I think my Cat is turning into a Zombie

  • Thread starter Pebb
I can not believe you people thinking that Duke violated the AUP by mentioning a friend blowing smoke into his cats face..

I've smoked a blunt more than once... <- There.. Violate that...

Umm you have been violated:confused:
Are you sure you should be talking about this subject matter on this website? I'm pretty sure that is in violation of the AUP since it is discussing illegal activities.

Get off your high horse you holier-than-thou prick. :)
This thread just gets better.

1) Highly intellegent member makes a post regarding ones cat and it attacking him (still not sure wether this is a good or bad thing? good kitty?)
2) Some great witty replies mixed with audio and pictures
3) Extremely well respected member grasping at straws to make oneself look good in trying to discredit a great mod for many years over alleged illegal materal in post.

wheres my popcorn.
This thread just gets better.

1) Highly intellegent member makes a post regarding ones cat and it attacking him (still not sure wether this is a good or bad thing? good kitty?)
2) Some great witty replies mixed with audio and pictures
3) Extremely well respected member grasping at straws to make oneself look good in trying to discredit a great mod for many years over alleged illegal materal in post.

wheres my popcorn.

This thread is a officially epic!
I think it's a fair enough concern, second hand smoke causes an increased chance of oral cancer, feline lymphoma, and other respiratory problems such as asthma in cats.

Explain to me how that is funny.
I think it's a fair enough concern, second hand smoke causes an increased chance of oral cancer, feline lymphoma, and other respiratory problems such as asthma in cats.

Explain to me how that is funny.

You broke the thread... :-|
Are you sure you should be talking about this subject matter on this website? I'm pretty sure that is in violation of the AUP since it is discussing illegal activities.
Since I didn't say I was smoking pot, nor did I discuss any of the following:
  • Where to buy pot
  • How to smoke pot
  • How to grow pot
  • How to sell pot
  • How to avoid detection when buying, smoking, growing, or selling pot
...my post was not subject to the intent of the "No Illegal Activities" rule.

That rule was put into place entirely to prevent people from posting links to cracked software, pirated music or videos, etc. In other words, it is to prevent people using GTP to obtain information about how to break the law, or to break the law themselves.

It is not intended to ban ALL discussion of ANYTHING that is illegal - otherwise, we'd all have to get infractions for the discussion about naming teddy bears Mohammed, among many many other things.
Then might I suggest you change the AUP to reflect that? If I'm reading this I assume all illegal acts are banned.

You will not use these forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.

But so I am clear on this, I am allowed to discuss illegal acts as long as I don't say I'm going to go download the latest version of Top Gear? No this is not meant to be sarcastic, I'm asking an honest question here.
Joey: 0
Duke: 1

Before I get into trouble for off topic posting i better add to the threads purpose (or lack of?).

my cat has scratched me a few times and it hurts
All this bickering is off-topic imo, we need to get back onto the topic of TVR&FF's zombie cat. Where is TVR&FF anyway?
:lol: This thread is becoming a classic. Also I might add, Joey D, just forget this whole thing and let this thread live. Oh yeah, TVR, just what was the main reason for opening this thread anyways? Just to make a point or is it some sort of sick joke? Anyways, here is a photo of my cat sleeping, just to show you how nice my cat is...... :D


(he was opening his eyes when I shot this)

So as you can see, hes not mean at all! Look, he's sleeping on my bed, my 🤬 bed!!!! My parents lock him outside, while i was too busy playing my PS2, he entered my room and jump on the bed!!! :ouch:

This cat is probably worse.

You know, when i was watching the video, the sound of the cat waked my cat up and then my cat ran away from my room and went downstairs!!!!! :lol: He really is a cowardly cat!!! You should have seen it for yourself, it was hilarious!!!! :lol:
So as you can see, hes not mean at all! Look, he's sleeping on my bed, my 🤬 bed!!!! My parents lock him outside, while i was too busy playing my PS2, he entered my room and jump on the bed!!! :ouch:
Dude - Our cats sleep where ever they fancy - If they can spot the opening, the closet is the preferred place, but that takes 1337 cat skills, hiding beneath a desk and jumping at the right time because they're not, officially, allowed in there :-)

Usually they just crawl inside the duvets (?) and stay there 'till they're well done...

We gave up on them a loooong time ago....
If TVR&FF comes back as a zombie, how will we know?

Sorry, Jamie, couldn't resist... :scared:
Dude - Our cats sleep where ever they fancy - If they can spot the opening, the closet is the preferred place, but that takes 1337 cat skills, hiding beneath a desk and jumping at the right time because they're not, officially, allowed in there :-)
Same here. Nothing liek getting awakend at 3:00am by a cat that has to go pee after you closed the closet, unknowingly locking him in there.

Even better is when he goes outside and then decides he doesn't want to wait until morning to come in, so he climbs up to the bedroom window and meows until one of us wakes up and lets him in.

An important thing to remember about cats: They are extremely independent when they want to be. This results in two things:
1) They will sleep when, where, and how they want.
2) They will bite you because they want to.
As I've said before, a good toss down the stairs will put that cat in-line, zombie or not.

That, or there is always the classic cat + burlap sack + thrown in river = end of problem situation... Thank Tom and Jerry for that one!
YSSMAN, I hate you.

Dude - Our cats sleep where ever they fancy - If they can spot the opening, the closet is the preferred place, but that takes 1337 cat skills, hiding beneath a desk and jumping at the right time because they're not, officially, allowed in there :-)

I just gave up, and moved my in-cycle clothes somewhere else, letting them enjoy the old stuff I don't wear.