How to upload short video replay from gts ?

If you haven't changed the capture length on the PS4 (which i think is 15mins by defualt).

Download Share Factory app from PS Store.
View replay (assuming less than 15mins)
Press Share button
Save capture
Use Share factory to edit capture to length that you want.
Then upload edited capture to youtube
Post link
Double press share button on controller to manualy start recording. Press it once again to stop recording and square to save the clip. Then upload to youtube from capture gallary or trough sharefactory. You might need to link your youtube acount to psn acount first.
Sorry to revive old thread - is the only way to upload video via YouTube? I tried uploading file like I do for occassional photos but the MP4 files are greyed out so can't be selected......
You should just be able to go to the capture gallery and share the file from there.

List the steps you are attempting to use so we can hopefully spot the issue.