I finally caught this one, last night.
CG on the zombies/monsters, I also had issues with. I'm betting that it was the same no-talent-a$$clown, who did that "I, Robot" movie. They just looked so fake.
While I'd agree the film was slow, I did not mind it at all. I thought it portrayed the everyday life of Smith's character really well. Him starting to lose his sanity was little bit sad. He knew that he was losing it, but he couldn't help it, due to his loneliness.
I liked the ending. Other than the fact that this film was based on another work(s?), I didn't feel that it was ripping off from any other films, necessarily. In zombie type flicks, I like good endings. Like in 28 Days, which had an awesome ending. Maybe the best ever in a zombie movie.

Thank you 28 Weeks for killing that.
Stuff I did have problems with:
1) Again, CGs. If they actually looked like zombies, I've enjoyed this film a lot more.
2) Super-abilities of the monsters. They run like deers, and climb like Spiderman. And that trap they set to capture Neville. I didn't buy any of those. They were unbelievable(sci fi-zombie flick, I know!, I know!).
Possible Spoiler: Really minor gripe, but that last stand, inside the basement lab. He's loaded with weapons, but his final stronghold in his house, he has a handgun & 1 grenade? You gotta be kidding me. I thought he was a Colonel in the Army!