I am Legend

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Will Smith as an actor, did not disappoint me, (although I can't say he over-exceeded my expectations), but the director of the movie did at the end. The movie's ending sucked big time, and when I say big time, I really mean it. I wouldn't know how to explain it, but there were so many things at the end that left a bad taste in my mouth.

They could have done better IMO.
I was expecting a way better ending. There was so much going on the entire movie, and then at the end it didn't really "finish". It sort of just "stopped"
On the whole, I liked the movie alot. But the ending was very Sopranos-esque. There will be a sequel. It'll probably be called "We Are The Legend" or something.
I finally caught this one, last night.

CG on the zombies/monsters, I also had issues with. I'm betting that it was the same no-talent-a$$clown, who did that "I, Robot" movie. They just looked so fake.

While I'd agree the film was slow, I did not mind it at all. I thought it portrayed the everyday life of Smith's character really well. Him starting to lose his sanity was little bit sad. He knew that he was losing it, but he couldn't help it, due to his loneliness.

I liked the ending. Other than the fact that this film was based on another work(s?), I didn't feel that it was ripping off from any other films, necessarily. In zombie type flicks, I like good endings. Like in 28 Days, which had an awesome ending. Maybe the best ever in a zombie movie. :P Thank you 28 Weeks for killing that.

Stuff I did have problems with:

1) Again, CGs. If they actually looked like zombies, I've enjoyed this film a lot more.

2) Super-abilities of the monsters. They run like deers, and climb like Spiderman. And that trap they set to capture Neville. I didn't buy any of those. They were unbelievable(sci fi-zombie flick, I know!, I know!).

3) Possible Spoiler: Really minor gripe, but that last stand, inside the basement lab. He's loaded with weapons, but his final stronghold in his house, he has a handgun & 1 grenade? You gotta be kidding me. I thought he was a Colonel in the Army!
One question.

Why bother wearing the laboratory coat? I'd be walking naked if I were th last man alive. I surely wouldn't make sure my lab coat was on before entering the laboratory.
I just saw this movie, and I thought it was quite good.

I didn't know anything about a book, or an earlier movie though. And books are always better than their movie counterparts, hands down.

Anyway, I thought Will was good, and it was refreshing to see him play a character with some emotional depth for once - instead of shooting guns and making wise-cracks constantly.

It's too poorly made for me to pick holes in the plot or the continuity. But what's with the shaky cam? I understand how that's good in actions scenes for effect, but enough is enough already! As stated in another thread, my friend got motion sickness!

I would have preferred a different ending though, and yes, it did seem short. :indiff:

I for one am tired of hearing the complaint that the "monsters weren't scary enough" in this movie. They are not monsters at all, they are HUMAN BEINGS, who have reverted to their most primal, basic instinctual levels of behaviour due to the virus. Thus, their appearance is warranted and accurate. You are now informed.
hey guys,

watched I am Legend couple of days ago. I wasnt disappointed or anything, but i did expect more out of it. Will Smith did some amazing acting, nothing to complain about! but the whole movie outlay wasnt that great. For a movie that resembles the last man living and stuff, there should have been more.

Anyhow, my rating is 3 out of 5. 3/5
A sequel was projected, but the studio gave no answer. I think a sequel would turn one of the first (actually good) remakes in a while into a situation of trying to milk it. I personally hope not.

They learned it from Robert. The movie touched a bit on evolution in that even though the Infected lost all human traits, they ended up adapting to a Pack way of life, in which they hunted in a pack with a leader, and learned to use what Robert created on one of their own against him.

Basically, they lost all human intelligence, but replaced it with the intelligence of nature's traits of a hunter/pack.

Thats just it.
The movie touched a bit on a lot of themes.
There were so many strands to this story that could have/should have been explored.
Where was the other hour of the film?

Im betting the DVD release is a directors cut.

If not, then what a disappointment.

I was so hyped about seeing this, then got hold of it for Christmas eve, and sat there with my friends and went "What?.....thats it?"

I hope to see a revised cut, or a follow on, but i doubt we'll get either.

Such an intriguing premise too.
