I don't get the like on Course maker

  • Thread starter Rouward
Well let's see:

Arcade Mode sucks, AI sucks, Sound is anemic, Career sucks, Endurance is absent, No Shuffle Racing, netcode sucks and you need paper sheets for time trials.

Also physics are not aging so well but that's just me perhaps.

Simply putt the most important stuff in a racing game is done rather poorly so at the very least driving on a custom created tracks to redeem the game somehow is looked forward too.

Not by me though because first and foremost they would need to address those other things otherwise I don't see much value beside fiddling with it for few hours.

My opinion might change because I never had GT5 and never used the CM there.

Well honestly better engine sounds would be good but would not make the game more fun nor make me want to play it any more than I do now.

To me sound makes all the difference in the world. The physics and sound are the main two things that separates Assetto Corsa from GT6 and holy 🤬 it's so much better to hot lap there.

yeah that won't happen again. 'Twas a very bad joke (if you could even consider it as one).


Wasn't really planning to get a smartphone in the near future, but if Course Maker would arrive sooner that I expected, I just might. If the app really would involve keeping track of your GPS data, then I would be able to enjoy jogging and exercising. It's a win-win situation; just by running around I get to keep fit, AND I get to make new tracks to be used in the game.
well folks I will break it to you ,we will never see cm in gt6 its gonna be promised in gt7.we all lknow that kaz is in it for the money .what else could it be, they haven't came out and explain why they cant put it in gt6 .so it just leaves one answer its gotta be in gt7 please respond on this matter thank you:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
well folks I will break it to you ,we will never see cm in gt6 its gonna be promised in gt7.we all lknow that kaz is in it for the money .what else could it be, they haven't came out and explain why they cant put it in gt6 .so it just leaves one answer its gotta be in gt7 please respond on this matter thank you:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

[Sentence Does Not Compute]
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My concern for GPS course maker is that most GPS tracking devices/service aren't as accurate as people think. Every phone I've tried can't figure out what house I'm in, while I'm at home. Usually not accurate enough to think I'm next door even, though I did get that once, it usually thinks I am a block or more away. :odd:

You sir, are a colossal anus.


With regards to the original topic, the reason why Course Maker is heavily sought after by players is because it was promised by KY from the start. We forgave him for not being able to include it in the game's release, but damn, more than a year has passed already and the feature still isn't available. You have to asked, "what's the holdup"?
The "anus" has 38 likes, you got 1.
Anus > you.

My concern for GPS course maker is that most GPS tracking devices/service aren't as accurate as people think. Every phone I've tried can't figure out what house I'm in, while I'm at home. Usually not accurate enough to think I'm next door even, though I did get that once, it usually thinks I am a block or more away. :odd:

The "anus" has 38 likes, you got 1.
Anus > you.


Seems so. And one of those likes come from me. :D

I agree with the GPS tracking. I once tried Google Maps on my old smartphone, and on some occasions the app was saying that I was ON AVERAGE 3 blocks/streets away from the very street were I was travelling, at walking pace. Good grief.
To me sound makes all the difference in the world. The physics and sound are the main two things that separates Assetto Corsa from GT6 and holy 🤬 it's so much better to hot lap there.
Of course it is better to hot lap on AC... They actually have a proper leaderboard for it. It is also a lot better to hot lap on FM2,3,4,5 as they also have proper leaderboards.

GT on the other hand if they had proper leaderboards would be much better.
Of course it is better to hot lap on AC... They actually have a proper leaderboard for it. It is also a lot better to hot lap on FM2,3,4,5 as they also have proper leaderboards.

GT on the other hand if they had proper leaderboards would be much better.

but then those leaderboards would be destroyed by hackers posting ridiculous lap times, if left unmaintained. Which I think isn't the case with Forza games. Or, it could just simply be filled by X1 drivers. If GT is gonna have leaderboards for lap times, there should be a leaderboard segment for each type of car. But then, there would be many leaderboards to check up to, consider the amount of car types that are present in the game.
Which I think isn't the case with Forza games. Or, it could just simply be filled by X1 drivers.

Forza Motorsport 4 had leaderboards per class, with cars split into different categories based on their in-game performance rating (The GT equivalent would be PP ranges). Their PI system went from 100 to 999 with separate boards every 100 points or so.

The boards were well maintained too, very few cases of hacks appearing considering the large amount of people (just under 6 million*) who played the game. Most of the hacks and modding that took place focused on custom engine swaps, unlocking Unicorn Cars and having infinite CR instead of going for leaderboard times.

