IA-4 Gold anyone?

  • Thread starter mza
I've gotten all golds up to this point (B, A, IB, IA-1-3).  This test is killing me.  I watched the demos and just can't seem to grasp it.  Bought the Versus guide, but it seems that their instructions are geared towards just passing it, rather than going for the gold.  So anyone...help?

BTW, what golds has everyone else gotten?
Well, I helped myself. . .and I DEMOLISHED the record.

I finished it with a time of 32.037, gold being 32.200.

I may as well post my method in case anyone else needs gold.

Before the first turn, try to get as far left as you can.  When you hit 155mph, hit the brakes hard, but don't necessarily slam them (remember, the DS2 is pressure sensitive).  When you're around 100mph, start a hard right turn.  Release the break around 80mph and drift.  When you get down to 70-74, punch it.  The checkpoint time should be 21.750 or less for a chance (demo was 21.644, mine was 21.5 ^^ ).  Stay to the far right.  Right before you hit the stripes, release the gas.  Almost immediately later, make a hard left for about a second, then a hard right.  If you did it right, you'll touch the left striped edge, then the right, possibly going over it.  Straighten out.  Whew!  Gold, baby!