How was 2013 to you?

How was 2013 to you?

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Worst year I have had in my entire life. Way too many negative events to even post. Cant wait for this year to be over. There really was not much at all positive about 2013 for me. :(
Very good year actually :D, but I wouldn't call it great...

It was my 1st full year working, earning my money and buying my things with it :)👍 clothes, watches, sunglasses... :cool:

Got my Lasik surgery done, travelled more than the previous 4 years combined... had some fun looking and driving fast cars...

The only thing that prevented this year from being great is that I couldn't, again, close the deal with the girl I've been dating for the last 3-4 years... we had maaaaaany ups and downs this year... :guilty:

But anyway... Cheers for 2013!!! :cheers:
Been quite an average 2013 for me.


Going to the Honda Indy Toronto double header.
Driving a few of my dream cars as a 20th birthday present.
Going to my first 6 Nations rugby match.
My cousin became a father for the first time.


Finding a decent apprenticeship proved fruitless due to no responses.
Struck down with a stomach bug around a week before I left for Toronto.
Initial plans for getting my parent's Christmas present were shot to pieces.
Wasted time going to college for extra time to work on an engineering project since nobody in my group turned up.
2013 was okay some good some bad moments.

Ups included getting a Seat Cupra, going to the GT6 reveal at Silverstone, equalling my best round of golf (72) and driving a 458:drool:

Downs included failing on job promotion, receding hairline:lol: and a few other things:banghead:

However it most certainly could be worse. Looking forward to 2014:tup:
Not too good at all. Started off with the passing of two family members, lost my job, lost my business, lost my girlfriend, rough time finding employment, car got trashed moving across the country and the insurance company just looked the other way. Yup, not too good at all.
Started out "meh", unless something extraordinary happens in the next 36 hours it'll finish out as "meh".

About average I guess.
I said something similar last year in a similar thread.

2013 isn't over yet, still more than one day to go. Anything can happen that can make or brake a year.

I graduated, got started on my career, got a car.

Got dumped by a long time GF. Hmm.
I voted Perfect only because nobody in my family or my friends died and they were all pretty healthy. That's all I needed this year, was to spend more time with them.
A mix. For me, i've had a decent year, and we've had some good winners in motorsport. But we've also had far too many incidents, so here's to a safer season of racing in 2014 :cheers:.

Looking to next year, I want to lay down some plans for my future by looking at the Ginetta Junior scholarship.
Depends on how I see it.

A good year for everything relating to my music skills and confidence. A terrible year if you consider non music productivity. A good year in school due to just enjoying the time I had left of being a student and being allowed to focus on only the classes I wanted to. Started earning money too, so I guess we end up with a decent year in the end. Lookin' forward to 2014.
Pretty average year. Nothing particular outstanding, and nothing particularly awful. Finished one year of uni and started another one, went to Germany and Luxembourg in August. Family are still here, still have money, still have a roof over my head. Can't complain.
Family is healthy and doing well.
My wife and I are still married.
Jobs are going good.
The new house is awesome.
Kids are settled into the new neighborhood.

Pretty pleased with '13.
It was a pretty average year. The only great thing I guess is going to the Chicago Auto Show for the first time. That's why I voted good.
More up's than down's, and the down's I hope to learn from to ensure I at least get something back from them.
Bought a house, got engaged, received a promotion, and managed not to completely destroy my racecar. I had my downs too, but just looking to focus on the positives.
Pretty average for me.

A-lot of things happened to me in 2013 that I don't want to come up again

Lost a-lot of friends.
Had decent disclosure with old class mates which let them know what I was going through
Summer sucked ass, no AC, no one to hang out with.. Just torture.
Started my college career.
Met a few people in Sanfrancisco.
Went through a bit during college because of a specific class.

I don't know. I have mixed feelings.

I know 2014 will be better for sure. 2013 was okay but the years before were a bit more forgiving. Hopefully I'll be moving to a different state in 2014 or 2015, all I know is that I'll be able to live by my true intentions. I have classes I'm actually interested in and I'll have more money next year so there will be a constant stream of interesting.
The year was full of ups and downs as per normal.

Highest up: As I'll be 40 shortly I decided to lose some weight and lost a lazy 32kg and got a hell of a lot fitter in the process.
Lowest down: My wife spent a couple of weeks in hospital which sadly is to be expected every now and then.

Not complaining though as it's pointless and overall in the grand scheme of things it was a pretty good year. 👍
Mostly highs for the first 11 months. Got settled into a new job, made a lot of new friends in class - a few I'd even say are now good ones - received a raise at that job and the other I juggled during summer, snatched a few more freelance clients, and spent a lot of quality time with a handful of close friends. Living with the girlfriend has proven strong, and we had our first real (mini) vacation in NYC in September, getting to meet Jordan and T-12.

This month, less good. Started it off having the family dog pass, then two family members in the last two weeks. There are other things, but I'd rather not dwell on them. On the plus side, another raise, but either way, I'm hoping 2014 is more in line with how the rest of 2013 was.
I just had a telephone call from my father, who is still in the hospital.

It is his very first time to spend New Year's Eve in the hospital. He still not out the woods, yet.

In that respect, this is the second time he is in the hospital this year, it's has not been a good year for the both of us.
Getting better almost 4 years now.
I can't complain my year was now bad since I know how bad things can be.
Anyway Im happy what I got this year :)
Bit of a mixed bag this year.

Low points:

My stepfather being diagnosed with liver cancer. He's in hospital as I type this. He's always been a fighter, but at his age, the prognosis is never going to be very good.
My son and his wife separating after 7 years of marriage.
Pete having to go through having his thyroid nuked.
Being made redundant after 9 years with the same company.

High points:

Pete being back to his normal self after the radio-iodine treatment.
Ending up with my sons two cats.
New car.
New and so much better paid job.

Funniest point:

Coming back into Dover after a day trip to France not long after Pete had had his treatment to be pulled aside at Customs. People swarming all around the car...with a geiger counter. Old Mr Radioactive man had set off the radiation detectors. I couldn't speak for laughing!

All in all, more good than bad this year.
S'alright, I s'pose, whatever.

Passed GCSEs and am now sitting pretty at my school's sixth form. Which is lovely.

Except next year I get the chance to start driving lessons...
Not bad. Bit of a mix really.

I graduated this year from a good uni with a respectable average grade, all while juggling a ton of extra work/responsibility both on and off campus. Won student media contributor of the year there as well (amongst a highly competitive group). After that I got shortlisted for quite a prestigious media award, which *technically* makes me one of the top young journalists in the UK.

I've been driving for a year now without incident.

My family is in good health. Dad recovered from some major surgery.

Now the bad:
My car got severely keyed. Then I had a bunch of expensive stuff stolen. Nearly £2k worth. I've replaced the stuff that was lost, but my wallet is hurting because of it and it's set back a few bigger purchases for a few months at the least. I lost all my essays but I have hard draft copies of them anyway. This all happened within the space of a month.

I'm in a bit of a quarter life crisis - not really knowing what to do next, afraid that I'm wasting precious time. All part of growing up I suppose.

Re-reading this all, the bad isn't that bad actually. It's all stuff that can (well has been) replaced and stuff that can be fixed.