If ever a rule needed to be enforced ...

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
Originally posted by space
I guess it would help if i actually looked at the dates of teh posted messages:) So what happened with this idea? Has it not been integrated yet, or was it just forgotten about?

It is beyond the realm of vBulletin and Jordan. Such a system exists as free open source code with the name "slashcode", in use by many sites and authored by the gentlemen who host and manage http://www.slashdot.org . However, it is a daunting and difficult task to migrate from one style of bulletin board to another, especially when the differances are as grand as these. Slashcode is more of an article/news based system, where vBulletin is your basic electronic bulletinboard system. Perhaps in future revisions of vBulletin there will be a post ranking system like the one I have lined out above.

We can only offer suggestions and hope they are looked upon favorably.

Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I alway try to use correct spelling and grammar. It just irks me when I read my post after I post it and I have to edit an error out.

The only "non-word" I use is "w00t."

This is what the "Preview Reply" button is for (: It is also why I suggested making it mandatory that posts be previewed before they are allowed to be submitted. I have used several discussion boards where this 'feature' has been implemented. It can be irritating to some (most?) members/users, but in the long run it generates a much higher quality standard across the board (heh, punny am I).

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Yeah, that's a good system - but not everyone wants to be a moderator, like myself.


I think he was saying that moderators choose who gets to be a senior member, not choose new moderators. I think that would be great if we got to choose, and not just everyone who knows how to hit submit could become a senior/veteran member.

Like say, once a month, all mods got together in our "secret forum", and nominated members for the senior/veteran status, and after we talked about each member in depth(like what their posts are like, how much helpful info they provide, how often they assist new people, etc) we would all come up with 1 choice, and that member would be presented with the status. Or something along those lines...;)
Originally posted by Josh

I think he was saying that moderators choose who gets to be a senior member, not choose new moderators. I think that would be great if we got to choose, and not just everyone who knows how to hit submit could become a senior/veteran member.

Like say, once a month, all mods got together in our "secret forum", and nominated members for the senior/veteran status, and after we talked about each member in depth(like what their posts are like, how much helpful info they provide, how often they assist new people, etc) we would all come up with 1 choice, and that member would be presented with the status. Or something along those lines...;)

Moderator access without moderator ability ... intruiging (: This is reminding me very much of my IRC days back on Undernet. Those people took IRC waaaaaayy to seriously. Especially when you're talking about a chat room of no more than 35 regular people, and maybe 5 visitors a day.

Originally posted by Josh
Like say, once a month, all mods got together in our "secret forum", and nominate members for the senior/veteran status, and after we talked about each member in depth(like what their posts are like, how much helpful info they provide, how often they assist new people, etc) we would all come up with 1 choice, and that member would be presented with the status. Or something along those lines...;)

That's what I meant to type...:nervous: I didn't mean that those nominated would be allowed in the "secret forum." Sorry about the mistake...:(
Originally posted by Josh

That's what I meant to type...:nervous: I didn't mean that those nominated would be allowed in the "secret forum." Sorry about the mistake...:(

Ah now I see, you're one of those double talkers aren't you!?! Just kidding (:

I think there should be some kind of special privaledge outside of just "Hey, I was voted as a senior member. woohoo!" Maybe an additional private forum for senior members, aside from the moderators forum. All moderators would automatically be given senor member status (duh). This has actually been on my mind for some time now. Maybe we should come together and suggest it as a group to the J-man. Or possibly you could bring it up in a moderator meeting or whatever you gentlemen do behind closed doors (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

It is beyond the realm of vBulletin and Jordan. Such a system exists as free open source code with the name "slashcode", in use by many sites and authored by the gentlemen who host and manage http://www.slashdot.org . However, it is a daunting and difficult task to migrate from one style of bulletin board to another, especially when the differances are as grand as these. Slashcode is more of an article/news based system, where vBulletin is your basic electronic bulletinboard system. Perhaps in future revisions of vBulletin there will be a post ranking system like the one I have lined out above.

We can only offer suggestions and hope they are looked upon favorably.


So in the "slashcode", its possible to do the post-ranking feature, but it can't be done with the VBulletin software?
Originally posted by LoudMusic
I think there should be some kind of special privaledge outside of just "Hey, I was voted as a senior member. woohoo!" Maybe an additional private forum for senior members, aside from the moderators forum. All moderators would automatically be given senor member status (duh). This has actually been on my mind for some time now. Maybe we should come together and suggest it as a group to the J-man. Or possibly you could bring it up in a moderator meeting or whatever you gentlemen do behind closed doors (:


A private forum for senior/veteran members sounds like a great idea:):thumbsup:. It could be hidden(like the Moderator's Secret Forum, well our's is hidden on the main forums page, but there are places members can go to see that it exists) to everyone else that isn't a senior/veteran member.

