How was your decade?

  • Thread starter mafia_boy


Hey guys, it's now the last day of 2009 over here and the last day of the 2000's. So I want to say an early Happy New Year to you all at GTPlanet and give you guys a couple of questions to leave the decade with.

1. What was your favourite or most memorable moments of the past 10 years in your lives??

2. What was your worst or least memorable moments of the past 10 years in your lives??

For me it would have to be this:

Most memorable: The birth of my son in September 2005, which will never be topped. Meeting my wife in 2001 would tie with that moment, because without her, I wouldn't have my child or have such a wild time in the 2000's. Next would be the Sydney Olympics in 2000, we will never have such a good feeling in that city ever again after that period, it was the most fun I'd had with hundreds of thousands of friends and strangers. And finally, being able to kick a lot of bad things in my life that I'd become 'hooked' with in the 1990's.

Least memorable: Worst was my brother who passed away in 2004, I'd never been kicked so hard emotionally in my life during that period. Second would be having to give up a prominent career in early 2005 to foster care for two relatives who drove me to hell and back, and 2008-09 when I was stupid enough to do the same thing and foster care for for four other relatives and as a consequence, had my wife disowned by her own family. I still feel partly to blame for it and try to do everything to make her life better since that happened, even though it wasn't our faults that we were disowned.

So.....what happened to you boys and girls?? What do you like to remember and wish to forget?? :)
Wow, a lot has happened to me in this decade, considering it's been over half my life. I've been through 3 moves, I've picked up 3 different brass instruments, 2 of which I will be getting a degree in, I've joined GTPlanet, I've increased my friend count exponentially, I've gotten braces, I've gotten my learner's permit, and I've just gotten my wisdom teeth pulled. I've been from pretty much the beginning of grade school to my junior year, I've been through 10 Christmases, I've been on a cruise, I've discovered Top Gear and I've seen my brother go off to college.

My best memory: Man, there's a lot to choose from. If I had to choose though, it would probably be my first Petersburg trip I took with my friend. Other highlights would be the cruise, my time in Chesapeake, and my high school years so far.

My worst memory: Definitely getting braces. Shot my playing for a while. I got used to it but it has been a monumental pain to deal with all the tightenings, all the cuts in the lips from playing, and all the foods I can't eat. They'll be off before this summer though, so the '10s will be off to a good start!👍
Well, It's been a turbulent decade for me, with lots of happy memories and lots of sad memories:

Best Memories: Living in Oz for three years, Getting my job at the Airport, Cruising Alaska, Visiting Italy, Portugal, Croatia etc, Birth of my Nephew (2001), Meeting and Marrying my (ex)wife, Taking ownership of 3 Cars, Moving into my (compact) house, Receiving my Best Bud, Nevis the Westie for Christmas 2003. And as of Yesterday, Being accepted into the College of Air Traffic Control in Bournemouth.

Worst Memories: Divorcing my wife after only 9 months marriage, Crashing my 206 into a wall, Losing 3 of my Grandparents (2000, 2003, 2004), Losing my beloved Auntie Sheila
(2006), Losing my Cat, Jess to Cancer (2006 also), Having my toe (and shoe) lacerated by a Strimmer, Seeing my friend being Domestically Abused (She's fine now) and Failing my medical test 4 times for ATCO College.

But hopefully 2010-2020 will be an eventful decade, and see me age into my thirties gracefully.
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Best memories: First and foremost getting my Barracuda. I never thought I'd be able to get my hands on one, let alone buy it completely with my own hard earned cash. I don't think anything can beat the feeling of buying your dream car as your first car at 16. Second would be when my family got our cat, I don't know why I like cats so much but I love him to death.

Worst memories: My parents moving us to Florida from New Hampshire. At 14 with very little social skills and growing up in a small town I wasn't ready for a move, let alone to somewhere that is basically the complete opposite of where I grew up. On the up side I got a much better high school education than I would have gotten, but on the down side I completely lost interest in sports, my well being, and to be completely honest became really depressed and had many thoughts of suicide up until I got my Barracuda.
Best memories: Playing GT2 and GT4 non-stop whenever I could, turning 10, studying in school and making a lot of awesome friends in the process, getting my dog, learning english, knowing the difference between a Lambo and a Veyron, making my very first online friends, having braces, and a lot of things that at the moment can't even remember, but that will strike me once I get into the shower.

Worst memories: Honestly, can't think of anything bad here.

