How would weather enhance the gameplay ?.

United Kingdom
Somewhere only we know.
If the weather is updated to GT5 day to day & used for tarmac tracks :scared:, how would that help ?.As said before we could turn it off, therefore then use a default weather setting ( weather could regenerate so isn't dull when racing on another track ) or create your own.Or maybe pick out calmer & warmer weather from another country, simple 💡 but from another climate & possibly from the other side of the world.I know F1 cars race when raining & if the day is called off in GT5, how can you pick a good day if it's raining heavily all week.
I just like to think that we have the option between real-life conditions and custom conditions.

Many if not all tracks handle differently when rain or snow comes into factor. The time of day comes to factor as well, where in night-time, the tires will not warm up as fast as during day time. And if you say night-time doesn't change the track at all, you should re-think your position.

The infamous LeMans track, it ALWAYS rain there in the time of the 24 hours races, and it causes the teams to change pitting strategy and driving techniques. This is why it should be implemented into GT, because it furthers simulates real-life racing conditions. If it rains in the middle of your race, well, you must adjust to it, just like real-life racers do.

But however PD does it, I know they'll do it right.
If the weather is updated to GT5 day to day & used for tarmac tracks :scared:, how would that help ?.As said before we could turn it off, therefore then use a default weather setting ( weather could regenerate so isn't dull when racing on another track ) or create your own.Or maybe pick out calmer & warmer weather from another country, simple 💡 but from another climate & possibly from the other side of the world.I know F1 cars race when raining & if the day is called off in GT5, how can you pick a good day if it's raining heavily all week.

I think that the problem is that your post is very difficult to understand. From what I can follow, you are writing of the pros and cons of weather. Not being hyper-critical of it as a feature, but seeking input from forum members about your prospects and concerns.

I'll just stick to your subject question.

I'd love to see a race series with harsh weather, especially online multiplayer. Rain or snow on Eiger would not only be incredibly beautiful, but much more more challenging.

24 hour races with the weather drenching or freezing the track, requiring alterations to your approach, little by little, as the track drys/welts/warms over a period. Not to mention tire choices.

Beyond the day and night temperature effects, there is a matter of visibility.
There's definitely a case for rain's inclusion.
A lot of races go from dry to wet or vice versa and continue after tyre changes. Some series like NASCAR generally don't race in the wet (for obvious safety reasons.)
However, most tarmac racing seasons that I can think of don't ever go into winter, so there's little chance of ever getting snow at a race (and it's doubtful an F1 race, say, would be allowed to go on if a freak-snowstorm hit.)

There are dedicated ice-racing series, and rallies that encompass snow, but when the car is already prepared for the conditions i.e. with snow or ice-racing tyres, then more snow isn't going to affect much, and it's unlikely that an ice-race,for example, would be hit by a sudden heatwave causing the track to thaw, so it's not a transition that a game would have to worry about.
For me personnaly, I would turn weather off, many games that do offer it, I turn it off. But for online and random weather, great challenge..

I rather see Day and night LIVE in game cycle instead. Making all endurance racing better for the eye.
There's definitely a case for rain's inclusion.
A lot of races go from dry to wet or vice versa and continue after tyre changes. Some series like NASCAR generally don't race in the wet (for obvious safety reasons.)
However, most tarmac racing seasons that I can think of don't ever go into winter, so there's little chance of ever getting snow at a race (and it's doubtful an F1 race, say, would be allowed to go on if a freak-snowstorm hit.)

There are dedicated ice-racing series, and rallies that encompass snow, but when the car is already prepared for the conditions i.e. with snow or ice-racing tyres, then more snow isn't going to affect much, and it's unlikely that an ice-race,for example, would be hit by a sudden heatwave causing the track to thaw, so it's not a transition that a game would have to worry about.

Sorry, when it comes to snowing and icy roads, I think like a Southern Californian. Here, snow and heat within a 12/24 hr period is not uncommon.

Wake up: "Hey, there's snow on the mountains."
Lunchtime: "AC, we need the AC...hurry."
I know what you mean, I'm in NoCal (SF Bay) and can go from Tahoe to home, from snow to rain to sun on the journey.
However, as I said, there's generally a good reason most tarmac racing on the calendar seems to take place between March & November, i.e. it is less likely to encounter snowy or freezing conditions.
Rallying is a different matter, they're expecting a variety of things (terrain & weather) and are prepared for it with grippy tyres, but even in a low-level single seater race on slicks, snowfall ought to stop the race immediately, it just wouldn't be safe, and thus there's no point in modelling snowing into GT5 as it'll serve no purpose other than to cut a race short. :ouch:
I have to agree with you on all but one point. Snow, though maybe not effecting an ice rally, would have purpose. Charm and aesthetics. :) Can't help it, I'm a sucker for both.
Go play PGR4 and see if you don't like the option of racing on the tracks under varying weather conditions.

