I hate phones... But the time has come

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
What he said.

Seriously I'm on my iPhone continuously thoughout the day since I can do a majority of my work on it. You should be happy with it and the just released a Google Voice app for it the other day so if you can (and have a Google Voice number) pick it up!

+ 1

Love my iphone 4 as said before

Let us know how you are getting on with it !

and Joey i have searched for google voice but must not be out over here in UK yet :(
So I has an iphone 4...

Australia has no decent Andriod phones for a good price, so considering how much extra i would pay its not worth the benifits. Considering our plan structure in Australia I was happy with my deal.

$59 a month for 3gb of usage and $400 worth of calls using Telstra, which is by far the best network for coverage and speed.

Thanks a lot for your input guys.

Maybe by the time I need an upgrade again I can make use of Danoff's suggestion ^^

Congratulations :D

Let me know if you want any app suggestions.
I thought Starbucks would be too conformist. Probably some underground coffee place that no one knows about.

Hey, I go to those kind of coffee places. But that is because they generally have better coffee than Starbucks. Which isn't that hard to manage, but it is helped living in one of the most coffee happy states in the Union.

There is apparently a hack to put Android on the iPhone but it still needs some work it seems.

Does everything an Iphone does, but better imo. The looks are nice & you can setup your own wifi with it. Hope this helps abit (just poked my head in & posted) so good luck with finding a new phone. 👍

You may want to read the thread and see that he has picked up an iPhone. And that he is in Australia and thus doesn't have Sprint, which in turn means the EVO 4G isn't available...