If you could take over Kaz's job, what would you do with GT7?

  • Thread starter TomBrady
Fire the person responsible for all the elevator jazz music and replace it with GT1's collection.
Fire Eric Fishback and hire someone who is actually aware the community exists.
Ditch all online features entirely.
Fix the Lister storms obesity problem
Much greater focus on tuning and set-up
Much greater focus on customization and team management.
Ditch the red bulls.
WOW WOW WOW. I know GT has expanded on itself since it first game but the online is what connects us all man.

The only people I want to race with are sat on a couch next to me, online might as well just be bots with very dubious AI. PD clearly cant focus on tasks properly and given how badly they have approached online and community features it is obviously a waste of resources for them. Ditch it entirely and refocus on what they can do well.
The only people I want to race with are sat on a couch next to me,
So because you don't race online no one else should. If your experience with online is jumping into random lobbies and racing then you're doing it wrong my friend. That's why there's leagues and groups for proper racing. Btw almost every online experience is like that when you're joining randoms. It sucks. But you can always find people that can give you the proper online experience. If you were to take the GT franchise into your hands and build it entirely on your opinion and experience then we might as well not have a game at all.
If you were to take the GT franchise into your hands and build it entirely on your opinion and experience then we might as well not have a game at all.

And yet the best games of the series are those without online, the recent failures of 5 and 6 show that PD isn't functioning well and a refocusing of energy is needed.
And yet the best games of the series are those without online
You do realize that back when those games were released less than 15% of earths population had computers let alone internet access and those with it had dial-up speed. The recent failures with 5 and 6 has very little to do with online. The online isn't completely trash, you can host your own lobbies and do what ever you want. That alone is a huge plus, but there's certain aspects to it they're not doing right. So idk if you have some type up grudge or hate for online features in general in any game, but you can't blame your online experience purely on it just being online, if you don't like online then don't play online its not taking away anything from your game. Blame your experience on PD and hope they do it better, not completely remove it because you don't like it. who are you ?
You do realize that back when those games were released less than 15% of earths population had computers let alone internet access and those with it had dial-up speed. The recent failures with 5 and 6 has very little to do with online. The online isn't completely trash, you can host your own lobbies and do what ever you want. That alone is a huge plus, but there's certain aspects to it they're not doing right. So idk if you have some type up grudge or hate for online features in general in any game, but you can't blame your online experience purely on it just being online, if you don't like online then don't play online its not taking away anything from your game. Blame your experience on PD and hope they do it better, not completely remove it because you don't like it. How are you ?
If i were Kaz this is what i would do, I would surf various forums for gt related threads or GTP. I would then serach for all of the most wanted stuff and the biggest complaints that people have, i would then make those points a priority for GT7 along with my own ideas (my own as in kaz's ideas as im him for this post), That is the only way you can really improve the game overrall,

Oh and i would play the hell out of the game too because i would then see annoying things for mykazself that need fixing such as exit confirmation in a race and i would realise how ridiculous it is to not have it but have won for "you sure you want to retry race", Honestly.

So that is what i would do
Most of the imperfections in GT seem really stupid, leaving you wondering, "Why or how?"

For the fifteen-millionth time car sounds are probably 90% bad. The sound effects ARE, as a few members mentioned in another thread generic.

We ALL (Or at least most of us) know that not every blow-off valve sounds the same, some flutter and some hiss.

We ALL (Or... at least most of us) know what different engines should and should not sound like, race exhaust or not. While on the topic of exhaust systems, I will mention the lack of, as someone mentioned (in another thread), "burbling/popping."

The physics feel okay to me (despite obvious flaws like aero, top speeds, lift off oversteer, tire modelling...etc), keeping in mind that I'm not a racecar driver, nor have I ever raced in an organized event, but I don't think I'm alone when I say that I have test driven friends' cars and driven other cars to some point with high performance in mind.

They have MOST of the basics down with physics.

Moving on If I could take over Kaz's job, having learned what is necessary to do so, I would put forth effort to:
-Improve sounds across the board.
-Improve physics across the board.

These are IMO a given with each installment of the game, at least regarding aspects that the dev' team wants to improve.

The A.I for the fifteen-millionth time are another issue. Most races are easy simply, "time attacks with obstacles", and some can be difficult. The races that can be difficult are ones where the lead car has nearly lapped you by the time you begin the race. Although most of the races are like watered down kool-aid, there are a few (and I do mean FEW) that I found decent. The redbull X challenges for instance provides an example where the A.I seem abnormally sharp.

If they could be intense like this all of the time, then that would be great. So with that said I would also improve:

-A.I agressiveness/drive, and ability to rationalize.

I'm not leaning on the GT series to get my "car fix" anymore though, so I won't be upset if the GT series half-cooks the next steak. I honestly will probably just buy it anyway despite its flaws. The game has been a part of my life since I was four years old, and nothing PD and Kaz have done, has hurt me or negatively affected my life.

I know others feel different though.
Well, if you ask me... I would keep more or less the same stuff, improving graphics here and there to match new hardware capabilities, but using as few resources as possible. Than I'd pack that stuff into a shiny PS4 blueray, and sell it.
You guys gonna buy anyways. Why should I bother?
1. Get it released.

2. cut duplicate cars and standards.

3. provide servers for some online racing. Racing Kind of like how online time trials are now but with multi player racing (and no reason why many things in the "how to be a good host" couldn't be handled automatically by software)

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