I think I have the best GT-R 07 tune for circuit

  • Thread starter dwilko01
Hi, I believe I have the best GT-R tune for circuit racing.
I am not comfortable in just posting the spec's to just anyone:crazy:, BUT what I can tell you is that the GT-R is tuned for the trial mountain circuit and it clock's 1min 15 sec on warm tires >2nd lap<, and I dont regard myself as a pro driver "I make mistakes all the time" but this tune makes the car soooo f&#$%*! quick.

All I want to know is if there are other tuners out there that can honestly say they have tuned there's to compete with me as I would love to share some expertise and would gladly remove this post "when proven".

Cheers, Dan.
Only one way to find out. We each tune cars for our own driving styles, so let's line them up online and have a race. I'm in. I think my Super GT tunes are competitive and posted out in the open in my garage.

By the way, I love that your second post on GT Planet was so brave.
Only one way to find out. We each tune cars for our own driving styles, so let's line them up online and have a race. I'm in. I think my Super GT tunes are competitive and posted out in the open in my garage.

By the way, I love that your second post on GT Planet was so brave.

You don´t really want to drive with a SuperGT versus a GTR `07 ?

Lol, yeah ill be there, and yes raced a super GT the other day and got creamed tho not by much > 8 sec over 5 laps. Im sure it could have been worse, but the other guy was a pretty good driver.
Lol, yeah ill be there, and yes raced a super GT the other day and got creamed tho not by much > 8 sec over 5 laps. Im sure it could have been worse, but the other guy was a pretty good driver.

You don't think 8 seconds over five laps is a lot?? I am not trying to poke fun or anything, just curious. What track was it?
Trial mountain, and no I really dont think it is that much when you take into account that we are comparing a GT-R 07 to a super GT :dopey:, 1.6 sec a lap from a stand still start, well I may be wrong but I generally dont think it's that bad.
It was not a pp or hp spesific race so I don't know how much hp he had.

Yes Im alway's happy to race people that have the talent and patience to race clean:)
Hmmm&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;are you sure you aren't just awesome at driving on that track? :D And forgive me, but you do seem rather arrogant about this, aren't you? :D There's a whole world out there, and to say you've got the fastest out of&#8230;some millions of GTRs seems slightly naive. Still, as most tuners would have tuned it, just have a look, and try their tunes. Most can't resist the temptation to go with 800hp anyways, so there's no need to worry about power differences. MFT has two, Avid has one, RKM has made a unreleased one so you'd need to ask Rotary Junkie for it, LDP also has one. So just check those out, and then see if you still come out on top&#8230;&#8230;
1:15 on trial mountain with a gt-r 07 is impossible. it's even impossible with a gt-r 09.
seriously, that would be nearly as fast as my zr-1 rm with 1:13,2xx.
he has no picture or video, because it did never happen. it's impossible, even with shortcutting the last corner.
Ah&#8230;I wouldn't say that. A really good driver could lap trial mountain in 1:28 in a NSX on sport tyres, so just because very few people can do it, doesn't mean everyone can't do it. I'd love a video, to see this '!@£#@%^!' beast of a GTR.
i really consider myself a good driver and my best, without shortcutting the last corner is a 1:18 in a gt-r 09.
He wasn't on sports tyres that's for sure, and even racing softs can't shave that much time.1'18-1'25, that I could believe but not faster than that.
Indeed. I want proof, setup for trying out etc. Otherwise this is just another newbie trying to gain his 5 minutes of fame.
Damn you! You owe me a new laptop Leonidae! I spat grape juice all over my mac when I read the '5 minutes of fame' :lol: :D hahahhhahahahahaha :D
Damn you! You owe me a new laptop Leonidae! I spat grape juice all over my mac when I read the '5 minutes of fame' :lol: :D hahahhhahahahahaha :D

I'm 1'08" with my monster flyng bus. on EIGER
Can send the replay when you want...!!!!

How much time can you shave with SRF on and taking redflaged laps as good. He didn't indicate what aids he was using that I saw and no indication of what he considers a "good" lap. Not saying its not legitimate as I don't do GT-Rs so have no idea of their capabilities. But when a number of the better known tuners and drivers in the forum question something that gets my attention. Think a screen shot showing the green lap time is at least called for.
Whats the point of claiming you have the best tune, then not even posting it? Regardless there is no such thing as a perfect tune, it is always a compromise.
Ran a 1:12:678, I set it for 20 laps, breaking in my GTR 07'. I Cant remember if I set it for trial mountain or deep forest raceway, but the car has only 60 miles on it, so it isin't fully broken in. And this was my test race, so gears arent near redlining. I'm sure after these 20 laps i'll beat the time again. Made setup in about 3 mins, and will post after race. And will post vid if ya'll want, I have the 2nd fastest solo time on Daytona that I know of in a NASCAR, so i'm a half decent tuner.
lol, seriously you think I would get that time by playing by the rules;
No I was driving a 4WD for starts, with racing soft on the front and mediums on the rear and without 6th gear, it took me hours to get that time and my average time on that track is 1:19 1:20 (clean)
So in otherwords you are just trolling here, and your tune is only average at best.
It is funny how mant ppl will jump back into a street car when they see someone has done something they didn't try.
I am however going to be racing online tonight under (GT-R 07 ONLY) with my race tune, for all the sceptics and (clean racers)