I want some advice on what to buy...

  • Thread starter jacnob
I know, its just that I've been looking forward to this for so freaking long I want to get something above the ordinary. And F.Y.I, I'm 15 and turn 16 very, very soon.
I understand that teenagers are inexperienced , but I'm starting to get annoyed by everyone telling me that I'm going to wreck my car...
Statistically you will wreck it, getting a sporty car only increases those odds. Trust me, most of us who are older thought we weren't going into any trouble with a car when we were 15 or 16, reality hit many of us pretty hard.
I'm sorry, its just that I'm frustrated with every adult (barring my dad) saying that. Please you guys, at least don't be so negative about it...
I'm sorry, its just that I'm frustrated from hearing all of the adults I've spoken with about this saying that I'm pretty much destined to fail.
Then you decide? People are sharing their experiences with you, not telling you what is right and wrong.

There is really no right or wrong answer thats why there is so much back and forth in here. If your dad is trying to get you into a G35 for your first car I wouldnt worry about which car you get cause it will be supported regardless of what it is.

I suggest you just choose the car YOU actually want, then you will find out for yourself what comes next. We are in this life to learn, some lessons are hard others are easy but if we could control every one of them we wouldnt really be living. Just do what feels right to YOU because at the end of the day thats one who is gonna make the ultimate decision and take responsibility for it and 2 its your life not anyone else.

Just post the car with a proof cause Im just curious to see how much truth is really going on here.
Don't get frustrated, a lot of these people have been through exactly what you want to do and want to help save you a lot of trouble that they had. You'll do what you want no matter what but just think about it before you do. I was like you and even after two years of driving with a license I wasn't completey ready for the amount of power I ended up with. If it didn't scare me so much I'd be dead right now.
Well, I talked to my parents about the MR2 and they're okay with it (the fact that my dad owned an AW11 before I was born probably has something to do with that.) So for now, I'm just waiting on February 1st to roll around so I can go get it (when his bonus is deposited) :)

EDIT: Also, what do you mean by "I'm curious as to how much truth is going on here?"
I mean that I have seen so many of these threads where new drivers that are receiving a first car have these crazy dream cars in mind and end up in a Eco box if that. So I want to see what happens here, not doubting just interested.
^ If it's an M3, I wouldn't. If it's a base 325i, that's more acceptable. But, despite the age, it is still a BMW, so the car will not make good friends with his wallet.
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My first car was rear-wheel-drive, but it was also relatively heavy for the 80s and had all of 155hp. Honestly, drivetypes are blown way more out of proportion than they really need to be. My 2nd daily drive was FWD and had even less power and I enjoyed wringing its neck more than my Skyline.

I'd personally look at Teggys. DC2 or the Acura RSX/DC5 Teggy. Lightweight, great handling, powerful enough and superior aftermarket. Just don't rice it up like all the other Honda drivers though.
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No problem.

I will also add for the OP that while it's nice to have a cool sports car for your first car, it is far more satisfying to wait in my experience. Every country has the same sort of people in it with the same ideals. Our Provisional license restrictions for turbocharged and 8+ cylinder vehicles mitigates the problem somewhat here but you'll still find those few guys that want to find any loophole they can to get a high-performance vehicle on their P's.

I'm pretty much treeing everyone else here but the first few years of driving should be dedicated, and solely dedicated, to learning and mastering the basics of driving and car control. And you do not need a high-performance vehicle to do so.

You have plenty of time to graduate to a vehicle of such stature. Hell, last year I went from this:


To this:

by Murcie_LP640, on Flickr

To reiterate, you will have plenty of years to enjoy whatever sporty flavour takes your fancy, but for now just take it easy; there are plenty of sporty cars available that do not require a lot of power in order to have fun.
I'm proud of you, you came a long way and your first driving experience is going to be so much richer as a result.

Best of luck with your new car and please, please drive safely.
That's a hefty amount of miles, I'd watch the engine closely. But good first car, hope to see a thread up soon for it!

Not for a Toyota, that thing's barely halfway through its life expectancy and visually at least it seems like it was babied. Should be just fine.

Besides, high milers are a great way to learn how to work on your own car because it gives you a great excuse to wrench on it.
I thought I recall 3S-GTE engines having various seal issues around 200,000 miles. I wouldn't be surprised if it were to last much longer, it is in great condition like you say. 👍
Make sure to take it for a test drive before you buy it. Check to make sure everything's working right, brake pedal is firm, listen for any grinding, check for rust, make sure clutch isn't slipping etc.
Awesome car, I've always had a special place for MR2s. Do keep in mind, though, it is mid-engined, so the whole weight transfer/handling deal might feel weird. Not that you should be worried, cause you'll be driving responsibly, right? :D
Well, I went and bought the car yesterday, and I have some more info: It isn't as unmolested as it appeared; as I was messing around in the engine bay, I found a mechanical boost controller, and I'm certain that the boost has been turned up quite a bit. (I've confirmed this with some conversions; the little boost timer said at least 1.0 hkPa which is around 14 PSi) In addition to that, it needs a new valve cover gasket and the windows and the stereo aren't working (the dealer said it was just a fuse, but my dad said that it is the ignition because when he took it to the gas station the stereo started working but the car's engine wouldn't turn off at first)

I would just make a new thread, but I don't have my camera so I can't get proof and stuff.
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Wind some boost out of it, your engine will last longer running less boost 👍 10 PSI is more than enough for a car that light and even then that's pushing it.
Running lots of boost on a run down engine is a great way to put your car in the junkyard.

Like husky said, turn down your boost now. If you want to run more upgrade your internals to handle the extra compression safely.
Well, I'm trying to find a replacement ignition switch and valve cover gasket without paying through the nose at the dealership. It would've been close to $300 just for the switch.
Go check your local wreckers - though at this time of year I'd imagine everyone has their sports car locked up so they may be short on SW20's.

Rocker cover gaskets can be purchased at general auto stores for much cheaper than dealerships.