I am quite new to GTA vice city

I have played a few previous versions, and i really want to try out vice city, how does it compare to GTA3 in gameplay, graphics, stuff like that?
If i liked GTA3 i would REALLY LIKE vice city?
something like that?
Thanks guys
I have had Vice City since it's release.

About 3-4 days ago I was at a friends house and they were playing GTA3. I almost cried, the graphics were so bad. The main difference is textures, and I also find framerates and/or animations to be a lot smoother.

The gameplay and storyline is also so much richer in detail too!
Cool, but when i saw GTA3 the graphics looked pretty good to me.
So if they are better along with the textures, that would be amazing.
Its just a huge upgrade from GTA3.
I think VC's great, but I don't think it's that huge of a step up from GTA3. If you loved GTA3, VC is more of the same with sprinkles on top. If you hated GTA3, odds are you're not gonna like VC either. It's an evolution but not a revolution...
the only downside I found with it is that I finished the plot-line within about a week, but I also played it for something like more than 14 hours in that week...
Yeah it hooks you good, doesn't it? I played GTA3 for hours at a time from its release right until Vice City came out, but I doubt VC will hold my interest as long...
Originally posted by CrackHoor
Yeah it hooks you good, doesn't it? I played GTA3 for hours at a time from its release right until Vice City came out, but I doubt VC will hold my interest as long...

Oh, you're grossly underrating it! There's sooo much more you can do! There's helicopters, malls you can enter, motercycles, more mortercycles, more helicopters, one or two planes, and you can hold up stores! I've only held up 3 so far, but I havn't really done too much of that. I've been busy doing street races and earning $$ that way, even though I don't need any more;):D
Actually, I'm about 80% through it and I've done everything you've listed and more! I love it, and I can't blame R* for not changing it very much (if it ain't broke...), but VC just doesn't have the kick that GTA3 had when I first got it.
Yup, if you liked GTA3, you'll at really like this game.

There's even more stuff to do and the environments bigger and more complex. You can go inside several buildings.

The graphics are much better

It's at least as funny, if not more so. There've been quite a few times I've had to pause because I was laughing so much.

While a few fairly small things changed in GTA3 as you progressed through the game, quite a bit changes in VC. It's even fun to look around the hideouts after missions to see what else has shown up there.

The pedestrian and gang AI is more complex, and they'll react differently in various situations. There are also more types of peds.

The police are much better. One particularly cool thing, is when you get enough stars for the SWAT teams to come, they don't just use the vans like in GTA3, but will also rappel down from the helicopter.

While you went through all the stuff in GTA3 and wound up, even with 100%, basically still a guy for hire, you do move up through the power structure in VC. This also makes money more of an issue in this game. In GTA3 it was basically just there.


(you won't have gangs peeved at you very early in the game, making it difficult to do the side stuff; anyone who tried to run the race in GTA3 after leaving the first island may be relieved at that)

One thing though. There is a lot of mature content in the game. So, if that bothers anyone, it's best not to get it.
And watch them bleed

Speaking of which have any copies had anything cut out such as the blood effects :007:? Like the :au:'s or Germans?
I thought it was pretty funny when i went up to a truck, threw a punch at it and actually damaged the truck.. I was never able to do it again, and no i wasnt using the pill.. :odd:
Originally posted by gt2_gs
I thought it was pretty funny when i went up to a truck, threw a punch at it and actually damaged the truck.. I was never able to do it again, and no i wasnt using the pill.. :odd:

I do that all the time! You punch the car and the hood/fender/trunk crinkles up. Also hilarious with the golf club. Sometimes they speed off, sometimes they get out & run away, sometimes they get out & try to beat your ass! Try it again, it's great... :D
I remember yesterday i had a golf club, and i hit this manana. It took off, but it was so slow i was able to run next to it and hit it while i was running! I was laughing pretty hard...

Also, when i found out i could literally dive out of the cars, i laughed insanely! The hardest ive ever laughed, I must have almost totally deflated my lungs because i could barely breathe in... It was crazy, but funny at the same time.. :lol:
oh oh oh its simple for us in germany to enjoy the blood effects either! we´ve just to change the language in the system of the ps2...that`s all! ;)
I have the M version, but I'm in the states, so I guess the ratings are different. Cobraboy, what's the region coding for your area? NTSC or PAL? And what # are you guys?