HTML code to search within my site

  • Thread starter earleD
i am a n00bie to this forum and this is my first post so please, bare with me here. I need to know how i can enable searches on my site. i have the search field but is there a code i have to put or what? i want it so you type in the keywords and it searches and finds matches to words only on my site. ex. you search for ratios and it will show up any where on my site that says ratios. my site is the code is too big to give you.
Originally posted by earleD
i looked at that and tried to set it up btu failed miserably, any other suggestions?
Well, the only way of setting up search engines for your site is either through CGI or PHP.
thanks alot shannon, it worked. now if only i could find a way to override the temp. and put the search thing at the bottom, in the top right in place of the other one. anyone know how?
Originally posted by earleD
thanks alot shannon, it worked. now if only i could find a way to override the temp. and put the search thing at the bottom, in the top right in place of the other one. anyone know how?
Well, I took a look at your source code and found this:

    <frame src="[b][color=green][/color][/b]" name="dot_tk_frame_content" scrolling="auto" noresize>

The green text indicated the page the frameset is loading. So, I copy and paste this URL into the address bar and hit Enter. It loads your website, but not the cloaked address. I had another look at your source code and found the following:

<td width="146" height="16" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- Search -->
<input type="text" name="search" value="Site Search" maxlength="70" class="input" size="20">
<!-- Search --></td>

My guess is that this is the original search box that came with the template. Remove that line from your code and you should be good as gold.