If the PS3 is a supercomputer, why is GT5 taking so long?

  • Thread starter URBsmkr
I read an article that stated that the PS3 is one of only 500 supercomputers in the world. Which is not hard to beleive once you have bought one and become witness to all the sweet things it is capable of. But my question is that if the article is true then why does it take 6 weeks to complete a car for GT5. with all the new technilogical advances the PS3 possesses, it seems that a complete GT5 game w/300-500 cars should only take a few months to create!Look how fast NFSC was done and the graphics are pretty sweet to me(not to mention all the other features that the game has). I just hope that there will be many new features in GT5, because even with how sick the graphics are on GTHD, I still only play in about 3% of the time I'm on my PS3!
Welcome to GTP URBsmkr. There are alot of indepth technical answers for this but here is a simple way of thinking about it. The PS3 is a Static object that doesn't do anything until you tell it to. The PS3 can't create something...as it just processes information. The length of time comes from the development software that PD might be using. So you should ask PD why it takes them so long and leave the PS3 to make your experience fun and entertaining.
I read an article that stated that the PS3 is one of only 500 supercomputers in the world. Which is not hard to beleive once you have bought one and become witness to all the sweet things it is capable of. But my question is that if the article is true then why does it take 6 weeks to complete a car for GT5. with all the new technilogical advances the PS3 possesses, it seems that a complete GT5 game w/300-500 cars should only take a few months to create!Look how fast NFSC was done and the graphics are pretty sweet to me(not to mention all the other features that the game has). I just hope that there will be many new features in GT5, because even with how sick the graphics are on GTHD, I still only play in about 3% of the time I'm on my PS3!
Technically the PS3's power is the reason it takes so long to create everything. As graphics get better, polygon pushing counts increase and textures go high resolution, developers need to put more detail and make things more accurate than they did previousely. The fact that the PS3 is powerful does not mean that it takes half to time for a graphic modeller to create a 50,000 poly model of a Lotus Elise. It just means that when that 50k poly Lotus is racing on a track, it can run smoothly, with plenty of special effects and plenty of detail on the track itself. As for NFS Carbon, you don't know how long that took, but also the car models in that game are nowhere near as accurate ofr detailed as the cars in say, GT4. the more accurate and detailed the model, the longer it will take to make. The PS3's power simply means that developers have the ability to create and use thoes higher detail models.
If we had super computers designing the game, it would probably be done already...., would it be any good? Probably not.
I nominate this one as "Best Question of the Year" for the GTPAwards....

Btw, I agree with the first three replies. ^^^
I read an article that stated that the PS3 is one of only 500 supercomputers in the world. Which is not hard to beleive once you have bought one and become witness to all the sweet things it is capable of. But my question is that if the article is true then why does it take 6 weeks to complete a car for GT5. with all the new technilogical advances the PS3 possesses, it seems that a complete GT5 game w/300-500 cars should only take a few months to create!Look how fast NFSC was done and the graphics are pretty sweet to me(not to mention all the other features that the game has). I just hope that there will be many new features in GT5, because even with how sick the graphics are on GTHD, I still only play in about 3% of the time I'm on my PS3!

flawed logic.....first of all you're only taking into account the amount of time it would take to program a car....what about the tracks? they painstakingly photograph every inch of real world tracks and locations and have to accuratley model them in the game....then you mention NFS:Carbon...first off, the graphics aren'r that good and dont have nearly the same polish as GT...also, the physics in that game are horribly arcadey....
All I'm saying is that if polyphony was ready to release a disappointing GT launch title, but instead released a stellar racing demo[[[ that with all the PS3s capabilties////the real deal GT5 release should'nt be as far off as some people think. Or at least more downloadable cars and tracks in the playstation store will be available soon. HOPEFULLY!!
Well for starters they don't use the PS3 to make the cars (at least I don't think they do) and every car handles differently do to weight/suspension/power. So there is a lot of programing that has to happen before a car is done. They don't just draw up a skin and bingo bango bongo its done. One way I like to think of it as, is GT5 is a stew, a damn good stew and they take time to cook and get all of those good flavors, but some other games are like a TV dinner where you just pop it in the microwave and 4 minutes later it done.

