If "washed out" graphics are your prob (READ THIS!)

  • Thread starter squeakD
How can an audio setting affect the video output?

We've all seen the white noise of an old television (analog).... you know where there's no channel tuned in or the arial is removed, the white and black fuzzy screen. Well noise in relation to video is this fuzzyness which can appear in the video output on the screen, like adding a "grain" effect to a photo. Noise reduction aims to settel this or reduce it as given away by its name. 👍
Do you even "know" what the problem is that's being discussed here? Have you actually experienced it or seen it for yourself? It's NOT something that is fixed by just turning up color and adjusting brightness. Noise Reduction hasn't in NO WAY reduced fine detail on my TV. By increasing the level applied to the image it has actually CLEANED up the graphics and the game as a whole even looks better.

Look at the tools that PD provided in the Options under the Pause menu. It appears to me (based on the options available there) that PD is aware of the issue and provided tools IN GAME to help reduce the problem. There are a few filtering options available IN GAME.

So you're putting noise reduction on a blu-ray of computer graphics! lol

And where is the noise coming from exactly on the clearest and cleanest video medium available? You sending it over-air like an aerial.

And tell me, how can noise reduction in any way help a washed out picture?

Quoted from www.HDTVtest.co.uk
Some of the noise reduction strategies are briefly listed below. Remember all noise reduction causes loss of detail from the original image; it is an unavoidable trade-off.

Spatial whole frame filter- A blur filter that removes fine detail throughout the frame. Not useful if applied excessively.

Temporal filter- A better filter. It studies image noise over several frames and applies the filter accordingly. Good for static scenes, but causes motion smearing with moving objects.

Region based, motion adaptive temporal filter- Images are broken up into segments. Less filtering is applied on moving pixels so a greater amount of detail is maintained.

Per-pixel motion adaptive temporal filter- Ultimate processing in noise reduction. Generally available in high end external video processors only.

And yes turning brightness down will help!
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So you're putting noise reduction on a blu-ray of computer graphics! lol

And where is the noise coming from exactly on the clearest and cleanest video medium available? You sending it over-air like an aerial.

And tell me, how can noise reduction in any way help a washed out picture?

Quoted from www.HDTVtest.co.uk
Some of the noise reduction strategies are briefly listed below. Remember all noise reduction causes loss of detail from the original image; it is an unavoidable trade-off.

Spatial whole frame filter- A blur filter that removes fine detail throughout the frame. Not useful if applied excessively.

Temporal filter- A better filter. It studies image noise over several frames and applies the filter accordingly. Good for static scenes, but causes motion smearing with moving objects.

Region based, motion adaptive temporal filter- Images are broken up into segments. Less filtering is applied on moving pixels so a greater amount of detail is maintained.

Per-pixel motion adaptive temporal filter- Ultimate processing in noise reduction. Generally available in high end external video processors only.

And yes turning brightness down will help!

Once again.., I question as to whether you really understand the issue at hand. Noise Reduction on the video settings DOES in fact reduce the problem. Hell.., another Vizio owner just freakin posted that this WORKED on his Vizio too.

I think the issue is getting lost in translation. What's happening is there is a breakdown in the graphics on some darker colors.., and various levels of shadows. If you're experiencing this.., you'll surely know it for sure as these darker areas have vertical lines that show "breaks" in the color.., and it's almost as if it's "pulsating". Adjusting the Noise Reduction does in fact reduce this effect. I don't know how much more clear I can be on the issue. If YOU don't have the problem then how can you comment as to whether this works for others? I can confirm two specific brands of TV's that it works on.., can you?

You can only go so far with adjusting the contrast and brightness levels before you end up darkening the image too much. On BOTH of my HD TV's (LG and Vizio).., this feature helps alleviate the problem.., but doesn't remove it entirely.
I suggest switching the Adaptive Lu. Setting to "off"..., and here's why. When making adjustments to this setting what I found was an issue with "inconsistency". I found for example.., one setting worked better for the tunnels, but didn't do as well as another for outside the tunnels. Because of this I ended up turning it off. I will however say that Extended is NOT the setting you want this at. Extended is actually making the problem stand out more.