He would probably consider it more if it was a group suggestion, and not just another one of mine...:D But if you want me to tell him what's on your mind, I'd be glad to do so...;)
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Ellipses used improperly piss me off severely, is it that hard to hit period 3 times instead of holding it down for 12 seconds?

Proper use:

"...and then he said, "grab my testicle.""

Improper use:

"........................and then he said grab my large breasts....................."

Wow. ---------------> :rolleyes:
Originally posted by polyphony 001
Wise words indeed gentlemen.

As someone for whom the English language is quite dear, I feel its important for people to maintain some kind of standards for grammar and spelling, but I think that for GT Planet, maintaining the general quality of posts is more important.

There are some individuals (who shall remain nameless) who have a ton of posts and yet seem to have nothing valuable to say. They make numerous postings with just a :rolleyes: or a "yea dude" and rack up huge numbers of posts, making themselves feel important. Then they talk down to 'newbies' and others they feel are less senior members of the group. Seniority should be based on the quality of post and the value of the insights within, rather than the number of times someone can hit 'submit reply'.

Rant over - somebody hit 'submit reply':)

I have enjoyed this fourms since becoming a member I look foward everyday I turn my comp on to see some of the replays I value everybody comments we each have our own views its what makes us indivualls My self Being a lot older than most here probably old enough to to be your fathers ( my youngest son is 20) I can understand your views I well always give a fair comment and offer a fair discusion wanting it Being the age that I am I was no different from most of you at your age but I have matured over the years and see thinks a lot different now
Originally posted by Josh

A private forum for senior/veteran members sounds like a great idea:):thumbsup:. It could be hidden(like the Moderator's Secret Forum, well our's is hidden on the main forums page, but there are places members can go to see that it exists) to everyone else that isn't a senior/veteran member.

He would probably consider it more if it was a group suggestion, and not just another one of mine...:D But if you want me to tell him what's on your mind, I'd be glad to do so...;)

I guess you have returned the ball to my side of the court. I will contact him via secret carrier pigeon upon his return to Castle Jordan. He claims he owes me a favor, and we've built a bit of a repore in the past month or so. I'll take care of it so that the young master Josh may reserver his conferances with the high Master for more personal endevours.

But I would like some backing from various Moderators and 'known veteran members'. I think I have support and will take the liberty of dropping names without permission from indivuals (:

Originally posted by jag_man_v12

I have enjoyed this fourms since becoming a member I look foward everyday I turn my comp on to see some of the replays I value everybody comments we each have our own views its what makes us indivualls My self Being a lot older than most here probably old enough to to be your fathers ( my youngest son is 20) I can understand your views I well always give a fair comment and offer a fair discusion wanting it Being the age that I am I was no different from most of you at your age but I have matured over the years and see thinks a lot different now

Hey man, you might want to check your period (.) key, I think it's broke (:

Thank you for the community-wide compliment. I will take the honor of being the spokesman for all GTP veteran members in saying, "We appreciate your undieing desire to converse with our members on a daily basis, and the pleasure you receive in communicating with us. It is our pleasure to welcome you again to the Community, and we truly hope you enjoy your stay at GTPlanet. If there is anything we can do to improve your visits, please feel free to make suggestions in the form a thread in the Suggestions & Feedback forum. All posts are taken seriously, but please don't be offended if your ideas are rejected. Have a pleasent stay."

Hey guys, how did I do? Just came up with that off the top of my head ... now, when do I get my own TV show?

Originally posted by space

So in the "slashcode", its possible to do the post-ranking feature, but it can't be done with the VBulletin software?

I'm sure it can, but Jordan doesn't have the prowess to make it happen. He can, however, suggest it to the creators of vBulletin and hopefully they will take it into concideration for future versions.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

I guess you have returned the ball to my side of the court. I will contact him via secret carrier pigeon upon his return to Castle Jordan. He claims he owes me a favor, and we've built a bit of a repore in the past month or so. I'll take care of it so that the young master Josh may reserver his conferances with the high Master for more personal endevours.

Does it ever occur to you that you put a little too much thought into your posts?:confused::lol:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

But I would like some backing from various Moderators and 'known veteran members'. I think I have support and will take the liberty of dropping names without permission from indivuals (:



You have my full support...;)
Originally posted by Josh

Does it ever occur to you that you put a little too much thought into your posts?:confused::lol:


You have my full support...;)

Dude, you have no idea. I was composing an email to a friend that was along the same theme as a certain R&P thread that Schumy and I are discussing in. I spent ALL DAY (working hours ...) writing the one email. Then I sent it at the end of the day so she would get it first thing in the morning. I would write it, then revise it, then write it again. I had a freshly revised version about every 30 minutes. It was long too ... probably four or five pages printed (single space, standard fonts and margins). I'm like that about everything though. It goes with my "think before you speak" persona. I'd like to make the correct impression on the reader(s).