2001: Bought house and shagged up with my girlfriend
2002: Got married (to said girlfriend), finally got my driver's license
2003: Being able to bench press 120kg
2005: Leaving my employer at which I worked for 7 years for a career in IT
2006: Birth of my first child (daughter)
2007: Started my own business
2008: Got myself a Nissan 350Z
2009: Managed to get through the financial crisis unharmed


2004: Suffered a burnout
2009: Death of my aunt (cancer)

So yeah, despite a few bad things, this pretty much was my decade! 👍
Best memories: I can't really pinpoint one, I'm happy pretty much all the time, but there was one time when we were riding snowmobiles around Lake Chelan a few years back, there was all of the go-karting I did, and there was the vacation to Hawaii.

Worst memories: It seems that to make up for my constant level of happy, I've gotten some hellish moments. My father died in 2001, my mom had to get laid off because of the work she missed, she's been in school since 2002, fourth grade was absolute hell, brought upon by my own idiocy, seventh grade was very similar, the beginning of puberty really screws one up, and when my brother's car's transmission broke.
Actually, this decade has been quite an adventurous one for me. I've lived in the UK, Australia and Saudi Arabia on multiple occasions and the culture in the middle east is very different. I have had the good fortune of making it through my teens and I am now twenty-one years old.

The most memorable: This might sound corny, but all of those 'firsts' you get that tell you you're growing up. First kiss, first time on the road, first shag, and so on... Not all were good, but they sure were memorable! Also, some of the places I've lived in have been real eye-openers that have changed me forever. Finishing high school, albeit with (at the time) very average grades, was especially important to me as it was something I never thought would happen, and has since kept me out of unemployment.

The least favourite moments: Of course, not everything goes well, especially when you're growing up. Seeing humanity and human decency fail for the first time is a harsh lesson to learn. Also, I too moved about as a child, and it does have its down-sides. The instability (as one factor among many, of course) has probably contributed to many of the negative aspects of my life.
Dang I cant even begin to explain how much my life has change this last decade. I basically went from unemployment, broke, still in college, almost homeless, had nothing, and misreable. Now graduated from college, a very good architectural/ engineering job that I have been at for 9 years, have my own small side job, we own our beautiful house, have 2 muscle cars, the 69 Camaro I road track race every chance I can get, a Subaru impreza daily driver I always wanted, her daily driver Saturn, 2 quads for fun, multiple gaming systems, multiple HDTVS, multiple surround sound, new everything, and so much more I cant even list. We really have just about anything we could ask for. The last 7 years have been the best years of our lives. Thats how long Heather and I have been together.
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Bought house and shagged up with my girlfriend

I sincerely hope you meant "shacked up" as in "moving in" because "shagged up" has a totally different meaning altogether. :)
In that format, Here's my decade in chronological order:

2000: Moved back from Australia, Lost my Grandfather.
2001: Met my Ex-Wife, Visited Croatia. New Nephew.
2002: Sold the Fiesta and Bought the Corsa.
2003: Recieved my Dog, Lost Grandad, Visited Italy.
2004: Lost Nana, Got Job at Edinburgh Airport.
2005: Moved into my Small House with my Wife-to-be.
2006: Lost Auntie Shiela, Lacerated Foot, Cruised Alaska
2007: Married my (Ex)Wife, Visited Portugal, Cat Died
2008: Bought Mitsubishi Colt-CC, Colt Smashed and got Written Off. Divorce.
2009: Birthday Zafira, IM GONNA BE AN ATCO (hopefully)
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-Going from 9-19.
-First kiss, first love, first time.
-Learning to drive.
-Going from Harry Potter look-a-like to McLovin look-a-like.
-Running my first 10Km.
-Geting 3rd in a European youth karate tournament.
-Going to University.

-Going to first funeral (Aunty, though weren't close).
-Nan passing away (Very close).
-(At the time) Not getting into my first choice university.

Not gonna lie, it's been pretty good.
Best - Kids being born

Worst - Finding out one of them has CF

Like you guys didn't see that one coming...

Worst memories: Honestly, can't think of anything bad here.
Being forced to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve?
-Going from 9-19.
-First kiss, first love, first time.
-Learning to drive.
-Going to University.

Evan summed it up for me, although I never looked like Harry Potter :P

Also, breaking up with my girlfriend has to, ironically, go into the "pros" section as well.
1)Most memorable moments: Marrying my beutiful wife, getting great kities moving to where I live now.:)
2)Least Memorable moments: finding out I having kidney failer, losing my father inlaw(great freinds), now being on kidney dialluses although not to bad I guess.:yuck:

2007 - My driver's license.

2008 - My first car.


2007 - Death of my second-cousin's mother.

2008 - Death of my father.
Interesting topic. In this decade, which I started at only 14 years old...

