I Feel I'm Gonna Really Hurt Someone Soon!! Help !!

I never thought about that. I've had a few cases where I've simply cut people away and it comes with benifits. But if done to the wrong people it really isn't very pleasant. Though people like family members are hard to cut out. :grumpy:

Always leave a chance for them to come back if you feel you can better handle the situation, or if they've changed a touch. People that use to drive me insane are now drinking buddies of mine because I've just learned to let more things slide. Do I agree with a lot of what they say? No. And that use to drive me nuts around them, but I just realized what they think doesn't really matter too much - just avoid the topics basically.

For a couple of years I was on Wellbutrin when I was in a teen. It is usually used to stop impulsive behaviors relating to addictions, but can calm the strong impulses to lash out. Eventually I stopped taking it after I'd realized that anger never really solved anything and would just make me feel worse in the end. Which brings me to the next thing I guess.

Getting angry at people, and especially hurting them, is a very negative experience. I never felt better after acting out, not once. Usually just felt worse because of things I'd said and damage done to property/people. Anger just leads to remorse and regret in most cases. That Jedi philosophy stuff kind of makes sense in this context :dopey:

If you can remove yourself from a situation where you are at your limits, even if you have to kind of pause everything, I say try that. I now will go meditate or at least reflect on why I am at wit's end. What results is realizing I'm choosing to let things get to me, that may seem important but honestly aren't going to end the world.
Just read through all your comments and wanted to say thanks. There's some great advice which I'll try when I get angry again.
I've found a good primal scream (in an enclosed place, or one with nobody around) works about once a year. Tends to release a lot of tension, and soon after, I realize how silly my problems are, once I've heard myself yell like a little ogre child.

Kind of works like a big reset button.
Hit the weights (no pun intended). I have days where I want to put my fist through someone's face, instead I work out. IT HELPS!

One hundred times, this. Lifting gives you an excuse to shout and scream to get pumped up before a lift. Before I started lifting I was a weak, but very easily and quickly angered person and I got myself into trouble because of it way too often.
I failed to find a way to solve the problem at it's root, so now I just make sure all my anger is taken out on the ferrous foe who mocks me so.

You live in Peterborough, I'm not surprised you're angry.

I'm desperate for advice before I really hurt someone. I've been having trouble with my girlfriend and I'm actually losing control of my anger.

I must admit it does feel good to actually say how I feel for once instead of staying quiet.

I think you need to set down with your girlfriend and talk with her, tell her how you feel, tell her what she did to anger you. Try to work out a soultion, give it a little time, if you get so angry and upset like this again maybe its time to walk away. Being single is better than being in an unhealthy relationship, who knows with some time apart it may fix your problems and bring you to back in te future??
I'm desperate for advice before I really hurt someone. I've been having trouble with my girlfriend and I'm actually losing control of my anger.

For about 10 years I've suppressed my anger instead of letting it out and now I can't. I've got extremely angry before and nearly put someone in hospital.

I don't want to talk to my parents because they won't understand, they broke up when I was 5 which ruined my relationship with them all.

Since you're in peterborough... i strongly suggest you get yourself along to Warriors martial arts.. and do some BJJ (my friend teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu there), i firmly believe it will help address the issues you are having at the moment (it's kind of like a rolling zen)....also, i think they may be doing a January deal at the moment.
I believe a lot of good advise is given, however, most only talk about one phase:

1) Self control by doing a relaxing activity (that is personal, do it in a way you like). It avoids losing control.
2) Controlling your environment to take the trigger away. This is hard, talking and taking tough decisions. This helps you to avoid needing to control yourself.

The alternative is uncontrolled action and regrets, but that rarely solves anything.
Both are quite personal, we do like different activities that allow us to escape pressure and we have different tolerance levels for different triggers, you have to walk your own path.
Physical excercise can be good anger management.

However, I would suggest seeking professional help if you're thinking about hurting someone for real.
Get a punching bag.

Vent on that.

I also have anger issues but I tend to punch drywalls in or punch glass doors.

And I am not joking about the glass door part.

Yeah, I cut my hand tendon like that. Not fun
I don't know what you have over there across the pond, but there are numbers that we can call and talk through issues, and most are free and even confidential. This is especially if it becomes a crisis situation (before the police need to be called, hopefully).

I searched for something and found SupportLine
Try the link, it also has phone numbers to call.

I like the idea of talking it out with your girlfriend... that's important. Talk to the ones that hurt you, before it hurts you (and them) worse. Who knows what will happen?
Any kind of sports would be the best solution, running being probably one of the cheapest and most efficient ways. 3-5 times a week and after you had some stress.

It kills acute stress, makes you more stress resistent in future and is good for your health. So, as Mr. Sheen would say, "Winning"...
The BF3 yelling online idea is terrible. Last thing we need is more angry people yelling into the mic online. Seriously, please dont do that. Thats a terrible way to set an example for everyone else online. Plus its just going to create more people hating you.

As others have said find something physical to help you release the anger. Punching bag would be the best. Or take that anger out while weight lifting or some sort of physical activity involving exercise.

Or as mentioned below, try to avoid the anger if possible. If you are playing online and people make you mad, then dont wear a headset. Or play a different game.
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Venting the anger, in any fashion - whether it's destructive or not - does not solve the problem if the cause of the anger is still there... you will still wake up the next day with the same problems. Prevention is better than cure. Deal with the source of the anger, not the anger itself.
As someone said before get a Heavy bag.I would get one that had the Heavy bag and speed bag together.

I would also start a workout plan,it's a good way to relieve stress and anger issues.

I too have a problem with my anger sometimes and I've noticed if I get lazy and take too many days off from my workouts that I tend to get flustered easily.When I stick with my workout and hit the Heavy bag/Speed bag twice a week I feel pretty darn good and Work goes by pretty smoothly.

10 years is a long time to keep anger surpressed.I'm sure if you do these two things, eventually you will be a lot calmer.
My friend decided punching a solid wall would help.
Seriously though I find shooter games online help my stress.
If you start punching things, don't punch hard things that hurt. My cousin is 23 and has arthritis because of his temper.

Other than that, I say you might as well g'on and get it over with. Sometimes I wish I was brave enough to whoop some ass because there are asses that need whooped, but I'm far too sensible to do that.
I'm a terrible person to ask, because it's really hard to get me into the state of mind where I'm that angry, but when I'm tired of dealing with a person, I just leave. I go do something else, take a walk, and when I'm calm, come back and address the situation. Usually I don't have to pause, but I've got some pretty good control of my emotions.