*There is a mandatory introduction race for any new gamertag that played Forza Motorsport 4 for the first time (Ferrari 458 Italia at Bernese Alps Festival). Looking at the board for that circuit layout and car class brings up 5,849,973 results. If you factor in drivers that were not connected to the Internet at the time of this race you'll probably hit 6,000,000 total.
but then those leaderboards would be destroyed by hackers posting ridiculous lap times, if left unmaintained. Which I think isn't the case with Forza games. Or, it could just simply be filled by X1 drivers. If GT is gonna have leaderboards for lap times, there should be a leaderboard segment for each type of car. But then, there would be many leaderboards to check up to, consider the amount of car types that are present in the game.

Yes people will always find a way to cheat if possible.
Yes Forza has this problem as well, but hackers are banned and times removed as it should be.
No they would not be filled with X1 drivers, X1 would be on its own separate leaderboard not on the ones with lesser cars.

The way Forza did it is fine. They use a PI ranking F,E,D,C,B,A,S,R3,R2,R1,X
Cars will always fall into one of those classes based on the performance of the car so it is not perfect but it works and makes the game more fun. The same car can show up in more than one class depending on how it is built.

GT5P had a separate board for every car on every track which was nice but could be a bit over the top with 1000+ cars but then GT5P also only allowed stock cars to run on the leaderboards which was lame as it ruled out any tuning and therefore took away from that aspect of the game.

I'm not sure how the best way for them to handle this in GT would be but I know that it needs to be there and should have been there in both GT5 and 6 and if they do not put it in 7 then I for sure will not buy the game nor the console.

Btw as to the number of people who played Forza 4 the number is missleading. It shows 5,850,023 people have at least ran the first race which it forces you to run when you first start the game. No way to know how many people actually played though as many of them have more than one gamer tag. I for example have ran that race under at least 4 different gamer tags perhaps 5 and almost everyone I know has at least 2 so that total number is much higher than the number of people who actually played and many of those people who did play would have only played a little and then moved on.
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You see, we all hope to get a course maker where you can actually do youself a custom layout.

GT5 course maker was very "half assed" in the way that you could not do the layout as you wished, only choose the width and the complexity of several generic placements. Still better GT5 course maker than nothing, sure, but... a proper course maker would be... OMG.
I used to be excited for the CM, but not anymore after GT6 passed one year after its release. The other features, fantasy cars etc, not interesting enough IMO. How can one feature take years to come out is beyond me, and promising it to the people it will be coming as well. You see, this is what happens when a developer refuses to interact with its fans by at least updating them on what's going on with something they have in store. It's depressing, yet annoying at the same.

If you look at how long it took them to even get bring out B-Spec, than this feature is pretty much gonna be missing and not won't be out for who knows how long.
I used to be excited for the CM, but not anymore after GT6 passed one year after its release. The other features, fantasy cars etc, not interesting enough IMO. How can one feature take years to come out is beyond me, and promising it to the people it will be coming as well. You see, this is what happens when a developer refuses to interact with its fans by at least updating them on what's going on with something they have in store. It's depressing, yet annoying at the same.

If you look at how long it took them to even get bring out B-Spec, than this feature is pretty much gonna be missing and not won't be out for who knows how long.

Perhaps the main reason as to why PD seems sloppy in delivering content is because of their workforce. I read recently in an article that they don't even have more than 200 employees, just around 180. Maybe less. While Turn 10 has about double the amount of employees, more than 300. The thing is though, the devs just can't seem to cope with the amount of demand that everyone is expecting them to deliver. And I watched in a video perhaps a year ago, what it is inside the PD offices. Some of the employees' desk have sleeping bags directly underneath them. All of their staff are set past overclock, you just can't fathom the amount of effort they put into the games. What they need to do is hire more employees. That thing they did months ago, when they hired sound engineers, that's a step in the right direction. They just need to hire more people so that they can shell out content a dozen times faster than the snail pace that we are experiencing right now.
Perhaps the main reason as to why PD seems sloppy in delivering content is because of their workforce. I read recently in an article that they don't even have more than 200 employees, just around 180. Maybe less. While Turn 10 has about double the amount of employees, more than 300. The thing is though, the devs just can't seem to cope with the amount of demand that everyone is expecting them to deliver. And I watched in a video perhaps a year ago, what it is inside the PD offices. Some of the employees' desk have sleeping bags directly underneath them. All of their staff are set past overclock, you just can't fathom the amount of effort they put into the games. What they need to do is hire more employees. That thing they did months ago, when they hired sound engineers, that's a step in the right direction. They just need to hire more people so that they can shell out content a dozen times faster than the snail pace that we are experiencing right now.
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and totally I agree. However, it's not just that, it's the designer who makes the game. PD needs a new designer if they want to keep up with the competition, but sadly that's never going to happen... If you look at Final Fantasy XV and all those holds up (delays) that were made by it's last designer, it was later given a new designer (the Kingdom Hearts designer, yay!) and it's being developed like crazy now. He keeps his fans updated. That's what, imo, the GT franchise needs. Shocking, I know. :)
Yeah, that won't happen again. 'Twas a very bad joke (if you could even consider it as one).

