Damn, that really sucks. I remember when my parents would always fail on the bottom arm suspension when they brought a Subaru to get checked, simply because Subaru needed more money in that department or something.
Such is life.. the new arms I've put in don't have much grease in them so I hope they hold out.. I'll just get some camber adjustable ones anyhow so they just need to last a couple months. Besides, I got them for free from work
So since I failed my WOF, and I'm not needed at work until next week I'll start on my front brakes today~
While I'm waiting for my mate to get here to give me a helping hand I did something with my thinky brain
Once I fit these brakes the handling mods are about done, which means my car is ready for MORE POWER
So.. I'm finalising my short list for this final stretch to the finishing line (HAH)
Z32 Nistune chipped ECU + software
Uprated injectors + Coils
Uprated Fuel Pump
Nismo Low Temp thermostat
Uprated Radiator
Turbocharger (45VX?)
Oil/Water feeds
Turbo J pipe
Hi-Flow Cat
Intercooler + Piping & BOV
Front Facing Plenum
I'm aiming for wastegate pressure, I only need 300 ps to be satisfied. It's torque I'm really after. I don't race between the lights, I want response for the mountains, so 10+ PSI isn't really necessary for me. (Really I don't even need a turbo - 220+ ps is more than enough for my relatively light chassis - I just like the torque and the giggles turbocharged cars give me)
However, I'm being informed from reliable sources (Mates who've been dealing with R33s for years) that It will be "Impossible" for me to run less than 10 PSI due to my free flowing exhaust..
Which is problematic on many levels - largely due to the fact I've been extensively warned not to exceed 7 PSI on my high compression pistons since I only need 7 PSI to get the same power that I'd get on 10-12 PSI on turbo internals.
On the other hand, other friends are informing me that it shouldn't be a problem - my waste gate will keep the pressure regulated regardless of the exhaust - the turbo will simply spool much faster due to the extra flow improving response and power but it will not effect the minimum PSI to such a degree. These people are trained mechanics but are less experienced with R33s (IE, none. Because American)
So.. I guess we'll wait and see.. but other than that this is my current short list that I've just pinned to my wall
Incidentally I just broke 5k on my build cost thus far (Including car cost) - if I were to sell it now I'd still make a 3k profit
Also this happened today - so I filled my tank instead of paying off my loan.. whoops..