I was victim of a hit and run: Back Home!

Update 2: The car's chassis didn't suffer! The car is due for Friday! But we can't pick it up... However, it's fine! :)






Man you guys love to generalize. I drove while talking on the cell phone for years and didn't have one accident. My wife is a safer driver than I am. And we bought an SUV for the dogs, not so that we could hurt people.

This chick was an ass who took advantage of the apparently poor legal system in Bogota. That doesn't make women, or SUVs evil. I've been passed/nearly killed by too many guys in their 20s in sportscars doing 110 trying to kill themselves and everyone else to think that women have a stranglehold on bad driving.
Same can be said for people on their phones around me. ;)

Phones are definitely a distraction... but so is the radio, or a passenger, or a screaming baby, or anything else going on in the car. I suspect that the people you see driving badly while talking on the phone are generally bad drivers to start with.
Congratulations, mate!
Thanks đź‘Ť :)
Man you guys love to generalize.
I would say that after driving in this country for 20 minutes, you would change your mind... Especially before, during, and after rush hour.

This chick was an ass who took advantage of the apparently poor legal system in Bogota. That doesn't make women, or SUVs evil.
Not evil, but definitely careless and out to kill you.

I've been passed/nearly killed by too many guys in their 20s in sportscars doing 110 trying to kill themselves and everyone else to think that women have a stranglehold on bad driving.
To be fair, that's true. But in this country it isn't just guys in their 20s. It's almost everyone. And I'm sorry but most women in this country can't drive decently.

I'm not trying to exaggerate how driving in Colombia is, it really is one of the worst places you could ever be stuck driving in. If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere.
Phones are definitely a distraction... but so is the radio, or a passenger, or a screaming baby, or anything else going on in the car. I suspect that the people you see driving badly while talking on the phone are generally bad drivers to start with.

True. I think what annoys me the most is just the sheer number of people that talk on their phones while they drive. If you're driving and an emergency call comes in, or maybe the wife needs you to bring home some milk (:P) and it's a short call, that's fine. But if it's really not an important call then save it for when you're not driving a 3k pound hunk of metal and glass. đź‘Ť
People talking and driving dosn't really bother me. At least they're still looking at the road. It's people who text and drive that really really really irk me! I've seen and heard of too many car accidents that were the result of texting and driving.
So the people at Nissan don't seem to honor their word very much. We were supposed to pick it up yesterday but they say it's not ready. Before that, it was supposed to be out Wednesday. Hopefully its out next Wednesday, as they said it would be ready Tuesday.
So it was finally ready today! Picked it up just two hours ago and now it's back home!

Today at 2:47pm marked exactly one month since the car was hit.

So we went to the woman's insurance company to claim the deductible refund and the person at the counter told us the woman wrote in the report she effectively did stop, and we said we had the video proving otherwise. She had nothing to say. I felt pretty good.

Caught lying to your own insurance? Sounds very pleasing...