Bad, no. Lame? Maybe. We're starved for entertainment. ;)
And two wrongs don't make a right; but the 'anus' gave you a like anyway. :)

Course Maker, Track Editor or whatever the name is, haven't been on GT series since the first one until on GT5 where it's possible to make hundreds of tracks.

The Course Maker is a 'track editor' promised to be added to the game post-release, and yet not added. Yes, you may refer to it as CM after spelling it out in full; that's part of semi-formal as well as formal language.
If you were talking about the compounds with which we were shodding our cars we would be inclined to think we were talking about Comfort Softs

Majority of GT5 fans were only doing CM more than the other stuffs.

I don't think that would be a fact.

PD did promise CM would return to GT6 and haven't been there for over a year.

Some of us bought the disc with no thought to the promised CM; I did. (Buy the disc with no thought to CM.) There was other stuff I looked forward to - online interaction that would include the community features we were accustomed to, as well as B-Spec.
I would think, though, that yes, there may have been others who bought GT6 only because CM was promised.
To each their own. It's a big game.

After all we get free stuffs in GT6 like tracks, cars, and B-spec, yet most people were dissatisfied just for missing one thing.

You can't take the bunch of people who are unhappy about the continued lack of CM in the game as the whole player base. Obviously they are vocal at this point in time, and have a significant presence on the Board with their complaints on this situation; and I would think even those of us who aren't overly interested in CM could sympathise with them. It is a huge part of the game - in terms of creativity, self-expression, and trying out new things - for them, and they miss it.

Because I didn't get a chance to play GT5 before, I don't see the point of CM when it's not included in previous games, and I see the point why PD took more time to bring CM to GT6 (probably because of PS3's hardware liitation). Whether they could bring CM to GT6 or not, for me it is purely optional and have less impact to the game (aside from online and arcade but I rarely play those mode).

I'm trying to wade through the confusion in that paragraph; but I'll address it thus:
The game evolves - new things come in as technology evolves.
It is possible that PD looked at previous CM use (at least its GT5 online use) and decided that it could wait, or maybe they are developing a CM that takes up many GB - would the players want this? could everybody have sufficient HDD to download it if it was as big as both GTA V discs?? would it be a Beta version of what would be in GT7? could they use it as an appetizer post-GT7? could they turn it from a gaming track editor into a full-blown track-making-simulator?
We don't know. To common sense, it seems significantly due - if not overdue. So the hype train is now bursting at the seams, and it seems like there is a lot of 'like' for CM - and as you noticed and wondered why.
You say it doesn't matter to you - and that is as understandable as someone saying it does matter to them - and as much as you are not interested in arcade or online, there are others whose primary interests lie in those sectors.

Before you guys tell me I've never seen creator mode, I played them in certain games before (except minecraft), but those really puts me to sleep.

Creative modes in any game have huge interest for some video-gamers. This is why the Photomode sector is so popular, and significant - significant enough to even have its own sub-Forum here. Games like Sim City Creator are all about creativity, and the management of large amounts of data. Same with Minecraft. Some players like to create stuff - and with CM it takes the creativity beyond just entertainment and can even take it to the realm of RL project building, as well as many skill-building oppotunities.
Making technical tracks can be very absorbing, and a huge amount of engineering (as well as driving/racing) knowledge goes into it, and players with such knowledge want to put it to use.
As well, it's just fun to make the most weirded-out break-all-the-rules courses to run the hundreds of vehicles we have.
Imagine if we could make our own tracks on the Moon? :)

Actually I think we already did. IRL.

Anyway - I hope that somewhat explains the love some of us have for CM.
And CMs, too. ;)
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but then those leaderboards would be destroyed by hackers posting ridiculous lap times, if left unmaintained. Which I think isn't the case with Forza games. Or, it could just simply be filled by X1 drivers. If GT is gonna have leaderboards for lap times, there should be a leaderboard segment for each type of car. But then, there would be many leaderboards to check up to, consider the amount of car types that are present in the game.
If it's not the case with Forza, another console game, and as far as I can tell it's not the case with Assetto Corsa either, which is an open modding game, it begs the question of why this is an issue with GT.

