SwiftVery very well done! Excellent use of the camera. Good recreation of their styles. Just good all around.
Only two things that I saw that could've used improvement. The crash should've been more centered on Shingo's car and the dialogue should've been as true to the anime as possible. Now, I've seen the japanese anime translated by Live-Evil, so that's the translation I know.
Again, great job! Lots of fun to watch!
I'd have to agree with Swift. Good job there overall.
My other pet peeve was that... well yeah aside from being the crash more centred (I should have mentioned of an ideal spot to do the crash... the uphill downhill section where you can pick up speed before you either wind up to the start/finish strech or into the forrest... right near the end of the strait on the reverse section would have been PERFECT becuase in the Anime, there was a similar turn, and it could have been done there.
Also the dialouge a bit, if not a lot, I try and follow as close to the Japanese translations or as best I could figure with what Japanese I know (or lack) of... I need to see what Live-Evil did aside from Stage 4.
But anywho, good job there. Best of success to your other videos.
Till later.