... The only morality I recognize is defined as acts that are consistent with human rights. ...
The only objective meaning for morality that I have ever found is to describe acts that are in concurrence with human rights (also objective).
This is exactly the issue. Different definitions.
Responsibility is concerning
acts that are consistent with human rights. You do not need an other word to say the same thing.
Any other definition of morality is not worth discussing because it holds no rational meaning to anyone, and only even holds irrational meaning to the person doing the talking.
What do you call the the way you decide the best between different options where you have no responsibility?
Generally people call that morality, I´m ready to accept other words, not other principles.
I would still call it immoral to kill, even in self defense.
What possible basis do you have for this statement other than it feels icky to you?
Immoral is when it is against one of my moral rules.
One rule is: It is immoral to not respect Human Rights.
Killing is against the human right to live. Killing is immoral, the context is irrelevant.
Objectively, when someone initiates force against you they have forfeited their own rights. This makes it moral (an action within the bounds of human rights) to use force to defend yourself.
Yes in my moral (reaching the best choice) the value of immorality diminishes with "infringing human rights". It can become an immoral, but defendable choice to infringe their human rights. That this is the best choice does not make it moral (there is no logic in that).
Logic: to state someone "forfeited their own rights" is against the human right that every human has Human Rights. So can not be in my moral rules.
In my definition Human rights are innate: impossible "to forfeited their own rights", impossible to change something innate.
You can have moral (the best choice) reasons to not respect Human Rights, that is there is not a more moral option.
We're human beings with brains that can grasp logic.
That makes that we can argue, it does not make it right.
The logic and arguments are based on assumptions, to not recognise your assumptions is wrong (in my moral).
I can state my assuptions, I can state the logic behind them, that makes it reasoning, it does not make it right.
The whole basis of discussion is that we could be wrong. Your assumptions against other assumptions.
Assumptions hold untill proven invalid or less worth (sadly not objective).
I have a lot the impression discussion here is, I change your assumption to prove your logic is wrong, where the assumtions are the basis of value of the result of the argument.
Logic as a system can not be wrong, but your logic (I guess many misuse this as a wrong abbreviation for your logical reasoning) can miss logical steps and be based on wrong assumptions.
Making the assumption invalid does not make the logic system invalid but the conclusion/argument.
There is always a choice.
But the choise is not always what we want, e.g."Kill or not to be killed in self defence situations"
There is no logic in stating there is always a moral choice, why would there be?
What means do you think are morally acceptable to defend your rights and what basis do you have for determining that those means are acceptable? Why do you think that deadly force is unacceptable? Please use objective reasoning to establish this as, otherwise, there is no reason for anyone else to subscribe to this notion.
Human rights are the basis, to defend you own Human Rights.
I believe generally this is called consistency "Do not do to an other what you you would not want them to do to you.
If you can not defend your Human Rights, human rights do not exist. Since my assumption is that a right is something you can defend.
It is acceptable to do what you can morally justify. I find this fague myself, but I do not believe all knowledge can be expressed in language (concept of know how).
That is one of the reasons why killing for me is always immoral, you need to be limited to immoral choices only before you can use one of these choices.