If you could have one Super Power, what would it be?

Super power? National?

Non, but instead I'm gagging for the ability to rewind the time for now, seriously. :P
Well simple. The possibility to learn and get more super powers.
I'm never satisfied. :nervous:

I'll join in on that one as well. :D

If it's not possible, I think I would choose the ability to read people's mind.
I'll take the Tony Stark superpower - super intelligence.

With super intelligence you can develop technologies to stop time, make yourself immortal, make yourself invisible, make yourself fly, make yourself money - whatever you set your mind to.
What about the ability to giving extreme pleasure to any female as well as yourself when you are in it :P Add time control, invisibility, never gets old, extreme stamina ( in any activity :P ) The ultimate manly man :lol:
Chrono-mastery. The ability to control time, slow it down, stop it, accelerate it, move back and forth in it at my will.

Its by far the most powerful ability and it would turn me into god.
Got an incurable sickness? I just travel into the future for a cure.
There is a person I don't like and I think he/she needs to die? I accelerate the persons time by 50000% and watch that person wither and die on the spot.
Best day of my life? I travel back in time and have the best day of my life every day.
I'd be immortal, indestructible, omniscient and I'd have complete control over everything and everyone that exists in our universe.
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I did like inFAMOUS, so I guess my super power would be the ability to manipulate/control electricity?
I would like the power of 'Now Let'.

Anything I let be or not be will be or not be.

"Let there be food! let there be wine! Let there be immortality!

Let me not be.
Now let me be.

Let there be an ever-expanding Universe where everything imaginable must eventually come to be."

I have to remember never to say: "Let there not be the Power of Let."

Now let me never lose the Power of Let.

Let there be Love! Light! Laughter!
Teleportation. Specifically the ability to teleport anything I think of, which does not mean only my own body.

In other words, if I can see your coffee mug, I'll teleport it to the next cubicle and drop it on your colleague's head. Oh how useful this can be.

Yup. Much rather have that than the ability to fly.
I'm going to change mine and bring out the inner perv in me and go with the ability to see through peoples clothes :lol:

Just because.
Mind reading, without a shadow of a doubt. Maybe teleportation if I had to pick two.
Teleportation. Specifically the ability to teleport anything I think of, which does not mean only my own body.

In other words, if I can see your coffee mug, I'll teleport it to the next cubicle and drop it on your colleague's head. Oh how useful this can be.

Yup. Much rather have that than the ability to fly.

...actually that would give you the ability to fly.
@Danoff , Maybe in the sense that you can become airborne, but not fly like an eagle to my understanding of what teleportation does. I could be wrong.

If I had levitation, I could constantly displace my body in space in a fluid transition create the impression I've generated enough force against gravity.

Teleportation to my knowledge is taking a mass (such as myself) and relocating it to another part in space without any physical displacement or transition in between.
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@AOS- I'm just saying you could teleport to 30,000 feet, fall for a second or so, teleport 500 miles to the west, fall for a second, rinse, repeat. It's kinda like flying, though, why bother when you could just teleport to where you want to go.
One super power, huhh?????

Dress break!!!! :D lol

No, seriously... I'd pick the hability to turn things into gold... and given my actual status, the power to be inmune to flu/cold...
Basically run like the flash. Then I would not need a car and the costs involved! I'd would be able to do more work and have more free time for myself.
why bother when you could just teleport to where you want to go.

I see you're interpreting it as a literal form of transportation. I see flying as a different experience. I'm not talking sit-in-an-airplane flying, that's different than being a bird soaring through the air. Hang gliding is as close as it gets so far, but it'd be awesome if we didn't require machines to do it.
Probably the most versatile power: Time Manipulation.
And the ability to store thousands of knives in one place.
The thing about many super powers is you would also have to be invincible for it to make any sense. Flying, running fast, time manipulation, etc. require something to keep you safe from the elements. The friction against the atmosphere of an object moving faster than the speed of sound would burn a human being up, flying would freeze you in minutes, without knowing exactly the conditions of your arrival - time manipulation could easily kill you in the wrong set of circumstances. So I guess I choose invincibility + time manipulation.
I would like the ability to poop money.

I was in this thread to say pretty much the exact same thing. :lol:

I think maybe a better way was to be able to have it magically appear in your wallet, because pooping it out would be a bit awkward. You're in the store, and you're $1 short, so you let out a $1 coin on the desk, it would be considered an insult to pay people for things. :P