I may be wrong, but what I think is going on here is that these imported/exported items are not always authorized to be exported by those with the rights to them. I am not up on business too well, but I assume that through authorized dealerships, selling their goods to the market they prefer, the companies feel they can both keep a product out of markets they do not want seeing the product (the political aspect) and have a stronger quarantee of profiting by making contracts stipulating that whatever store they choose will buy x number of a given item and perhaps sell them at a given rate. It may even be the case that companies receive a percentage of the net or gross of what is sold. If it's the case that some of these business do not have such a contract with the copyright holders of the products they are exporting/importing, instead buying a copy or two than bootlegging them, copying graphics, etc. But even if the supplier is not corruptly doing its end, the lack of control over where the goods are distributed and how seems to me the most likely problem. A licensed dealer selling under a contract is probably more appealing to a company than an unlicensed one with no obligation to purchase a certain amount, or give a percentage of the profits. They can just buy the items as needed. There, is of course, the argument that if the supplier is itself a licensed dealer, it should not matter where these goods are sent. Granted, but politics may be the reason for such resistance, and it may not always be the case that the suppliers are licensed. The last possibility I can think of is that the governments of the member states, however many, do not want the cultural influence of these "unnaproved" items. But the fact that the internet is avaliable in some of Europe, as is satellite, makes that a rather illogical theory, unless there is strong limitation over what is shown or will be. It may be paranoia, but I would keep an eye out for hints about changes to net access.
Btw, I may be totally wrong, so a more enlightened member may thrash me for making a dumb hypothesis.