"If I Did It"....?

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス
Would you have read this book? The publication has now been cancelled, however... I like the 'subtle' use of colour, emphasising the 'I DID IT' bit in murderous, blood red (or am I reading too much into this? :P )

Interesting synopsis... :ill: :nervous:

More than a decade after the "Trial of the Century," in an explosive and provocative new book unlike anything you've ever read, Orenthal James Simpson finally breaks his self-imposed silence. If I Did It, in the defendant's own words, will cover the events leading up to, including, and in the aftermath of the murders.

Seems to me that he’s mentally unstable, genuinely believes that he didn’t do it, but has enough of the murder stuffed in his subconsciousness that he could write something like this.
Seems to me that he’s mentally unstable, genuinely believes that he didn’t do it, but has enough of the murder stuffed in his subconsciousness that he could write something like this.

Maybe he just wants some attention? 💡
Or more likely some money. Johnny Cochrane didn't come cheap, even if he did keep OJ'sd guilty ass out of jail.
His civil trial that he lost precludes him gaining any income than they can't immediately attach.

He's srewed Income wise...BTW don't be suprised if the IRS does'nt put him away in the next few years for not reporting the money he gets " under the table " .

I don't think he will be getting a " light " sentance..:)
OJ is a bum. I'm glad they pulled that stupid interview. They pulled the book too, correct?

How could him telling us how he "would" of done it be in anyway a good thing? Except for the fact that he did do it. :sly:
The big irony for me is that I believed the whole schtick about the forensic evidence being fatally flawed (which it was) after hearing and meeting an expert witness for the defence, Barry Scheck during my time as a student of forensic science at Strathclyde University, Glasgow... he pointed out, in no uncertain terms, just how badly the prosecution :censored:ed up their case, and as a result I was quite happy to accept the fact that OJS had not been proven guilty, even despite the fact that the rest of the defence seemed to focus on the 'institutionalised racism' of the LAPD.... the racist attitude of some of the LAPD involved in the crime scene investigation and subsequent trial helped significantly to discredit the good evidence the police did have, but even so, the handling and presentation of that evidence was so poor, it was no surprise to me when OJS was (originally) found not guilty... :ouch:
It's surprising that people are actually growing a conscious rather than just seeing $$? It can't be that they have morals. I believe I heard on the news some people were paid or something to help get stuff going which were illegal. That might be the reason. Figures.
OJ Simpson is as guilty of murder as Dick Cheney is of being drunk when he had his hunting accident. The constitution allows for every citizen to have the right of free expression and I believe in that. It's just disgusting to me when slime like OJ Simpson take advantage of that in such a way. I'm pleased with every media outlet blasting it.

Strangely, I'm on the fence when trying to decide whether or not I'll actually buy a copy.
Apparently a copy of the book made it's way on to eBay earlier this week, and was going for over $1,600 before it was pulled... :scared:
The big irony for me is that I believed the whole schtick about the forensic evidence being fatally flawed (which it was) after hearing and meeting an expert witness for the defence, Barry Scheck during my time as a student of forensic science at Strathclyde University, Glasgow... he pointed out, in no uncertain terms, just how badly the prosecution :censored:ed up their case, and as a result I was quite happy to accept the fact that OJS had not been proven guilty, even despite the fact that the rest of the defence seemed to focus on the 'institutionalised racism' of the LAPD.... the racist attitude of some of the LAPD involved in the crime scene investigation and subsequent trial helped significantly to discredit the good evidence the police did have, but even so, the handling and presentation of that evidence was so poor, it was no surprise to me when OJS was (originally) found not guilty... :ouch:

You would be suprised how many people overlook how badly they presented that case. Actually it seems you would'nt:)
I think they killed the publicication because of some of the rules in the court room related to double jepordy.
Specifically, once you are found "not guilty" you are free from prosecution unless new evidence that is pertinant to your case is found.

This book may have revealed information true to the murder that OJ claimed to not know as well as a confession.

Just a guess, but I bet this book may have provided new evidence which would possibly allow the re-trial of OJ.

I doubt that's the case but you never know. :confused: