How To Get Outisde of Laguna Seca

  • Thread starter Shannon
You sure that's the right gate? there's 2 gates, one in front of the starting line, and one after it. It's the first one that works.
I'll try it when I finish my Enduro race. Aften I finish that, all I gotta do is the North City Manuf races AND I FINISH THE GAME!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! Well, except for the licenses.....
I paused the game after about an hour, thumbs were tired. BTW, i managed to pull off a 1:03:3xx. What can you guys manage??
I dont know either. If you have the greatest hits, why don't you go out and try it then. That will answer your question.
I've only tried it with the Arta Zexel Skyline....could only get it up to 446 or could probably get up to 250 if I tried it long enough. Maybe tonight I'll give the Escudo a run at it. Have to buy a new one just to try it though... lol....don't wanna f-up my gear settings on the "race" setup I got on the one i have now.
Got the HKS Skyline up to 267.62 with a 28 AutoGear and a 2.5 Final Drive. Probably got another 10mph left in the motor after I raise the final drive just a bit and put the autogear at 30. I'm sure the Escudo will have about 15-20mph on the Skyline though, since I already have the Escudo running a on the test course.
Haven't tried this at Laguna, so it probably doesn't belong here, but I got the HKS 180 dragster up to 311mph (501 kph) at Mland
I managed to get out of Laguna Seca with a 401 hp Delta, which is FWD. So if a meadocre player like me can manage to do that, everyone should. ^_^
Originally posted by Option2
I couldn't do it with any RWD cars....Errr.....well, I only tried one...the Cerberra......

But the Arta Zexel Skyline worked just it up to 245ish about 500rpm short of redline....wouldn't go past that.

Oh, and if you go too far from the track.....the car dissapears from the screen......and you'll get lost. I suggest you make your way around the go diagonal (sp) up towards the upper right corner of the screen so you can still track the little red dot on the course map.

have fun.

*Notes Post Above*

The trick is really to pry your car between the corner. Steer to the left and right and try to fishtail the back end into the left or right side, with my Delta it got stuck on the corner but after a few turns and 2 minutes I was free and running around on the dirt out there.

And for anyone who doesn't know, it's the second gate, the fenced one with the road behind it.