I'd Rather Dan Rather Come Clean.

  • Thread starter milefile
Sorry, forgot I posted here.

As for the swift boat questions, even if they had legit ones, why should kerry have answered him? After they spread a huge body of lies for the specific purpose of discrediting him, why should he talk to them? It'd be like Bush answering questions posed my Micheal Moore!
Kerry was the one who said American soldiers were raping the country side of South Vietnam in the fashion of Ghagis Khan. He accused these soldiers of war crimes yet, Kerry shows no proof. The Swift Vets wanted answers to why Kerry would accuse them if there was no evidence of war crimes.

Wouldn't you want an answer if you spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison being tortured by Kerry's voice condemning you of war crimes?
But, the truth is, that's exactly what we were doing. We killed thousands of civillians, on both sides of the conflict, with everything, from deliberate ordered massacres, to simple indescriminate firebombing and gunship attacks. Ghengis Kahn would have been proud. And the Vietnamese Army committed viscious atrocities undreamed of by the US.

And what for? Going to "war" with a rebel group. (There is not, and never has been, a North or South Vietnam. The "NVA" and "VC" were actually both parts of one unified rebel group, known as the NLF (National Liberation Front). In fact, Ho Chi Minh wasn't a communist himself. He originally drafted a constitution based on that of the US, and appealed for US support, but was denied it. That was when he turned to the Soviets for aid.

The Swift Vets, as I say, lack any credibility. None of them ever served with Kerry, despite their claims otherwise. They were in the same country, at the same time, but none of them served with him directly. Kerry's commanding officer, who now declares him "unfit for command", at the time praised Kerry's actions in Vietnam. In addition to the purple hearts, Kerry recieved a bronze star and a silver star, neither of which were ever given freely and neither of which should be taken lightly. All of those proven to have served with Kerry actually support him, as well, praising his valor and leadership, and fully backing his medals.
I'm not disputing Kerry's medals, he can throw his ribbons over fences all he wants. I'm saying that he falsely accused soldiers in Vietnam and he has never showed any proof.

I feel like I'm back in October again.

Remember when this was about Dan Rather passing off fake documents as the truth?
There was recently a movie about a journalist who sent in quetionable ducoments for years. apparently it was found that over 50% of all his stories were completely made up, and that he had acted as the source himself under other names. I forget who though. argh.

Did anyone see Letterman last night? Mr. Rather was on and explained that there was no "bias" and that the "documents" could not be proven real or fakes.


It took $4 million dollars for CBS to get to that conclusion? Bloggers did it for free and got the exact opposite.

What a waste of money. Mr. Rather is no longer delusional, he just cannot except reality, and that his folly created his demise.

Powerline has the transcript.

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