Perhaps the main reason as to why PD seems sloppy in delivering content is because of their workforce. I read recently in an article that they don't even have more than 200 employees, just around 180. Maybe less. While Turn 10 has about double the amount of employees, more than 300.
T10 does not have double the amount of employees, it's a common misperception. They actually have far less than PD as full time staff, but the use temporary contractors to swell their ranks close to release time.
My concern for GPS course maker is that most GPS tracking devices/service aren't as accurate as people think. Every phone I've tried can't figure out what house I'm in, while I'm at home. Usually not accurate enough to think I'm next door even, though I did get that once, it usually thinks I am a block or more away. :odd:
In some respect, that type of accuracy isn't of any major concern, as the co-ordinates will be transposed into a 'local grid' anyway.
Provided there is relative accuracy between recorded points, precisely where on the globe those points originate from shouldn't be an issue.
I wouldn't get your hope's up on this gps thing being that amazing, I mean yeh it might record your favourite route around your given area, but it wont record all the bumps, dips, camber, adverse camber & all the little frilly bits that make your personal drive amazing, like it does in real life.

I bet if you ran it around laguna seca it wouldn't pick up the corkscrew, as in elevation.
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I wouldn't get your hope's up on this gps thing being that amazing, I mean yeh it might record your favourite route around your given area, but it wont record all the bumps, dips, camber, adverse camber & all the little frilly bits that make your personal drive amazing, like it does in real life.

I bet if you ran it around laguna seca it wouldn't pick up the corkscrew, as in elevation.
I'm pretty sure GPS technology is advanced enough now to pick up elevation, but you're most likely right about the rest - it'll be a few years before technology advances to the point that GPS systems can pick up absolutely everything.

Besides, this is the first time anything like this has ever been done in a game. You can't expect it to be perfect.
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and totally I agree. However, it's not just that, it's the designer who makes the game. PD needs a new designer if they want to keep up with the competition, but sadly that's never going to happen... If you look at Final Fantasy XV and all those holds up (delays) that were made by it's last designer, it was later given a new designer (the Kingdom Hearts designer, yay!) and it's being developed like crazy now. He keeps his fans updated. That's what, imo, the GT franchise needs. Shocking, I know. :)

So, you're saying Sony should give the boot to KY? That is shocking. :eek::eek::eek:

But yeah, I do get the feeling that KY sort of designs the game in a way that, nearly all (if not all) the things in the game are things that he wants. You rarely see things in the game that have been requested by fans. Even though the fans have cried for some features/details to be included since the beginning of time *ehem Premium Toyota Supra Mk.IV ehem*. Pardon me if this is gonna be a bit rude, but it's like, GT revolves only around him. I mean, c'mon, we have Mt. Panorama race track but not the latest V8 Supercars to go along with it. Poor Aussies; can't fully enjoy the race track because of that.

Off-topic, one thing I don't like about FFXV is the all-male party. I'm very surprised, considering it's a JRPG. "Sausage fest" and "JRPG" don't really mix well together.

If it's not the case with Forza, another console game, and as far as I can tell it's not the case with Assetto Corsa either, which is an open modding game, it begs the question of why this is an issue with GT.

T10 does not have double the amount of employees, it's a common misperception. They actually have far less than PD as full time staff, but the use temporary contractors to swell their ranks close to release time.

Contractors or not, they can still get a lot of people to do their work for them.
So, you're saying Sony should give the boot to KY? That is shocking. :eek::eek::eek:
Well. If he doesn't up his game than I'm afraid they have to, but they can't because he's one of those people that leads Sony? I can't remember the exact name though. *Scratch head* :P
But yeah, I do get the feeling that KY sort of designs the game in a way that, nearly all (if not all) the things in the game are things that he wants. You rarely see things in the game that have been requested by fans. Even though the fans have cried for some features/details to be included since the beginning of time *ehem Premium Toyota Supra Mk.IV ehem*. Pardon me if this is gonna be a bit rude, but it's like, GT revolves only around him. I mean, c'mon, we have Mt. Panorama race track but not the latest V8 Supercars to go along with it. Poor Aussies; can't fully enjoy the race track because of that.
I feel the same way, as well as the Mt. Panorama part. I was expecting some V8 Supercars when GT6 was getting that track. But yeah, Kaz and PD really need to start listening to their fans.
Off-topic, one thing I don't like about FFXV is the all-male party. I'm very surprised, considering it's a JRPG. "Sausage fest" and "JRPG" don't really mix well together.

