If you want to live in this country...

  • Thread starter Geeky1
Well, I really hate the attitude of some of you. Especially by the fact that these people are the reason this country still stands. People that take the jobs none of you would even think of taking.

It is just that American people think that the United States is the only country out there on the world. That is ignorance. The same ignorance that comes from these people who arrive to any foreign country and expect them speak their language instead of them learning the foreign language. I must not generalize though, because I have met a lot of people that think different than that.

I guess it all depends on the level of education of the people.
Ghost C
Oooooo, I hate people who can't speak English. They're everywhere in the Triad area of NC, and most of them are illegally here. The worst part is, they seem to be drawn like magnets to food jobs that don't require anything but the ability to breathe, I can't count the number of times I've had some non-English speaking ass on the other side of the counter.

Oh, I am pretty sure they have more abilities than just "breathing". The majority of them had a profession and jobs in their original countries that you could only wish to have.

They just come here because their country's situation is not good and the only jobs they can take are those. If this country let them work the same jobs they did in their natural countries, you would be the one behind the counter.
Solid Lifters
...And it doesn't help that the teachers speak only in Spanish to the younger children in our schools, too. I am glad to see the Mexican Rights Groups are finally offering free English lesson to immigrants, which oddly they protested doing just 6 or 7 years ago when it was suggested they do so. But, in some cities, you can't become a cop or a teacher unless you can speak Spanish and English. It might seem rude, but most immigrants refuse to even try to speak to you in broken English, and I say just ignore them. "What? Refuse to speak English, or even try to speak it? Good-bye, then."

This reminded me of my trip to Europe a few years ago (Germany and Switzerland). Most of the people we crossed paths with (90%+) spoke English to the point where a conversation could be held and communication was not a problem. And its not even an official language there....

Yet people from a country that border the US dont seem to care too much about learning English, and its coming to the point where US citizens are being required to learn THEIR language. Maybe I am being biased and insensitive but I dont know, call me crazy but I think it is a good idea to learn the popular language of a country you are moving to....:irked: :censored:ing ridiculous....

for the record I did try my best to learn Spanish as a second language in high school, and barely passed, and have since forgotten most of it (probably because no one I know speaks spanish?:rolleyes: ). Straight up memorization isnt my learning style...
This reminded me of my trip to Europe a few years ago (Germany and Switzerland). Most of the people we crossed paths with (90%+) spoke English to the point where a conversation could be held and communication was not a problem. And its not even an official language there....

Yet people from a country that border the US dont seem to care too much about learning English, and its coming to the point where US citizens are being required to learn THEIR language. Maybe I am being biased and insensitive but I dont know, call me crazy but I think it is a good idea to learn the popular language of a country you are moving to....:irked: :censored:ing ridiculous....

for the record I did try my best to learn Spanish as a second language in high school, and barely passed, and have since forgotten most of it (probably because no one I know speaks spanish?:rolleyes: ). Straight up memorization isnt my learning style...

No, it's not ridiculous. Why don't you keep learning some more spanish instead of complaining? I believe it is easier for you to learn spanish than them learning english, since most of them spend their time working while you have enough time to complain on an internet board. I'd say, spend that free time learning some spanish. Wouldn't it be great?
A society requires an effective means of communication for it to function properly. It is easier for a few hundred thousand non-english-speaking immigrants to learn English than it is for 280 million people who already speak the language to learn another one.

Whether it is documented anywhere or not, English is indeed the official language of the U.S. Not making an effort to learn it when you move here is arrogant, stupid, and highly insulting.
Nonsense, Spanish is a way more complex language than English. In English it's just "the"... no las, los, el nonsense... just THE. And don't even argue with me on this, my first language is Dutch, I had English, German, French and Latin in school and English is the easiest one out of the bunch. With Spanish being based on Latin just like French I can imagine that it is way harder than English.

When I was saying that people should learn to speak a country's language I wasn't just thinking about Mexicans, which some Americans here seem to consider the only possible immigrants. You don't want to some African straight from Zimbabwe only able to communicate with oogabooga wakka wakka living next to you, do you? Or some Arab speaking only arabic? If someone comes from China to the USA, are you going to communicate with him in Chinese until he learned English properly enough??? No you won't, that's why he needs to learn it in his own country, so it'll be easier for him to adapt to the American situation.

