Took me quite some time to gold it, and here is how I did it:
1. Enter each turn as early as possible. Once you're late for a pair of cones you're screwed.
2. Go as tight as possible around each cone. I noticed that I was way closer to the right side than the left side, so I started to go much closer to the left cones.
3. I divided the slalom course into three sectors, to help me think about the strategy:
- Start sector: First three pairs. Accelerate. The line you take through the first sector be as early as you can without touching the cones. If you get a good early rythm you'll give yourself a good chance to handle the rest.
- Mid sector. Lift the throttle and try to remain at a speed where you have as little over- or understeer as possible. If you go too fast, just dab the brakes quickly at turn-in to get a crisper turn and reduce speed.
- Exit sector: Last three pairs. Aim for a good entrance through the first of the three last pairs, this will allow you to accelerate through the rest of the course and take the highest possible speed with you to the finish line.
Took a bit of practice. In the end I ran 18.6 - 18.7 each time and then I finally got the perfect run and finished at an amazing 18.262, smashing the gold time to pieces