So have patience and before you know it the time will have arrived and you will be playing GT5.
the six weeks per car thing is a bit misleading since PD has a huge staff with close to 200 people working on the game. also they use assets from previous games. they don´t need to re-scan every car out there.

takes a long time because KY is a perfectionist. i don´t want him to be like EA, rushing out garbage. i´m not saying that NFSC is garbage, but its not in the same league of a GT game.

if they are to correct the things we´ve been asking for, take your time PD:tup:
Gt5 is going to be sweet for certain, how sweet....who knows, thats up to the true GT fans! But I also think that NFSC is a nice time consumer until the next GT actually hits the shelves. If you were a GT4 fan you cant possibly nock NFSC because its basically GT4 with way more vehicle options, a plot, vehicle damage( no matter how arcadey),police chases etc. Actually In my opinion , which I'm entiitled to.....NFSC vehicle graphics are better than GT4, GT4 may have better background/scenery graphics. But NFSC has better gameplay which makes up for that.
If GT5 came out in 2009 after another delay, then I would not mind waiting.

Gt5 is going to be sweet for certain, how sweet....who knows, thats up to the true GT fans! But I also think that NFSC is a nice time consumer until the next GT actually hits the shelves. If you were a GT4 fan you cant possibly nock NFSC because its basically GT4 with way more vehicle options, a plot, vehicle damage( no matter how arcadey),police chases etc. Actually In my opinion , which I'm entiitled to.....NFSC vehicle graphics are better than GT4, GT4 may have better background/scenery graphics. But NFSC has better gameplay which makes up for that.
NFS Carbon cannot be compared to games like GT4, because first it is not a true NFS game and 2nd it is aimed at the little whippersnappers (Children and small kids).
The people at Polyphony Digital aren't that bright. That's why the games take so long. It's going to be another long wait, dude.
okay...since am a 3D modeler Myself...and soon gonna be doing game scripting...let me tell you that making a GT5 car DOES take a long time...
it will take probably a day to clicks pics and scan the car and get the nessesary resources of THAT car....then 2 weeks to model the car (IF the modelers are really fast..)...and dont forget interiors which are a bit more difficult to model than the exterior....then put in color shaders since each car is of a different color...

then...you need to rig the car, GT5 may include stuff like opening doors ,hoods ,spoilers retracting ....
...put in physics information and make sure the car does not have bugs reading the scripts....(this will take A VERY LONG TIME if you want it to be perfect...)....

the six weeks per car thing is a bit misleading since PD has a huge staff with close to 200 people working on the game. also they use assets from previous games. they don´t need to re-scan every car out there.

well...your right bout the six weeks thing...but not all the 200 ppl working on it are modelers...theres ALOT more than just car modeling in the game...
lets not forget track modeling...OR EVEN TEXTURING THE TRACK...

btw....let me remind you...its good that GT will take a long time...cause right now..they must be perfecting the damage physics...which I think its gonna take time to get it working properly...

so yeah...we really dont want to pressure them into rushing the making of GT :) ....so lets all be patient....this is gonna be a good one!!
I just read an article that said the University in North Carolina connected eight Playstation 3's to form a cluster-supercomputer. According to the article, this is a smaller supercomputer, and it would not be in Top-500 of supercomputers.
You all have to remember sound. Anyone can model a car and put decent physics on it. And its set and ready. Sound plays a big role, because without it we get no feeling of reality with the game. This is a game too btw, not a sim. There are no cockpits and there is no damage. Well maybe in GT5. I hope at least some damage. Everything takes time to create, you cant just say that computers create really anything. We are the brain of the computer and we tell it what to do. Without anyone at a computer it would be useless.
Even pong for PS3 would take some time to "develop". But its only that how more advanced the hardware the more the developers want to use it the more time it takes to programm a game (also depends on the tools used to develop).

And with pong we can have more advanced physics because the PS3 can handle it, thus more programm work for the people.

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