Learning another language can't hurt you, but to learn it for those couple of immigrants is nonsense. Like said before, if you only use it occasionally you will forget it. I forgot most of the German, French and Latin I had in school... why? Because I never use it.
A society requires an effective means of communication for it to function properly. It is easier for a few hundred thousand non-english-speaking immigrants to learn English than it is for 280 million people who already speak the language to learn another one.

Whether it is documented anywhere or not, English is indeed the official language of the U.S. Not making an effort to learn it when you move here is arrogant, stupid, and highly insulting.

Few hundred thousand? try millions who will eventually become the majority
Nonsense, Spanish is a way more complex language than English. In English it's just "the"... no las, los, el nonsense... just THE. And don't even argue with me on this, my first language is Dutch, I had English, German, French and Latin in school and English is the easiest one out of the bunch. With Spanish being based on Latin just like French I can imagine that it is way harder than English.

When I was saying that people should learn to speak a country's language I wasn't just thinking about Mexicans, which some Americans here seem to consider the only possible immigrants. You don't want to some African straight from Zimbabwe only able to communicate with oogabooga wakka wakka living next to you, do you? Or some Arab speaking only arabic? If someone comes from China to the USA, are you going to communicate with him in Chinese until he learned English properly enough??? No you won't, that's why he needs to learn it in his own country, so it'll be easier for him to adapt to the American situation.

Learning another language can't hurt you, but to learn it for those couple of immigrants is nonsense. Like said before, if you only use it occasionally you will forget it. I forgot most of the German, French and Latin I had in school... why? Because I never use it.

Yes, but we are not talking about french or german. We are talking about the very powerful presence and ever growing of the hispanic population.
Please use the "Edit" button instead of double-posting.

What if 20% of the U.S. population were made of Thai immigrants, 20% made of Mexican immigrants, and the remaining 60% were Americans… would you then expect all of the Americans to learn 3 languages? Horribly inefficient, if you ask me.

And like I said, it's arrogant for any immigrant to not at least try to learn English – I don't expect them to know a lick of English when they first come here (if they do, then great), but once they're here, they need to make an attempt. I'm more than happy to help someone who tries to speak to me in broken English – and if I ever visit Mexico, I'll try my best to speak Spanish, instead of making the residents speak English to me (that's common sense).
Viper Zero
You guys wouldn't believe how many people come up to me and try to order something. The first thing out of their mouths is "habla español?"


It is ridiculous.

It's because California lets too many damn immigrants into this state. We don't have the damn living space for them and us. Yes I do think they need to know the language.

Viper - What do you say to them when they ask that?
Well, I really hate the attitude of some of you. Especially by the fact that these people are the reason this country still stands. People that take the jobs none of you would even think of taking.

It is just that American people think that the United States is the only country out there on the world. That is ignorance. The same ignorance that comes from these people who arrive to any foreign country and expect them speak their language instead of them learning the foreign language. I must not generalize though, because I have met a lot of people that think different than that.

I guess it all depends on the level of education of the people.
First of all, I do understand your frustration from some of the members' ignorant posts. I even agree with you, that Americans learning Spanish is a good idea, IMO. However, it's very important that any immigrants coming into the U.S. would be able to communicate with other people. I think it's their responsibility to at least try to learn english. By the way, I'm an immigrant myself, staying here on a green card.
No, it's not ridiculous. Why don't you keep learning some more spanish instead of complaining? I believe it is easier for you to learn spanish than them learning english, since most of them spend their time working while you have enough time to complain on an internet board. I'd say, spend that free time learning some spanish. Wouldn't it be great?
I don't know. I think it's selfish to come into an country, and expect them to learn your language.
It's because California lets too many damn immigrants into this state. We don't have the damn living space for them and us. Yes I do think they need to know the language.

Viper - What do you say to them when they ask that?

I say "No". I think "no" is pretty much universal.

They usually stare at me until I help the next person in line and then walk away slowly in humiliation.

For those who do attempt to speak English, I help them as best as I can.
Please use the "Edit" button instead of double-posting.