Setting it to off made it look better overall IMO. After turning this setting off.., I did find that bumping the Color up really helped too. When it comes to the "Color Enhancement" IMO I find the "normal" setting to look the best. What's your Sharpness setting at. On my Vizio model I find that a setting of 5 looks good.

I think I actually have Sharpness 2 lower than halfway so at 6. The only things I didn't do were setting Color Enhancement to Normal (I have it Off) and I actually lowered the Color, Contrast, and Brightness by 1-2 and highered the Tint by 1. Having Color Enhancement Off gives the tracks a dirtier look but Normal was a close second option because it wasn't over-exaggerated. I will try your recommendations when I have the chance. And hopefully you can help me out some more. What to do with Color Temperature? I have it at Standard and lowered most of the "color" gains/offsets by 10.

By the way, Noise Reduction completely helps. And you're right about PD adding not only the options in the pause menu for display settings, but also, in the general display options.
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Once again.., I question as to whether you really understand the issue at hand. Noise Reduction on the video settings DOES in fact reduce the problem. Hell.., another Vizio owner just freakin posted that this WORKED on his Vizio too.

I think the issue is getting lost in translation. What's happening is there is a breakdown in the graphics on some darker colors.., and various levels of shadows. If you're experiencing this.., you'll surely know it for sure as these darker areas have vertical lines that show "breaks" in the color.., and it's almost as if it's "pulsating". Adjusting the Noise Reduction does in fact reduce this effect. I don't know how much more clear I can be on the issue. If YOU don't have the problem then how can you comment as to whether this works for others? I can confirm two specific brands of TV's that it works on.., can you?

You can only go so far with adjusting the contrast and brightness levels before you end up darkening the image too much. On BOTH of my HD TV's (LG and Vizio).., this feature helps alleviate the problem.., but doesn't remove it entirely.

Okay, totally mis-understood!
I will bet mine and my families life on the fact that people doing "tweeking" is possibly making the picture look a hell of a lot less natural and false. The picture will only ever look its best if it has been calibrated using specific picture calibrating software and filters. You can all talk about getting the picture to look as good as you can for as long as you want but i fear it might only look good in your eyes and could be increasing the stress on the actual panel of the screen. I suspect a few people on here might know what I am talking about but for the masses video and picture claibration is something that is overlooked and generaly not even heard of.
For the record you shouldnt get any picture noise on an HDMI cable seeing as it is digital. You either get the picture or you dont. I have been in the AV industry since i was 19 and as a rule have all of the BNR and similar settings SWITCHED OFF.
One more thing. Anybody siggesting using a "gold plated HDMI cable" should be instantly ignored. They dont have a clue what they are talking about or workin sales. Sielding yes, gold plating NO. It is a total waste of money on a digital connection.

A quick note on the original issue too. The problem you are having is due to "video clipping" this is simply where due to buying a less expensive screen the drivers that control the picture simply cant produce the colours in the low spectum. (everything between black and white is not a colour, they are shades)
I will bet mine and my families life on the fact that people doing "tweeking" is possibly making the picture look a hell of a lot less natural and false. The picture will only ever look its best if it has been calibrated using specific picture calibrating software and filters. You can all talk about getting the picture to look as good as you can for as long as you want but i fear it might only look good in your eyes and could be increasing the stress on the actual panel of the screen. I suspect a few people on here might know what I am talking about but for the masses video and picture claibration is something that is overlooked and generaly not even heard of.
For the record you shouldnt get any picture noise on an HDMI cable seeing as it is digital. You either get the picture or you dont. I have been in the AV industry since i was 19 and as a rule have all of the BNR and similar settings SWITCHED OFF.
One more thing. Anybody siggesting using a "gold plated HDMI cable" should be instantly ignored. They dont have a clue what they are talking about or workin sales. Sielding yes, gold plating NO. It is a total waste of money on a digital connection.

