I hope in Future GT games you can actually design your own car

  • Thread starter yogaflame
I hope in Future GT games you can actually design and create and set up your own car, sort like a live editor but not just paint but you can actually assemble you cars using licence parts and set up and balance. Or possible mix them like Ferrari parts to lambo or to buggati vice versa , I think guys know what I mean. Familiar with Tamiya hobby toys? Those use for racing in rails or an example like RC guys? Where you make your own racing cars and race them against other competitors on the best set up and design you have done. Just like that concept, built your own car, set up, balance, weight, etc and race against the others. "THE FUTURE OF RACING GAME SIMULATION IS BUILDING YOUR OWN CAR, DESIGNING IT, BALANCE, ETC. AND COMPETE IT FOR A RACE AGAINST OTHER GAMERS WHO MADE THERE OWN CAR DESIGNS AND SET UP, USING AUTHENTIC PARTS OR BUILDING YOUR OWN PARTS THROUGH A VIRTUAL MACHINE SHOP, ETC."

PD I hope you are getting this 💡 "a full car editor, assembly and design for your own cars, and to mix up all the parts from existing parts company or cars or build your own engine in a VIRTUAL MACHINE SHOP, which we desired is the best and also learn to balance the physics the weight , etc. FREEDOM IN DESIGNING
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There was an interview with Kaz sometime back talking about a design studio aspect. Its something he wants to do but (at the time) the hardware was not capable.
The popularity of photoshop-based livery editing, as well as modding for the PC community proves that this would indeed be hit so massive it'd make the original XBOX look tiny.

Heck, creation of content is a core part of LittleBigPlanet (and the upcoming racer), and it's worked out well enough...brilliantly, actually.

Beyond that, GMOD is a shining example of what happens when you give people the ability to create stuff from parts. Also, if you're unfamiliar with the Coconut Run game, check it out. Some of the contraptions are mind boggling considering they've got only a wheel, powered wheel, block, rectangle and standard spring to work with.

Ideally, it (this modeling program, not coconut run) would be bundled with a PC-based livery editor and a powertrain-editing program (hey, might as well make it go like it looks). Release it all as a GT 'Dev Kit' for $60USD (or $100USD for it and GT5), including the modeling softsare, the livery software (like a version of PS, only 'light') and an engine config software. Also chuck in some good quality printed guides and a 20Gb USB thumb stick (for transfering it to the PS3 for testing). A detailed tuning guide (as in handling principles, basics of car setups, etc) AND A BOOK ON CAR DESIGN THROUGHOUT THE AGES would also go down well.

Make them all able to be exported as a single file for online sharing over GTPlanet, so you get better reviews/feedback/help/etc (like NoGripRacing is for the GTR games).

BAM no more problems with car lists, no more problems with content limits (if new cars are released, people will mod them themselves, mayby PD could replace them with 'official' versions, etc).
There was already a game that did this on the PS2(Supercar Street Challenge). It did a decent job at it, too bad the gameplay was horrible. Basically all you did was select from the pre-made parts.
I dunno... this sounds like something more appropriate for Live For Speed or Need For Spam. I'd rather see a course creator than a car creator, personally, but if it was there, I'd sure play with it.
Creating cars would be too difficult because it's not just the visuals, but the handling and everything else. Also the cars probably wouldn't have as much of a personality.
The popularity of photoshop-based livery editing, as well as modding for the PC community proves that this would indeed be hit so massive it'd make the original XBOX look tiny.

Heck, creation of content is a core part of LittleBigPlanet (and the upcoming racer), and it's worked out well enough...brilliantly, actually.

Beyond that, GMOD is a shining example of what happens when you give people the ability to create stuff from parts. Also, if you're unfamiliar with the Coconut Run game, check it out. Some of the contraptions are mind boggling considering they've got only a wheel, powered wheel, block, rectangle and standard spring to work with.

Ideally, it (this modeling program, not coconut run) would be bundled with a PC-based livery editor and a powertrain-editing program (hey, might as well make it go like it looks). Release it all as a GT 'Dev Kit' for $60USD (or $100USD for it and GT5), including the modeling softsare, the livery software (like a version of PS, only 'light') and an engine config software. Also chuck in some good quality printed guides and a 20Gb USB thumb stick (for transfering it to the PS3 for testing). A detailed tuning guide (as in handling principles, basics of car setups, etc) AND A BOOK ON CAR DESIGN THROUGHOUT THE AGES would also go down well.

Make them all able to be exported as a single file for online sharing over GTPlanet, so you get better reviews/feedback/help/etc (like NoGripRacing is for the GTR games).

BAM no more problems with car lists, no more problems with content limits (if new cars are released, people will mod them themselves, mayby PD could replace them with 'official' versions, etc).

Great post, and one i agree with whilst I'm way off creativly i can appriciate what talented gamers can do with this.

PD would do well to in future look to implement this how you said, as a seperate buy-alone product.
There was already a game that did this on the PS2(Supercar Street Challenge). It did a decent job at it, too bad the gameplay was horrible. Basically all you did was select from the pre-made parts.

