Folks.., here's a possible solution that will (hopefully) drastically reduce the "washed out/vertical hatching" issue with the darker colors (if your TV has the feature). Many have reported that they're seeing this problem on their flat-screens (myself included). Also.., many of us have at this point probably felt that we've exhausted the resources available to us on our TV's.
Tonight I found a function hidden within the Advanced Video settings on my Vizio (Wal-Mart) brand TV. If your TV has a function called NOISE REDUCTION I suggest tinkering with this setting. I must have passed by that setting 100 times. I set mine to STRONG and WOW what a major difference 👍 It hasn't completely taken it away but what a MAJOR change it has made to the graphics overall.
If you have a Vizio.., this setting may be on your model. Not sure of other brands..., as I can't recall seeing anything like this on my LG flat-screen. Hope this info helps some of you.
Tonight I found a function hidden within the Advanced Video settings on my Vizio (Wal-Mart) brand TV. If your TV has a function called NOISE REDUCTION I suggest tinkering with this setting. I must have passed by that setting 100 times. I set mine to STRONG and WOW what a major difference 👍 It hasn't completely taken it away but what a MAJOR change it has made to the graphics overall.
If you have a Vizio.., this setting may be on your model. Not sure of other brands..., as I can't recall seeing anything like this on my LG flat-screen. Hope this info helps some of you.