A quick note on the original issue too. The problem you are having is due to "video clipping" this is simply where due to buying a less expensive screen the drivers that control the picture simply cant produce the colours in the low spectum. (everything between black and white is not a colour, they are shades)

Yes, your heinous.
Yes, your heinous.

hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible: a heinous offense.

Brilliat reply. Not only have you been insulting but for no good reason. You must be very proud of yourself and I am sure with clever and articulate comments like that your parents could'nt be prouder. And for the record its You're, not "your". Your implies I have ownership. Whitty, intelligent and well read. I do love an interlect......
To OP try basic calibration, brightness, contrast, etc. http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ you can download pictures from that web page and copy them into PS3. If your TV is not capable of displaying properly all shades you have to live with that, noise reduction probably only hides the problem.
And for the record its You're, not "your". Your implies I have ownership. Whitty, intelligent and well read. I do love an interlect......
Intellect? Interloper? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Oh, and while we're on the topic of grammar... you're (you are) highness. Now that doesn't make sense either, does it? Perhaps you should sew up your own downfalls before throwing out counter-insults.
Which company makes Vizio TVs?

EDIT: I just realised Vizio is a company. I thought Vizio was a model (for example Bravia (Sony)). Are Vizio TVs any good?

EDIT 2: You know the Vizio TVs that you have, are they Plasmas or LCDs? And which ones are better for gaming?
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hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible: a heinous offense.

Brilliat reply. Not only have you been insulting but for no good reason. You must be very proud of yourself and I am sure with clever and articulate comments like that your parents could'nt be prouder. And for the record its You're, not "your". Your implies I have ownership. Whitty, intelligent and well read. I do love an interlect......

lol highness. I meant highness. It was a quick reply, please understand, your majesty.
Which company makes Vizio TVs?

EDIT: I just realised Vizio is a company. I thought Vizio was a model (for example Bravia (Sony)). Are Vizio TVs any good?

EDIT 2: You know the Vizio TVs that you have, are they Plasmas or LCDs? And which ones are better for gaming?

My Vizio (and my LG) are both LCD's. To my understanding Plasmas do better at handling the deep blacks and the various shades between black and white. Some LCD models (at least from what I can tell) handle it better too. Even with the Noise Reduction set to off on my LG it's still not as bad as my Vizio.

It goes back to what a lot of people have been saying since GT-5 was released.., and that is you need a damn good TV to really get the most out of the graphics.

PD just went freakin ape-shi** on the graphics for GT-5. They didn't take into account the MILLIONS of LCD users out there IMO. I can't even begin to count the number of games my wife and I have bought for ourselves and children over the years for all 3 major consoles. Out of ALL of those games the ONLY game that does this to our TV's is GT-5. There are MANY other LCD users reporting the same thing.
Try changing RGB from full to limited in PS3 settings as that will lower the colour range output.

Don't take this as being bad but it seems these Visio TV's are not very good!

Test with this image, the black should merge seamlessly into white (all grey actually). I f you can see gradation lines then it is your TV not the game.http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/gradient.php

And this one, you should barely and I mean really having to look hard to see it, be able to see the first square and have no issues displaying them http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/black.php
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Why move this topic.?.? It's certainly related to GT-5. No one told you to read the topic. If it doesn't pertain to you or you're not noticing it.., or do and just don't care.., then that's fine. However.., this is a legit issue with the game that affects a lot of people.

To bury something like this in the other sub-forum wouldn't be beneficial to others who come to the (GT FORUM) to find answers to their (GT RELATED) topics. Leave the moderating to the moderators.

On a side note to your signature..., sorry to break it to you man.., but there are some race cars that actually use what you call NOOB tools. What's the point in having such an "elitist" and "ignorant" signature.
It's TV related, he just happen to have GT5 on instead of any other PS3 game.
You're obviously new to forums.

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