Oh holy oh holy, what a day. One of the best "visit a garage" day ever....
Those who saw the Cars and Coffee pics, know I made a GTR buddy there. He was the guy I convinced in doing the mapping of his GTR at my tuner....
He left today with a smile that did not vanished the whole day....
But let's start. He had a night shift till 6:30, came to my place pick me up and we left at 7 direction Antwerpen...
After a good 2 hours we arrived at the garage, the tuner was still on the phone so I showed him a bit around, all the cars that were there. The Tuner's saturdays are appointement only, and the whole day was scheduled only for us two.
Mine in front, a Nismo replica, and a 1000hp with other crazy mods....
Then the tuner came greet us and had a small chitchat of around an hour
we discussed his plans. Then I got my mods explained. Laptop connected, he showed me my new map and explained everything to me, from the new ECU to the Plex display (which is a stunning piece of technology).
Suddenly a wild R32GTR appears, an other customer that just came by to see the 2 luxemburgish GTR's. His R32 is pretty stock but well maintained and a proper map on it.
Then we went on a ride with mine, tuner with the laptop in the lap, configuring the last fine details. We came to a long Industrial Zone were a company gathering was. The security suddenly pointed us in a direction.... a 700m strip of clean tarmarc to tear through... played there for a good 15 minutes
A big tumb up by the security afterwards
The acceleration, the clean reving , the much sooner power delivery, the map is so awesome, my mad grin just became so much worse...
Then at an intersection, we needed to go right, the tuner said, floor it hard. And I did. And I took the whole corner in a drift. I was so surprised, giggled like a child. Said that I never achieved this before.
5 minutes later the tuner confessed. Front Drive shaft was still in the trunk. Rear wheel drive only. So back to the "strip" where my first donuts in my GTR were achieved.
At this point my face hurted from so much awesomeness.
My buddy was behind us all the time with the other guy in his R32.
Back to the office. Midtime. Already!? So we ate lunch togehter in the tuners garden and had more hp fuelled discussion.
Then we put my buddies GTR through the paces. Compression test, drive shaft removed and on to the dyno.
11bars on all cylinders, 300hp on 500gr boost. Very healthy engine. But he has an old G4 ecu, so it was tried to update the firmware, which resulted in a brick... But the guys at Link will figure that out on Monday.
My driveshaft was mounted again, as the weather started to look terrible and didn't want to drive in a thunderstorm in a 400hp rearwheel driven GTR...
But the rear wheel layout was awesome. Need to remove the shaft at some point and participate in a drift event
After all the talks, more visits of hangars full of JDM's and visiting the engine building rooms, we left at 19h00, both really tired but both had one very very awesome day....
Now I will do some logging on the map itself, then it gets an other fine adjustement.
Some more pics:
I have a few small clips of the start ups of the 1000hp GTR, a 700hp R35, and a dyno run of my buddies GTR
Such awesomeness. Need sleep now