- I've had serious and not so serious relationships, cumulating with meeting my current long-term girlfriend (2.5 years and counting...)
- Made some friends I'll never lose...
- Been to some places I'll never forget (done the Route 66 trip (2007), been to the United Arab Emirates etc) and will have to return to...
- Had four different jobs (from 2001 onwards)...
- Earned a 2.1 in a Business BA degree (2007) and started a Masters degree in Journalism (2008)...
- Started learning guitar (2002)...
- Played on three different generations of PlayStation...
- Learned how to drive (2003)...
- Reached the finals of a motor racing scholarship (2006)...

Bad points?

- Loved and lost (too often)...
- Lost some friends I'll never make again...
- Lost the innocence of youth and realised that life is far more difficult than people made out when I was a kid...
- Realised I'll never have the talent to be a professional musician or racing driver...
- Spent too much money that I realise now was a waste...

You could generally call me an optimist though. The "pros" above massively outweigh the "cons" for me, and being the person I am, I'm determined to make the next ten years even better than the past ten years have been. We'll see how that goes...
Bests: Drivers' license and first car, visit to Australia, Gran Turismo in general and finding GTP, getting my first job.

Worsts: Constantly being picked on and bullied in school early in the decade; attempted suicide at... I was 11, if i remember right. That's over with now, though. Also, a large amount of my family died this decade. I think I went to ten funerals, and there were a lot that I couldn't go to.
Not so good 10 years for me, not much going on but I'm grateful for what i have

Well, list what has happened. 👍 I want some details. I mean it's 10 YEARS, not 10 minutes so I think a lot of things good and bad would've happened to you!
Mine was ok, I'll be glad to leave in the past.

Bahamas -2002
Jamaica- 2004
Graduating high school- 2007 (can't beleive it's already been almost 2 years)
Finally getting to take part in an inside joke- A week ago.:P

Basically losing contact with my best friend who I had known for basically my whole life.
Having my home foreclosed on when I was 17 and my mom completely lying to me about it. Needless to say we have sort of grown apart afterwards.

Hopefully the next decade will include me living in Colorado.(Taking a roadtrip there this summer)
A lot has happened over these past 10 years, a lot of it I do not remember. However some of the biggest events were as follows:

The Good
  • Graduating from university. When I was younger I always thought it seemed like such a long way off, even in 2000 it seemed like such a long time coming. I was finally though my educational career in 2008 and it was definitely a huge step in my life.
  • Study abroad in Europe 2007, nothing like learning more about another culture by immersing yourself into it. I met so many people from all over the world, many of who I stay in contact with regularly.
  • Travelling Europe in 2001, going to Germany, France and Switzerland. Having just learned enough German to make it useful it was cool to explore a land where I could commutate, at least to a degree with the locals in their own language.
  • Driver's license, since I was so into cars from an early age it was pretty much the one thing I had dreamt about for years and years. The day I got it was awesome.
  • Meeting Kate, my girlfriend, and potential future wife. I met her back in 2003 and it's been a pretty good 7 years with some hiccups along the way but I think everything has smoothed out nicely.
  • Meeting my best friends, I know I'll know these guys for the rest of my life and we have created more memories that I care to admit (or can admit).
  • New house in 2001, went from living in a very small home (which my parents bought shortly after they were married) to our much larger home in a nicer area.

The Bad
  • My grandpa's decline in health. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, suffered a stroke, and had to be put into a nursing home. It's been hard on our whole family but in a way brought us closer together because a lot of the arguing between some members of the family has been resolved in order to help my grandma and grandpa out both financially and emotionally.
  • My dad losing his job (well being forced into retirement), it was initially difficult on our family but we've since persevered and changed our lifestyle to make this better all around.
  • Missed opportunities. There were several.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot and could go on for days, but this seems to be what sticks in my mind.
I entered this decade three weeks removed from ten years old. :lol: Now, as we exit it, I'm staring down the barrel of turning 20. :scared:

  • Surviving high school (ha!), making a bunch of awesome mates in the process (2003-2007)
  • Learning how to program in VB.NET (2003), Java and C(++) (2008/9), thus spending hours upon hours in the school holidays making totally random programs that did nothing in particular. Gave me the perfect chance to exercise my creative bone, and I had tremendous fun doing so
  • Finding GTP and all you nutcases (2004)
  • Owning all three generations of Playstation (original grey brick, slim PS2 and slim PS3)
  • Experiencing Windows XP (2002) and 7 (2009)
  • Getting my drivers licence (2005), which I was so keen to get, being a car junkie
  • Entering (and just about to exit) the teenage years (start of 2000)

  • Doing pretty well in my first year of uni (2008), only to totally bomb in the second (2009)
  • Vista (2009) :lol:
  • Getting bullied at intermediate school (2001-2002)... that sucked big time. Didn't have many friends back then, which didn't help much. :/

That's about it... I have a pretty boring life. :dopey:
It all sucked, every last minute of it. Wonder I'm still alive, not kidding. Came close to the edge several times. Damn, too young to be talking about this crap.