Sega GT on Dreamcast actually did a half decent job. If I remember, you start with a chassis (sort of based on some real cars). From their you selected Front, Rear, or AWD. Then you picked engine displacement and number of cylinders. I forget how deep it want after that, but it was good enough that I made multiple versions of my own cars.

GT could probably do one good enough to include in the game. You'd just need a few options for chassis, engine, and aerodynamics.
There was already a game that did this on the PS2(Supercar Street Challenge). It did a decent job at it, too bad the gameplay was horrible. Basically all you did was select from the pre-made parts.

Was it anything like molding your own clay model for the exterior at all?

I could imagine GT5 or 6 adding a user friendly CAD option. I could see people actually getting HIRED at car manufacturers after they see some of the designs people come up with.
GT5 need a livery editor like Forza 3, making your own racing liveries is fun and also selling them for ingame credits. PC editor would take out the fun of it but still that would be better than not being able to do anything.

Something like body sculpt would be fun but extremely false. What would be amazing is having the option to make our own cars (no brand), choosing a chasis, a starting body, an engine and then begin to change the lines of the car.

There was a game an old pc game where you could do this in a limited way, supercar street challenge if i remember right.
SEGA-GT(on the Dreamcast) had this feature and it crap because the car utlimately was unbalanced. If anything I wouldn't want in GT.
Was it anything like molding your own clay model for the exterior at all?

I could imagine GT5 or 6 adding a user friendly CAD option. I could see people actually getting HIRED at car manufacturers after they see some of the designs people come up with.

I think McClaren done something like this for students using CAD and CFD with the winner gaining a seat in the final. I think (although i cant be certian) that the finalists then had to build (or better) any component on the current race car and the best one got the job. So yeah a user friendly CAD and CFD would be awesome. Throw in a Crash test simulator for good measure too 👍
I think McClaren done something like this for students using CAD and CFD with the winner gaining a seat in the final. I think (although i cant be certian) that the finalists then had to build (or better) any component on the current race car and the best one got the job. So yeah a user friendly CAD and CFD would be awesome. Throw in a Crash test simulator for good measure too 👍

Oh nice...now we are on the same page. That would be the ultimate of sims.
Imagine using authentic, engines, parts and mix them all up to create your own car in game , wow that is what i call a real live editor not just paint and spoilers or others. A full car assembled and design by the gamers , hehe. If there are RPG where you can create your own character then why not GT. they should do that in the future creating and designing your own cars using authentic parts from manufacturers.

Probably you can mix up all parts, imagine this Ferrari and Lamborghini parts combined, Or mercedez and bugatti parts use to create your own car and so on. There are thousands of combination and balancing to assemble your own car, that is the future of a True simulation. Damn I want that a monster sports car or hybrid done by gamers. This might also encourage people into designing and creativity and also make gamers aware about physics, balancing, weight , etc. in racing so they will understand it more. I think in the future GT probably GT6 this will happen (drool...)

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Creating cars would be too difficult because it's not just the visuals, but the handling and everything else. Also the cars probably wouldn't have as much of a personality.
That is why it will be great this will actually encourage creativity and people love for designing cars and also be aware of balance, physics, etc. If they made a bad design there car will fail, if they are successful with the balance then there car succeeds. This is an ultimate simulation not just to raise but to build , assemble, balance , your won cars using authentic parts. Possible even mixing them up (drool...., ferrari, lambo, bugatti parts combined into one monster LOL)

Oh my imagine all parts company, cars company in GT with a garage ala pimp my ride or choppers where you build your own cars using authentic parts ( oh my muscle cars or roadsters )

I think this is the future of GT probably in GT6, a car design and assembly mode. And I already predicted it , Sorry PD for leaking it, oh my Forza will steal our idea hehe.
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There was already a game that did this on the PS2(Supercar Street Challenge). It did a decent job at it, too bad the gameplay was horrible. Basically all you did was select from the pre-made parts.

I loved that game. We need a feature like that in GT, then people would stop complaining about missing cars or duplicate cars, because there will always be some fanatics that create the perfect porsche and sell the design on an online auction style thing.

I think we're going way ahead of GT5 with this feature though. It would be awesome to have, but i don't want it to be simple, i want in depth, i want to feel like i am designing my own car, not just a product of parts from other cars, or generic designs that GT came up with.
I loved that game. We need a feature like that in GT, then people would stop complaining about missing cars or duplicate cars, because there will always be some fanatics that create the perfect porsche and sell the design on an online auction style thing.

I think we're going way ahead of GT5 with this feature though. It would be awesome to have, but i don't want it to be simple, i want in depth, i want to feel like i am designing my own car, not just a product of parts from other cars, or generic designs that GT came up with.

