So you're putting noise reduction on a blu-ray of computer graphics! lol
And where is the noise coming from exactly on the clearest and cleanest video medium available? You sending it over-air like an aerial.
And tell me, how can noise reduction in any way help a washed out picture?
Quoted from
Some of the noise reduction strategies are briefly listed below. Remember all noise reduction causes loss of detail from the original image; it is an unavoidable trade-off.
Spatial whole frame filter- A blur filter that removes fine detail throughout the frame. Not useful if applied excessively.
Temporal filter- A better filter. It studies image noise over several frames and applies the filter accordingly. Good for static scenes, but causes motion smearing with moving objects.
Region based, motion adaptive temporal filter- Images are broken up into segments. Less filtering is applied on moving pixels so a greater amount of detail is maintained.
Per-pixel motion adaptive temporal filter- Ultimate processing in noise reduction. Generally available in high end external video processors only.
And yes turning brightness down will help!