Unfortunately, as you pointed out, I made the wrong impression in 'that other thread'. Hey, I'm human, we all make mistakes. Fortunately, those I can correct.

Thanks for your support in the 'veteran's thread' movement (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Dude, you have no idea. I was composing an email to a friend that was along the same theme as a certain R&P thread that Schumy and I are discussing in. I spent ALL DAY (working hours ...) writing the one email. Then I sent it at the end of the day so she would get it first thing in the morning. I would write it, then revise it, then write it again. I had a freshly revised version about every 30 minutes. It was long too ... probably four or five pages printed (single space, standard fonts and margins). I'm like that about everything though. It goes with my "think before you speak" persona. I'd like to make the correct impression on the reader(s).~LoudMusic

Whoa! That's incredible!:eek:
I wouldn't have the patience to do something like that.:lol:

After reading most of your posts here on GTPlanet, I can't say that I'm surprised by something like that though...;) Without even having to read any of this thread, it's extremely obvious that you care way more about quality than you do quanity.
Originally posted by Josh

Whoa! That's incredible!:eek:
I wouldn't have the patience to do something like that.:lol:
Well, I did take a nice two hour lunch to sort my thoughts. I don't remember where I went, but we had been sending those emails back and forth for a couple weeks, and I always had to take a 'breather' in the middle and shake some feeling back into my arms and legs. Sitting at a keyboard and being that mentally focused for that long is more draining than one might think.
After reading most of your posts here on GTPlanet, I can't say that I'm surprised by something like that though...;) Without even having to read any of this thread, it's extremely obvious that you care way more about quality than you do quanity.
It's always nice to know that people pay attention (: And yes, quantity is not my goal in any aspect of life. Quality has been number one for as long as I can remember. My grandfather once said to me (in an electronics store ...), "Boy, if you're going to buy something, you might as well buy the best. There's no sense buying something that you'll just be replacing a few years down the line." I sort of took the universal insight from that statement and applied it to my life. So far so good. I have nice stuff, not much of it ... I have great friends, just about the right amount of them, and people see me as a man who desires quality in everything he does.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Thank you for the community-wide compliment. I will take the honor of being the spokesman for all GTP veteran members in saying, "We appreciate your undieing desire to converse with our members on a daily basis, and the pleasure you receive in communicating with us. It is our pleasure to welcome you again to the Community, and we truly hope you enjoy your stay at GTPlanet. If there is anything we can do to improve your visits, please feel free to make suggestions in the form a thread in the Suggestions & Feedback forum. All posts are taken seriously, but please don't be offended if your ideas are rejected. Have a pleasent stay."

no problem i enjoy being here
Hmmm, another thread about coloquilisms(sp?), grammar and spelling. This is one of the eternal subjects that is a matter of taste. I always think of myself as being more than capable of writing a grammatically correct sentance. Although when I re-read the post in the 'review reply'; this does not always prove to be the case.

Ok, the crux of the matter, u r all guilty of grammar and spelling errors; I am especially so. So is it worth picking up on? I would say yes to anyone who can't be bothered to type properly, u r lzy..... that is crap, I don't want to read crap. Spelling and Grammer, just leave it alone, anyone who corrects this type of thing can usually be picked apart, and will be, the threads end up consisting of diatribes.... and yes I do know there are spelling and grammatical errors in the above, but I do not pretend to be perfect, although I am 'English' and therefore should have a good command of the language....
Originally posted by LoudMusic

I'm sure it can, but Jordan doesn't have the prowess to make it happen. He can, however, suggest it to the creators of vBulletin and hopefully they will take it into concideration for future versions.

a case in point being the above, from someone who often spends the whole working day writing an email. LM if you worked for me, I'd sack you without any hesitation.....
Originally posted by Danger Powers
a case in point being the above, from someone who often spends the whole working day writing an email. LM if you worked for me, I'd sack you without any hesitation.....

Except that no one else can do what I do (: The nice thing for me, there isn't always work to do, but when it needs to be done they come to me because they know I'll get it done fast and correctly every time. I'm like, special ops or something.

Originally posted by Klostrophobic

You don't really think I make mistakes, do you?

Yes, unless "feh", "coring bunt", "w00t", "bwol", and "nucking futs" are really words.
Originally posted by Brian P

Don't forget bwol.

I just edited the posts and added "bwol"...;)

BTW- I'm not claiming I've never made any grammar/spelling mistakes. I've probably made hundreds of them, but it's not a big deal to me...:)
Originally posted by Josh

I just edited the posts and added "bwol"...;)

BTW- I'm not claiming I've never made any grammar/spelling mistakes. I've probably made hundreds of them, but it's not a big deal to me...:)

Yeah, but you don't go round saying I don't make mistakes either.
As thread starter I would like to make a few points ...

Sheesh ... it's not difficult ... just don't be an arrogant jackass and we'll all get along just fine. I leave you with this ....


.... laugh, and be merry.
