If the majority of GT5 tracks are GT4 tracks upscaled to HD...

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What do you think about GT5 tracks being GT4 tracks upscaled to HD?

  • I'm OK with it

    Votes: 26 21.1%
  • I'm not OK with it

    Votes: 16 13.0%
  • I'm OK with it if that's what it takes to keep a good framerate with weather/day/night etc

    Votes: 30 24.4%
  • I'm OK with it as long as the quality is as good as the tracks seen in GT5P

    Votes: 51 41.5%

  • Total voters
My biggest gripe with the tracks is not so much the polygon count, but the textures, especially the tracks surface. i think the track surface in pgr3/4 looked amazing, tho it did seem to blur after like 10metres, probs due to anistrophic filtering. Also the shine coming off the track is too much, roads arn't usually that shiny in the dry, tho i think thats more of a lighting issue.
Polyphony is very good at tricking us with graphics tho, theres a lot of corner cutting in the graphics department to save computational resources, altho not instantly noticable a lot of the time, things like 2d trees, hexagonal wall tires, and no refelections of other cars in your car starts to irratate me sometimes, i mean come on this is ps3, they had 3d trees in supermario 64 for god sake. I think a lot of gt's graphical splendour is false, for example london track is basically just a collection of reasonably modelled buildings covered in photographic textures, there not as high polly as they seem, same goes for the eiger rockface, people are like wow, but really all they are, are photographs, don't get me wrong tho thats all that is needed realy with current hardware limitations.
I know things like this don't really matter in a racing game, but for a company that strives on perfection and takes so damn long to produce a game i expect more, god even nfs shift will have reflections of the cars interior on the windshield, and pgr 3 had dirt and grime on there which made it look far more realistic, i only hope gt5s improved somewhat over prologue.
i agree....

how person can think to want much more...for me the level of grafic of gt its gorgeous than other title... its like it runs in another console...
Well i would be ok with it. But i dont really understand why they should. Almost every game studio that makes a race game models every track one by one. And they release their game within 2 years. So why shouldn't PD be able te remodel their tracks in 5 years :S
It may have been a scratch made track, I'm not sure, but it looks very early to me, a "work in progress" is the words I guess. On the other hand Daytona Road, Eiger and London look very clean and sharp.

I'm no expert, so I'm not sure what has been made from scratch and what hasn't, but it is obvious that the videos of Le Mans and the nurburgring show they are just upscaled GT4 tracks. The jump is nowhere near as high as the car models made from GT4 to GT5P.

I use to be dead set against GT5 using high resolution GT4 tracks, but now I am not against it if thats what it takes to add all these extra special effects (Rain etc etc)

Not having to build all the tracks over from scratch should make the rumored 96 total track count possible.

I've just looked over the list of GT4 tracks, there is about 50 different track layouts. If you count the reverse layouts of the fictional tracks the number goes up to about 95 tracks.

Add the tracks in the weather report and you got over 100...

So here's to quantity over quality :cheers:

There are 50 tracks in GT4. Reverse versions boosts that total to 78.

Adding all the tracks in every version of GT and TT together with all the weather report locations gives a total of 95 tracks.
I wonder how many polys are needed for a track (the track itself). I think you can easily release a GT4 track with GT5 textures.
Only the trees, fences and other stuff around the track need to be remodelled. That's not a huge amount of work I think. At least not as much work as remodelling the whole track from scratch.... that just doesn't seem logical, but I could be wrong.
as long as upscaling the gt4 tracks and letting them have the same quality as an original gt5 track plus cutting the production time significantly I have NO problem with that.
I can only run at 1080i, but it looks and feels great.

Same :)

But @Suzuka: First, theres no such thing like an "upscaled" track, you cant just "upscale" a racecourse. Second, Suzuka in GT5P has a HUGE amount of details, just like all the other tracks in Prologue. Textures have an extremely high resolution, theres 3D grass, 2D moving crowd, way more polyons on objects etc. If it would be "upscaled" all ad banners would be washed out and pixelated, you would see huge pixels on the tarmac and grass and the corners would be edgy.

Erm ok wtf? Do you know nothing about moddleing and skinning?

First of, yes you can upscale a racecourse, you can upscale the modle to the scale that the game runs on (E.G. if the cars were made in a bigger scale to GT4 so they could moddle them more precisely, you would then have to upscale the track moddle)

And for the pixleation problem, that's where skinning gets involved, were they just re do the textures and stuff. That can be done so quickly in comparison to moddling... So after they've upscale the tracks all they have to do is refine the moddle, that already cuts half the time to creat a track, then re-skin them...
Do this for all the GT4 tracks and you've got insta 90+ tracks (including reverses and variations) in, oh lets say, a year? that instantly says there could be a shed load of new tracks.

It's most probably the car moddling that's taking forever. And implementing new game types, and improving AI. Then there's testing....
First of, yes you can upscale a racecourse, you can upscale the modle to the scale that the game runs on (E.G. if the cars were made in a bigger scale to GT4 so they could moddle them more precisely, you would then have to upscale the track moddle)
Okay now please explain me why you are talking about the more or less physical size?
Of course you can make a 3D model "bigger" but you wouldnt notice that in the game. The only thing you can change noticable for a gamer is the resolution.
And for the pixleation problem, that's where skinning gets involved, were they just re do the textures and stuff. That can be done so quickly in comparison to moddling... So after they've upscale the tracks all they have to do is refine the moddle, that already cuts half the time to creat a track, then re-skin them...
Do this for all the GT4 tracks and you've got insta 90+ tracks (including reverses and variations) in, oh lets say, a year? that instantly says there could be a shed load of new tracks.
:lol: Yeah of course you can just re-skin everything with high resolution textures (when they fit to the polycount) BUT you are missing that you can see that theres a way higher polycount. The corners are smoother, the trackside objects look better, there are more details and so on. Oh and its "modeling" and "model".
The designs of Fuji and Suzuka in Prologue are noticeably different than in GT4. They're were obviously completely redesigned for the new game. No to mention all the textures and props are quite different.

Any tracks simply upscaled would stand out like a sore thumb compared to the tracks specifically designed for GT5. I highly doubt that the Polyphony team would risk noticeably scars like.
We know Kaz and i`ts perfectionism, i thing the tracks in GT5 are not simply upscaled, like we see in GT5P, there going to be awesome.

Sorry my english.
I'm waiting for kazunori to show us teh damage and how its going to interact with the race tracks; porshce scraping on the surface of the billboard?
We know Kaz and i`ts perfectionism, i thing the tracks in GT5 are not simply upscaled, like we see in GT5P, there going to be awesome.

Sorry my english.

Yes, perfectionism is the attention to detail. When they release new GT games they are always "wow" and overwhelming so too speak...:D:tup:
Do you happen to have an "obvious" example on hand?

The most obvious is Fuji. The run-off areas that are painted green, are actually grass in GT4. Also, GT5P has the updated pit lane which makes the pits narrower, and the straight wider.

Bust out GT4 and see how obvious it is.

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