I got my first motorcycle!

  • Thread starter Tom
Nice first bike Tom!

Looks like it's going to be a fun semi-resto if you can call it that, be sure to keep us updated and post some pics and videos when you get it up and running!
^^^^Some people like myself like to keep it as original as possible.

Although if it was mine I'd say screw both of them and stick a 200cc on it as that's what I'm used to riding.
Nice first bike Tom!

Looks like it's going to be a fun semi-resto if you can call it that, be sure to keep us updated and post some pics and videos when you get it up and running!

It appears so mate, loving every second of it so far! It's right back to the frame at the moment with no plastics on as they've been coated with primer and are getting ready for paint. I finished the rubbing down of the frame today, getting old of the old black paint off and discovering a few rust bubbles which need attention.

Why not put in a 70cc engine dude ?.

I would, but I want to see what it can achieve with the de-restriction. Then I'll consider it.
It'll do about 55mph, 60mph tops.If that's as fast as you want to go fair enough.You can always wait to get a bigger bike.
It appears so mate, loving every second of it so far! It's right back to the frame at the moment with no plastics on as they've been coated with primer and are getting ready for paint. I finished the rubbing down of the frame today, getting old of the old black paint off and discovering a few rust bubbles which need attention.

I would, but I want to see what it can achieve with the de-restriction. Then I'll consider it.

Derestricting it won't get you that much more speed over stock. Changing sprockets will make a world of difference. From what I've read, one of the best changes and cheapest things to do is put an 80cc top end and rejetted 80 carb on it....it produces a lot more usable power. But mostly 35-40mph tops for stock/de-restricted. I read there was 3+ restrictors on it. 12mm, maybe 10mm carb, not sure which, puny airbox/filter, very conservative port timing, and very restrictive exhaust with baffles inside the expansion chamber which cant be removed, unless you cut it open. Plus a crap can.

Basically with very light work you can make it have a lot more power. And you're rebuilding it anyway so you might as well do it. Just my 2 cents.


No it will be lucky to touch 40 with all the restrictive-ness, even with some minor work done you'll see 45 tops. That's pushing it.
It makes sense Slash, I will probably be commuting to a city that's 30 minutes away for 4 days a week..
Yes so getting up to 55 would make your life easier. And like I said. You're tearing it down anyways so you might as well go ahead and do it. If and when I buy another 200X I'd do the same thing.
Buying a new air filter and a new exhaust system would really help, not just the endcan but all the piping too that way your getting rid of two restrictors in the exhaust.

Just make sure it isn't too loud or the old bill might get a bit suspicious of a small bike making a lot of noise, especially if your only doing 40 - 50.

I take it your on a CBT tom, and 16-17 years old?
Buying a new air filter and a new exhaust system would really help, not just the endcan but all the piping too that way your getting rid of two restrictors in the exhaust.

Just make sure it isn't too loud or the old bill might get a bit suspicious of a small bike making a lot of noise, especially if your only doing 40 - 50.

I take it your on a CBT tom, and 16-17 years old?

It already has a Gianelli silencer which improves things, apparently according to an article that I read online the TS50X is one of the hardest bikes to derestrict. So getting the 70cc kit may be the way to go as I mentioned. I will be taking my CBT in March, I'm currently 15. 👍
Once you have taken your CBT you will be 16 right? So aren't you restricted to a 50cc maximum?
Once you have taken your CBT you will be 16 right? So aren't you restricted to a 50cc maximum?

Yes, but as the 70cc kit is only marginally larger it's hardly noticeable.
So, she's nearly finished! Just a few bits left that need doing and putting on. Thoughts?


Wow man nice work! Looks fantastic. I think now all that would be left to do is put a few decals on her.
The only reason I said make them both gold is so they matched themselves and the plastics.
I honestly didn't think that it would look that good after seeing the first photo.

Well thank you very much, the respray was carried out by my Dad.

Amazing what a small restoration can do isn't it...

The rims will have something done to them, the rear one was changed hence it being silver. The handlebars are also gold so I will most likely have the rims anodized.
I think having Suzuki written across the fuel tank in blue would look nice. Don't over do it though.
I agree and it will probably help keep the value up. Just looking at it now, it's worth heaps more from what little he's done to it.
Yeah. Nothing silly though. Being simple will really complement the bike.

Minimalism is the best option, maybe a Suzuki logo on the tank and that'll most likely be it.

I agree and it will probably help keep the value up. Just looking at it now, it's worth heaps more from what little he's done to it.

Well it's had a fair few parts replaced and generally sorted out which has cost a lot.