Oh my i think we are thinking the same, designing your own and setting up your own turbo, kers, etc. Damn!!!!!!! :drool: that is the future of Racing game simulation. A Full assembly not just a simulation but a hobby style like those hobby toys where you get to assemble and create your own engine, body, design. Familiar with Tamiya toy cars guys? where you make your own racing cars and race them against other competitors on rails. Just like that concept, built your own car, set up, balance, weight, etc and race against the others. "THE FUTURE OF RACING GAME SIMULATION IS BUILDING YOUR OWN CAR, DESIGNING IT, BALANCE, ETC. AND COMPETE IT FOR A RACE AGAINST OTHER GAMERS WHO MADE THERE OWN CAR DESIGNS AND SET UP, ETC."

PD I hope you are getting this 💡 "a full car editor, assembly and design for your own cars, and to mix up all the parts from existing parts company or cars or build your own engine in a VIRTUAL MACHINE SHOP, which we desired is the best and also learn to balance the physics the weight , etc. FREEDOM IN DESIGNING Yehey! See you GT10, :dopey: I think even Gt6 for ps4, cannot do that yet but I hope PD can do that in the future.
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Sega GT on Dreamcast actually did a half decent job. If I remember, you start with a chassis (sort of based on some real cars). From their you selected Front, Rear, or AWD. Then you picked engine displacement and number of cylinders. I forget how deep it want after that, but it was good enough that I made multiple versions of my own cars.

GT could probably do one good enough to include in the game. You'd just need a few options for chassis, engine, and aerodynamics.

I think the chassis would definetly have to be pre-set, you can't just design your own chassis ingame, the game and console would not be able to accurately calculate how the car would handle. But with the Drivetrain and then choosing an engine, where to mount it, vertically or horizontally, then some sort of editor showing weight distribution. That is what i want to see :D
Sorry but this is not about racing, this is engineering, if you want to create stuff on PC's there's C++ and Maya, but this is hardly entertaining and no way in [WIKIPEDIA]Xibalba[/WIKIPEDIA] that you would be able to accomplish anything using a dual shock.
One problem would be that if you used pre-made parts, you know certain manufacturers aren't going to want their parts mixed in with competitor's parts. Also, the work to make sure that collision meshes and damage and driver positions are all correct for any possible combination....ugh....
It certainly wouldnt be easy for PD to implement and it would be limited. For it to work in the game/a console it would be mostly lots of premade parts(mostly fictional maybe backed by manufacturers) with some modifiers(size/skew etc) that snap-to points on a chassis. Have various types of chassis that accommodate different drive trains. All body parts would need to have a weight and drag coefficient values thats adjustable if the parts shape is augmented. All internals would also need weight values(on top of all performance values) so placement on the chassis effects the characteristics of the car etc..etc...

Honestly that would be an absolute dream game for me. If done right I would spend 100's of hours building/testing/tweaking my concepts. Really reminds on that game on the original Xbox APEX which turned out to be nothing like what it was being originally billed as, a concept car make/racing game.
I also hope they will have it in GT5, if not then in future GT. Some may disagree with me on this but the ability to design your own cars will increase the number of cars in a game. The 950+ cars in GT5 can become thousands of different variations of cars with things like a Livery editor and bodypart modifier. Look at the real life car scene. Every car is unique in their own different way. Go to a car meet and you can see a single model of car have many variations. Some good, some bad but you have to take the good with the bad.:)
They could make a seperate program for building cars and sell it on the PSN. Then you could import these new cars into the latest GT game. That would be swesome.

Who knows. Maybe GT7 :P
They could make a seperate program for building cars and sell it on the PSN. Then you could import these new cars into the latest GT game. That would be swesome.

Who knows. Maybe GT7 :P

See my post earlier ITT.

A lot of people are saying they want to mess with engine parts and drivetrains, etc, while using the chassis and body bits that are already in-game.

Now, this isn't exactly a new thing to do. 'hybriding' has been around for ages, and while it can produce decent results, it's still limited in that you're not really creating anything just as someone doing an engine swap isn't really creating anything.

I remember doing a bit of this with the old NFS computer games (mostly HP2). Just copy-pasting the engine files from one car to another, maybe giving the suspension a bit of beef. And while you could make some decent cars, you weren't making YOUR cars, which I believe would be the problem for those who are into this kind of thing.

Also, LOL @ the university comment. I go to university, and I know they kick people out who do that.
Sega GT on Dreamcast actually did a half decent job. If I remember, you start with a chassis (sort of based on some real cars). From their you selected Front, Rear, or AWD. Then you picked engine displacement and number of cylinders. I forget how deep it want after that, but it was good enough that I made multiple versions of my own cars.

GT could probably do one good enough to include in the game. You'd just need a few options for chassis, engine, and aerodynamics.

Sega GT was the game that hooked me on racing games, and I loved that feature, as well as the sponsership aspect.

I would love to see it reinstituted in GT5 or another racing game possibly.

In fact I believe you could build a great game around the "Build your own car" alone.

Be your own Carroll Shelby, Jack Roush, or Roger Penske so to speak.
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