Off-topic - Maybe Square Enix tried to do something new this time around? I mean, one of them looks like the descendant of Zack Fair (love that character btw). :D
Contractors or not, they can still get a lot of people to do their work for them.
Of course, but there's a big difference between 80 full time staff going up to 300 for the 2 or 3 months or whatever it is before release, and 300 full time permanent staff which is not the case.
The single biggest reason I bought GT6 (and pre-ordered the anniversary edition no less) was the course maker that was "almost ready for day 1". All the hype that was built up around it got me so excited for GT6, along with all the hype for the "new" physics. When I had 100% completion within a week of buying the game I was shattered.

Every other GT game I had owned had taken me what seemed like forever to get 100%. GT6 felt like a yearly release game. Very little new content from it's predecessor, bugs galore, in need of constant updates to bring features promised at launch and a shorter lifespan offline than gta5.

Ok, so I kept up my hope that the course maker would breathe new life into the game when it was finally released. But now I feel like the game itself is so stale that I would probably only play around with the course maker for a few hours to see what I could do with it, if it was released now. Regardless of how amazing the feature ends up being, it'll be added to a stale old sub par game.

I read so much about GT6 before it came out. About how it was being designed as a base, so it could be easily built upon with updates of content and features, and how they had made a great platform to work from. When it came out, I thought "are you serious?". They seemed to have cut and paste most of GT5, and then broke half of the physics! The game was full of bugs, and every updates introduced more, despite some updates fixing some. The platform was so poor that no amount of content and features added to it were ever going to make it great.

I want to see the course maker added to GT6 still. But not for my enjoyment, just so I can be happy that PD delivered on the last promised feature from their pre launch hype fest. If they don't add it, it will break the last strand of confidence I have that they'll ever be able to make a game of the caliber of GT2 or GT4 again.
Well. If he doesn't up his game than I'm afraid they have to, but they can't because he's one of those people that leads Sony? I can't remember the exact name though. *Scratch head* :P

yeah he has a pretty big position in Sony, but I can't remember his title as well. :ouch:

I feel the same way, as well as the Mt. Panorama part. I was expecting some V8 Supercars when GT6 was getting that track. But yeah, Kaz and PD really need to start listening to their fans.

Aside from the V8 Supercars, we could have used more GT3 cars, like the Gallardo, 458 Italia, and V12 Vantage. I was very surprised the V12 Vantage GT3, while being stiff competition against the German GT3 cars, wasn't included. Seriously, WTF.

Off-topic - Maybe Square Enix tried to do something new this time around? I mean, one of them looks like the descendant of Zack Fair (love that character btw). :D

Could be. Every FF fan wants to see Zack Fair in hi-res.

Of course, but there's a big difference between 80 full time staff going up to 300 for the 2 or 3 months or whatever it is before release, and 300 full time permanent staff which is not the case.

Point taken, but my earlier point still stands. PD's workforce isn't enough to cope with the fans' demands. They need more people if they want to get more work done in a shorter span of time. I'd be pis-- no, almost everyone would be pissed if Course Maker wound up not appearing in GT6 and instead be postponed until GT7.
Point taken, but my earlier point still stands. PD's workforce isn't enough to cope with the fans' demands. They need more people if they want to get more work done in a shorter span of time. I'd be pis-- no, almost everyone would be pissed if Course Maker wound up not appearing in GT6 and instead be postponed until GT7.
I don't think the fans' demands are even on PD's radar. Many of the changes fans have been asking for for years require no extra work, just different choices. You don't need to hire more people to make a premium Supra for example, or an E30 BMW, the two most popular car requests, you just choose to make them instead of other cars.
Actually there have been several cars added that I would rather have than either of those but I do see comments pop up in here about those cars often not that I agree with them. We already have Supras in the game and we have several BMWs so no biggie as far as I am concerned. Plenty of great cars in the game. Need more features especially in the online department.

Having 1000+ cars is great but would be a lot better if there was a reason to drive them.
Actually there have been several cars added that I would rather have than either of those but I do see comments pop up in here about those cars often not that I agree with them. We already have Supras in the game and we have several BMWs so no biggie as far as I am concerned. Plenty of great cars in the game. Need more features especially in the online department.

Having 1000+ cars is great but would be a lot better if there was a reason to drive them.
The point of contention was responding to fan requests in general, not our individual requests. I could care less about a Premium Supra myself, but it's at the top of the list for fan requests and has been for years and it shouldn't be hard to either get the licensing or find a suitable model for scanning in Japan. The fact that it and the E30 are consistently the number one fan requests on the number one GT fansite and are still not in the game, and would be very simple to add, tells me they don't give a crap about fan requests, and anything we end up with that was requested, is just coincidence.