I just got into a big fight wiht my little brother...

Any way to fix this? :/
Yep, stop doing all this.

so offended by my 'yelling.'

I'm trying to break his arm

brawling with him.

he keeps up his craphole attitude.
And, as the older brother, you need to grow up as it seems like you're the one with the attitude. He's reacting to you. If you yell and fight, then that's what he'll return with.
And, as the older brother, you need to grow up as it seems like you're the one with the attitude. He's reacting to you. If you yell and fight, then that's what he'll return with.

And there it is, I have a younger sister and you have no idea how many times I get crap for stuff she did. I've had pens, brushes, and remotes thrown at me more times than I can count and you know how many I ever threw back?.... 0. Eventually it stops, eventually they get over the fact they no longer get a reaction and what can you get in trouble for when you just walk away? It's really a simple solution, don't do anything back and just walk away, a life lesson really.

Imagine when you start working in a couple years and get yelled at by your boss. Are you going to stand there and fight with him? God no, you take it and walk away. Same thing with your brother.
Er, yes you can do something about it. Either just explain what's happening to the parents or if she's actually hitting you with her fists or anything, just simply give her a bear hug and explain that you're waiting for her to calm down and only will let go once she's calmed down.

None of that ever worked for me. I always got in trouble over my younger sister. I was the oldest so I was always in the wrong, regardless of the situation. The one thing that helped me was that we went on a vacation one year, and rented a house boat. We were all on that boat for a week, and it was pretty tight living for a faimily of 4. My parents then seen my sister for the devil that she was to me, and they started siding with me sometimes after our fights.

I think the turning point for us was after I moved out. We had some pretty crazy fights when we were younger, and she wasn't the type that could be bear hugged and told to calm down. It just mad her more upset and was really ahrd to keep her from biting no matter how you held her.

What's sad is that I have a 5 and almost 2 year old now, and everything gets blamed on the 5 year old because "he knows better". I try to remember how it was when I was young and was getting blamed for everything, but sometimes in the heat of battle it's hard to stop and think.

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