How would weather enhance the gameplay? Well, it'd essentially multiply the number of tracks by the amount of weather conditions there are.

Plus, if weather dynamically changed during endurance races, they'd be more lively.
I've got to answer this thread with another question...."How would weather enhance real life?""

See what I mean? And this is the approach I've had towards GT all along.
Well I definitely want adjustable time of day and cloud cover. I do not want a track that is frozen with a specific look and lighting....
There are a few obvious gameplay enhancements with dynamic weather or a day/night cycle. Night time racing presents you with the issue of decreased visibility among others. But also in a long race, the time of the day when the sun is very low is a tricky situation for drivers. Light rain will affect the handling while moderate rain will also start to have a negative effect on visibility (especially in cockpit view). A mid-race change from dry to rainy conditions or vice versa will force you to change your pit strategy. Etc.

Plenty of gameplay enhancements. And if that's not enough it will simply add variety and make longer races much more interesting from a visual point of view. As for your suggestion of weather based on the real life conditions, once you go beyond moderate rain, the game shouldn't reflect that. Tarmac racing doesn't happen in heavy rain, storm, snow, freezing cold, etc, so it shouldn't be in GT5. Rally is different but keep in mind rally has a fixed calender which means you only get certain environments in certain seasons (which means fixed weather conditions to a certain extent).
If the weather is updated to GT5 day to day & used for tarmac tracks :scared:, how would that help ?.As said before we could turn it off, therefore then use a default weather setting ( weather could regenerate so isn't dull when racing on another track ) or create your own.Or maybe pick out calmer & warmer weather from another country, simple 💡 but from another climate & possibly from the other side of the world.I know F1 cars race when raining & if the day is called off in GT5, how can you pick a good day if it's raining heavily all week.

Ahh, you think about relation between real-life weather in certain area (Laguna Seca, Fuji, etc.) of the world and in-game weather . . . I don't think there will be any, I'm expecting events with given weather, just like in GT4 on wet Tsukuba.
It depends if you have live weather or random weather. With live weather then during the summer months you wouldn't see much rain. With random weather that would mean you could do an endurance race that is 100% dry but at the same time someone else is doing the race with it raining every 5 minutes which makes the progress and difficulty of the game quite variable. It's tricky as I don't really want events where for example after 4 mins 30 secs it starts raining then at 7 mins it stops every time I played that event as it would become as predictable as having a totally dry race.
No clue. I'm utterly against damage and weather not because I don't like them but just because I think:
1) it's almost impossible to implement those features to an acceptable realism standard worth of GT
2) even if it were possible there's lots of other stuff to improve and spend resources on first: AI, sound, more new real tracks and racing cars, editors etc
Ahh, you think about relation between real-life weather in certain area (Laguna Seca, Fuji, etc.) of the world and in-game weather . . . I don't think there will be any, I'm expecting events with given weather, just like in GT4 on wet Tsukuba.

You got it :).
If we do get a freak snowy day in July, would it be possible to get made up weather live so we can start the race ?.Could have this instead of creating the weather in a weather generator.Or the online host can use this weather generator.
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Like I've always said: If the competition has it then the best game (as many of you describe GT5) cannot allow to miss it.
No clue. I'm utterly against damage and weather not because I don't like them but just because I think:
1) it's almost impossible to implement those features to an acceptable realism standard worth of GT
2) even if it were possible there's lots of other stuff to improve and spend resources on first: AI, sound, more new real tracks and racing cars, editors etc

I'm feeling what you're saying pretty much. Same goes with day/night, livery editor, especially point #2.

I don't really care about rain. I expect select courses to offer wet races and it'll be cool but if it's absent I won't lose a wink of sleep. Day and night would be cool too but isn't critical to anything. Damage will add a layer of difficulty we've never dealt with in GT but if they're gonna do it it will be GT quality and I just wonder - yeah - how many tracks are we missing because of this novelty?

BUT, I think that in the end GT should have everything that reality has... so bring it on. GT5 will be the foundation for GT6, 7 and 8.. and we will get all of the content we can dream of in years to come. The physics, damage, weather, customization etc etc foundations should just be laid out now, what the heck.
I think damage is a neccesity to reduce bad driving habits of crashing off Walls to go around corners quicker. If damage moddling promotes better driving ettiquette I'm all for it.
I don't care for dynamic weather, but I think we should at least have wet courses. And I don't really think that's very hard to implement. I mean PGR4 had it, and it was implemented beautifully if you ask me. I know GT has superior graphics, but PD is known for squeezing the maximum out of the hardware.
well, like said above, if gt5 is to be considered as the real simulator it's a MUST that it has everything a race has, which is also damage, weather, day/night cycles and so on...
I've been driving in the snow for a few days, and I don't get the arguement that says snowy weather shouldn't be in the "The Real Driving Simulator" just because race series are held during the non-snowy seasons.