How to double shift in the radical?

United States
United States
It seems like the top players in daily race c this week are skipping from 4th to 6th, is the only way to do this with an h pattern? Or is there a way with a controller.
It's worth noting H-pattern is banned from online races due to its exploits originating from Sport. You can do this skipping just fine on wheel, even controller. Just wait for a moment after the initial shift, and then shift again as it's in the process of performing the previous shift.
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It's worth noting H-pattern is banned from online races due to its exploits originating from Sport. You can do this skipping just fine on wheel, even controller. Just wait for a moment after the initial shift, and then shift again as it's in the process of performing the previous shift.
Thanks, I’ll try that out! I might’ve made an early assumption