Some was good I suppose. I mean, found GTPlanet, lurked for literally years on and off, and then joined in '06. Pretty good round here. Also, met some people that I will never forget and never let go.
Well this decade represents most of my life thus far, I was 7-8 when it started, and had just turned 9 when the 9/11 Terrorist attacks started, so just old enough to really remember a lot.

The Ups:

  • Moving into our current house, which provides much more room than our old one (the old house could fit in our current basement and there'd still be 500sq feet to go around)
  • Learning a ton of stuff to do with Computers, especially in the last year with Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML, CSS and PHP coding.
  • Introduced to NASCAR and Diecast collecting (Main reason I'm a fan is the diecast looked so cool :P)
  • Videogames - Received my first game console (PS1) from a friend in 2001, 2004 I got a PS2 and then the PS3 in 2007.
  • Gotten closer with God - Especially in this past year.
  • Learned the value of Money, and why I shouldn't waste it the second I get it (Even though I still do :ouch:)
  • Helping to start up and eventually managing my own fairly popular website where I (and 40 other "Artists") provide a lot of cool work for people.
  • Building a site from the ground up, twice :P
The Downs:

  • My first "Crush" on a girl, turned into nothing and eventually we never talked because her new (at the time) boyfriend got jealous :S
  • The Awkwardness of Puberty, especially your parents making sure you know that they know what's going on with you, that's always especially awkward.
  • My Grandmother's decline in health over the past few years (Reason for the current house)
  • Currently I'm at the age where my friends are all getting into relationships and becoming distant, and the ones that don't, complain about not being in a relationship :crazy:.
  • Still haven't got my Learner's permit, though that's partly because I haven't decided if it's better to wait until I'm almost out of the house so I don't have to drive my mom everywhere like she's threatening to have me do, or just go ahead and get it so I can be that little bit more free (and consequentially less free at the same time) and drive myself? Or should I just walk or ride a bike everywhere? :P
More to come if I think about them.

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Considering this is the only decade I have memories from (I don't remember the 90's) it's pretty easy picking through my memories this decade.

Best Memories: I'd have to say, summers over the years hanging out with friends. Whether it was fun things like basketball with our "street-rules" and our constant bickering over what was legal or not. Or there was the work like putting up a fence, or doing guard duty at the local county fair. Both were fun. Just the overall experiences that my friends and I have shared. That and seeing pictures of my newborn niece, and my 2 year old nephews.

Worst Memories: Well, at the very beginning of the decade in 2000, 3 of my family members died in a car wreck because of some 16 year old that wasn't paying attention in an intersection. I was 5 at the time and for some reason, my parents didn't take me with them to the funeral. In February 2008, my grandfather died from a stroke he suffered the previous Christmas and my mom and I ended up flying over to our family in Minnesota and he died the second day we were there. The worst part of that was that I barely got to know him. Even the two weeks we were there catching up with the family weren't consolation enough to the loss.

On a non-depressing note, I passed my Driver's Permit test back in June of this year but here we are, 6 months later and the DMV hasn't given me my permit because they keep turning their nose up at every piece of paperwork that we present to them, even though it's the exact paperwork they wanted. I also didn't really like the "trends" in this decade. The hip-hop, gangsta crap doesn't appeal to me at all.

As for the future, well I'm not sure what's going to happen in the coming decade. Today, I signed up to be on the local "Mercy Flights" post. (It's like an sub-EMT unit) I hope to get a job in the medical field and I'm taking medical themed courses at the local community college. I'm in the preparation stage for my adult life. From 5 - 15, that was my decade.
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Over the last decade I have grown up, I have gone from 4 and a half to 14 and a half in this decade.


  • Graduated from Primary School
  • Earnt the right to go wherever I want
  • Became a Teenager
  • Moved from Adelaide to Queensland
  • Have had tonnes of friends since the end of Primary and Beginning of High School (2007-09)
  • Looking at a great future
  • Have had my pet cat for the whole decade, turns 10 in a few weeks


  • Death of dad's dad and mum's mum.
  • Being bullied from Grades 3-6, horrible, the people there were horrible. Worst years of my life.
  • Losing Primary School Friends
  • Cant think of much else, not too much really happened.