lol, I hope that was intentional.

I hate it when I type a long sentence and bam *******

Then if I send it as three messages, it works. Maybe they want to sell more mics :)
lol, I hope that was intentional.

I hate it when I type a long sentence and bam *******

Then if I send it as three messages, it works. Maybe they want to sell more mics :)

Yes intentional,im not typing out the real thing ha
Censorship is b.s.

I completely agree... But...
I think I understand where "they" (Sony... PD... whoever) are coming from, though. GT5 has an "E" = "Everyone" rating, right? This is just my take on it, but I think they're just trying to protect the integrity of the rating.
I doubt it's protecting as many as it's annoying, but, it's a politically correct world.
Whatchya gonna do, right?
First off, the swear filter isn't from PD, they use the same chat filter that the PS3/PSN uses for regular chat sessions on the XMB.

Second of all, you have to stop assuming that certain words are filtered. The truth is, most of these words are filtered not because of the words themselves, but because they have a combination of letters in them that consolidate another smaller word.

A couple examples:

Tsukuba. The word "Tsukuba" isn't filtered, the word "suk" is. Try it out, type out "suk" and it'll be filtered.
Bacon. The same deal. "Con" is filtered.

The PS3's chat filter apparently filters out many swear words in many different languages. From what I read above, "con" is apparently a french swear word and I've come across my fair share of english words that contain swear words in spanish and they're filtered out too, despite the fact that the word I'm typing means something completely different.

See the problem? ;)

So my screen name comes out as **********?
Goddam nanny state. Its a cruel world outside of the insulated confines. Censorship just makes it more dangerous. The more info you know the better it is
GT5 might be an E rating, but most games have the disclaimer that online play is not rated. I can't type bacon, but I can listen to a prepubescent child with a mic call me a 🤬 🤬 🤬 son of a 🤬 🤬

Very E for Everyone. :D
Goddam nanny state. Its a cruel world outside of the insulated confines. Censorship just makes it more dangerous. The more info you know the better it is

Once again, I agree completely. Just sayin' what I think they're thinking.
Somebody's 8-year-old is exposed to a couple of f-bombs in the chat (cuz they've *never* heard *that* before) and the next thing you know there's a big ol' lawsuit and some JUDGE finds Sony guilty and...
I am so horribly off topic...
Once again, I agree completely. Just sayin' what I think they're thinking.
Somebody's 8-year-old is exposed to a couple of f-bombs in the chat (cuz they've *never* heard *that* before) and the next thing you know there's a big ol' lawsuit and some JUDGE finds Sony guilty and...
I am so horribly off topic...

Valid point,but thats why there is a disclaimer saying saying online play isnt rated. That essentially covers sonys ass
First off, the swear filter isn't from PD, they use the same chat filter that the PS3/PSN uses for regular chat sessions on the XMB.

Second of all, you have to stop assuming that certain words are filtered. The truth is, most of these words are filtered not because of the words themselves, but because they have a combination of letters in them that consolidate another smaller word.

A couple examples:

Tsukuba. The word "Tsukuba" isn't filtered, the word "suk" is. Try it out, type out "suk" and it'll be filtered.
Bacon. The same deal. "Con" is filtered.

The PS3's chat filter apparently filters out many swear words in many different languages. From what I read above, "con" is apparently a french swear word and I've come across my fair share of english words that contain swear words in spanish and they're filtered out too, despite the fact that the word I'm typing means something completely different.

See the problem? ;)

Then CON and SUK should only be filtered if typed alone and not within a word! The filter is really really bad. And YES it seems its not GT5 doing it, its SONY. So we should yank on SONY's chain and tell THEM.
Are you sure its Sony ? I just typed plenty of the words in this post plus some choice swear words in playstation home ( as an experiment) and had no censoring whatsoever :mischievous: infact people were clapping at me :scared: maybe they thought I have typing touretts 💡
Are you sure its Sony ? I just typed plenty of the words in this post plus some choice swear words in playstation home ( as an experiment) and had no censoring whatsoever :mischievous: infact people were clapping at me :scared: maybe they thought I have typing touretts 💡

Yes, it's Sony and not PD.

Use the Party chat option and try out these words, they'll be censored just the same.

The same words are also censored in LittleBigPlanet as well. They just used the censor that Sony created to keep things "E" rated.

Don't worry too much, Xbox live is worse. Every now and then, they'll update their censor and some people will have to change their Username or lose it entirely. Also, user created content (such as maps, files and such) are also subject to this stupidity. You'd think they'd at least "grandfather" some of the stuff in. But nope.
Um... isn't that what I just said Coxis?

I wasn't talking to you, my post just happened to be below yours.

I'm just trying to raise awareness that not all of the game's faults are of PD's making. If you don't believe it yet, then try opening up a regular chat session over the XMB (the option is above the "inbox" button on the friends portion of the XMB). Try typing out Tsukuba, Bacon, Fukijama, cockpit and any words like that. They'll be filtered out. The filter is just absolutely dreadful. Sometimes you can't even make out why the word was filtered, as the swear word contained in the word you typed isn't even in english (or whatever your native language/spoken languages are).

I remember I was very happy when they announced the new chat feature on the XMB and within 3 minutes of fiddling with it I realized it was almost unusable. You have to jump through hoops to -only- get some words to even show. Typing whole words with spaces in between, trying to figure out why your word was filtered. It's a mess.