I hate being color blind...


United States
Long Island, New York
Can someone please help me out with making orange using the game's HSV code? I'm trying to make a base coat for a Battlefield livery and I don't trust my eyes to get it right
How orange are we talking here? Red is 0, yellow is about 17 in game, so somewhere between there is the goal. Probably 8 to 10 would cover what you're looking for.

I'm trying to make this color. If only we could use paint chips from cars we bought as the Porsche 911 GT3RS Lava Orange is close enough to make me happy.

I found an image that might help to match up better as the others are real life shots each with different lighting.

Lava Orange is nowhere even near that colour. From the colour chart, second column from the left, fifth row from the bottom is quite close for a quick fix. Using the colour picker H8-S100-V55 seems to match up quite well with the real life shots.
Thank you so much! And it should be set to metallic too, right?

On the general topic of color blind, I've been using 65-100-100 for a blue as the one on the color chart is slightly darker. This looks (to me) to be the brightest bluest blue without having any hints of cyan or purple. Would you agree?
My suggestion for the Mercedes would be: H 8 - S 87 - S 66

On the topic of blue, I'd say the 65 - 100 - 100 configuration sure is vibrant, not neccesarily bright but it is the most vibrant/saturated. If thats what you aim for, then yes correct, but about brightness I am not sure. I would go for 63-100-100. It's a tough subject, as there are so many tints of blue that I cannot choose the correct blue.
My suggestion for the Mercedes would be: H 8 - S 87 - S 66

On the topic of blue, I'd say the 65 - 100 - 100 configuration sure is vibrant, not neccesarily bright but it is the most vibrant/saturated. If thats what you aim for, then yes correct, but about brightness I am not sure. I would go for 63-100-100. It's a tough subject, as there are so many tints of blue that I cannot choose the correct blue.
You used the words I was thinking of and that's what I was seeing but couldn't explain it well. Good to know I can at least see blue relatively well.
On the general topic of color blind, I've been using 65-100-100 for a blue as the one on the color chart is slightly darker. This looks (to me) to be the brightest bluest blue without having any hints of cyan or purple. Would you agree?

For the purest blue you want a hue of 67, or 100*4/6. If you want a brighter blue without any hints of cyan then you need to decrease saturation.

For reference:

0 = red
17 = yellow (16.666...)
33 = green (33.333...)
50 = cyan
67 = blue (66.666...)
83 = magenta (83.333...)
100 = red

Orange and brown you will find in between red and yellow (brown is actually just a dark yellowish orange).

Also, even though you’re colour-blind you should still trust your eyes (assuming that you actually do see colours), since brightness and saturation are relative values and you can still see if they match with your reference. The tricky part is choosing the correct hue, but if you know what the numbers stand for and you have a good guess about what colour your reference should be, then you can often guesstimate it pretty well.
I hate being colour blind too, which is why I just use the colour picker tool in photoshop, sometimes in conjunction with the Average Blur tool. Makes things much easier.

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