Yeah, that won't happen again. 'Twas a very bad joke (if you could even consider it as one).
Bad, no. Lame? Maybe. We're starved for entertainment.

And two wrongs don't make a right; but the 'anus' gave you a like anyway.
Course Maker, Track Editor or whatever the name is, haven't been on GT series since the first one until on GT5 where it's possible to make hundreds of tracks.
The Course Maker
is a 'track editor' promised to be added to the game post-release, and yet not added. Yes, you
may refer to it as CM after spelling it out in full; that's part of semi-formal as well as formal language.
If you were talking about the compounds with which we were shodding our cars we would be inclined to think we were talking about Comfort Softs
Majority of GT5 fans were only doing CM more than the other stuffs.
I don't think that would be a fact.
PD did promise CM would return to GT6 and haven't been there for over a year.
Some of us bought the disc with no thought to the promised CM; I did. (Buy the disc with no thought to CM.) There was other stuff I looked forward to - online interaction that would
include the community features we were accustomed to, as well as B-Spec.
I would think, though, that yes, there
may have been others who bought GT6
only because CM was promised.
To each their own. It's a big game.
After all we get free stuffs in GT6 like tracks, cars, and B-spec, yet most people were dissatisfied just for missing one thing.
You can't take the bunch of people who are unhappy about the continued lack of CM in the game as the
whole player base. Obviously they are vocal at this point in time, and have a significant presence on the Board with their complaints on this situation; and I would think even those of us who aren't overly interested in CM could sympathise with them. It is a huge part of the game - in terms of creativity, self-expression, and trying out new things - for
them, and they miss it.
Because I didn't get a chance to play GT5 before, I don't see the point of CM when it's not included in previous games, and I see the point why PD took more time to bring CM to GT6 (probably because of PS3's hardware liitation). Whether they could bring CM to GT6 or not, for me it is purely optional and have less impact to the game (aside from online and arcade but I rarely play those mode).
I'm trying to wade through the confusion in that paragraph; but I'll address it thus:
The game evolves - new things come in as technology evolves.
It is possible that PD looked at previous CM use (at least its GT5 online use) and decided that it could wait, or maybe they are developing a CM that takes up many GB - would the players want this? could everybody have sufficient HDD to download it if it was as big as both GTA V discs?? would it be a Beta version of what would be in GT7? could they use it as an appetizer post-GT7? could they turn it from a gaming track editor into a full-blown track-making-simulator?
We don't know. To common sense, it seems significantly due - if not
overdue. So the hype train is now bursting at the seams, and it seems like there is a lot of 'like' for CM - and as you noticed and wondered why.
You say it doesn't matter to you - and that is as understandable as someone saying it does matter to them - and as much as you are not interested in arcade or online, there are others whose primary interests lie in those sectors.
Before you guys tell me I've never seen creator mode, I played them in certain games before (except minecraft), but those really puts me to sleep.
Creative modes in any game have huge interest for some video-gamers. This is why the Photomode sector is so popular, and significant - significant enough to even have its own sub-Forum here. Games like Sim City Creator are all about creativity, and the management of large amounts of data. Same with Minecraft. Some players like to create stuff - and with CM it takes the creativity beyond just entertainment and can even take it to the realm of RL project building, as well as many skill-building oppotunities.
Making technical tracks can be very absorbing, and a huge amount of engineering (as well as driving/racing) knowledge goes into it, and players with such knowledge want to put it to use.
As well, it's just fun to make the most weirded-out break-all-the-rules courses to run the hundreds of vehicles we have.
Imagine if we could make our own tracks on the Moon?
Actually I think we already did. IRL.
Anyway - I hope that somewhat explains the love some of us have for CM.
And CMs, too.