What if 20% of the U.S. population were made of Thai immigrants, 20% made of Mexican immigrants, and the remaining 60% were Americans… would you then expect all of the Americans to learn 3 languages? Horribly inefficient, if you ask me.

And like I said, it's arrogant for any immigrant to not at least try to learn English – I don't expect them to know a lick of English when they first come here (if they do, then great), but once they're here, they need to make an attempt. I'm more than happy to help someone who tries to speak to me in broken English – and if I ever visit Mexico, I'll try my best to speak Spanish, instead of making the residents speak English to me (that's common sense).

OH, please, not that. Not with the "what if's". The thing is, you have to understand, Hispanics are the ones who make up most of the immigrant force on this country. And probably the reason, people don't complain is that Spanish is a more universal language unlike the many variations of Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Greek and the other languages.
People do complain. I'm complaining now. If you want to speak Spanish at home, go ahead. Hell, if you want to speak Spanish in public, go ahead. But if you're going to be conducting any business in this country, it is expected that it will be conducted in English (although if all parties involved speak Spanish or any other language, and they're more comfortable using that, use it by all means). English is still the predominant language in the U.S., and I have no interest in wasting money making accomodations for those that can't be bothered to learn it. I have more important things to spend my money on.
Viper Zero
I say "No". I think "no" is pretty much universal.

They usually stare at me until I help the next person in line and then walk away slowly in humiliation.

For those who do attempt to speak English, I help them as best as I can.

I think you are a jerk. You talk so much for them trying to at least try speak a little bit of english, but you sure not try to at least be helpful. Notice the way you put "slowly in humiliation", what are you a racist or what?

Have you been in the same position or even think about it? I mean, go to a French restaurant and try to speak French to the waiter even though you don't know a ****ing thing of french?

Is it that you know a little bit of spanish or you don't know anything. If it is the latter, I can understand your "no"
Viper Zero
I say "No". I think "no" is pretty much universal.

They usually stare at me until I help the next person in line and then walk away slowly in humiliation.

For those who do attempt to speak English, I help them as best as I can.

Well over here in SJ in the McDonalds and Burger Kings etc. that are built around a heavily populated area where lots of people speak spanish they hire people that speak both English and Spanish.
OH, please, not that. Not with the "what if's". The thing is, you have to understand, Hispanics are the ones who make up most of the immigrant force on this country. And probably the reason, people don't complain is that Spanish is a more universal language unlike the many variations of Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Greek and the other languages.
Just out of curiosity, what percentage of those immigrants come into this country legally? ;)
Well over here in SJ in the McDonalds and Burger Kings etc. that are built around a heavily populated area where lots of people speak spanish they hire people that speak both English and Spanish.

I live in San Jose (I just go to school out here @ UoP), and I've seen the same thing... the fact that they have to do that is absolutely ridiculous.

Just out of curiosity, what percentage of those immigrants come into this country legally? ;)

Oh don't even bring up THAT issue... someone will tell you to go watch "a day without a Mexican" or something like that... *rolls eyes*
What part of SJ?

Slippery - I understand that this is an opinions forum but why do you need to hate or attitudes?
People do complain. I'm complaining now. If you want to speak Spanish at home, go ahead. Hell, if you want to speak Spanish in public, go ahead. But if you're going to be conducting any business in this country, it is expected that it will be conducted in English (although if all parties involved speak Spanish or any other language, and they're more comfortable using that, use it by all means). English is still the predominant language in the U.S., and I have no interest in wasting money making accomodations for those that can't be bothered to learn it. I have more important things to spend my money on.

Notice one thing. Nobody conducts business in spanish. The only ones that speak spanish are the clients.

I think you got it all wrong. It states that no business in this country can be documented in spanish. It has to be done in english.
Just out of curiosity, what percentage of those immigrants come into this country legally? ;)

I don't need to put a percentage to say that it is the majority.

But you know, when you see the economy of this country running on the unreported work of these illegal immigrants, then they better shut the **** up, and let them have such insignificant wish (for all of you).

Does speaking spanish hurts you?
I don't need to put a percentage to say that it is the majority.

But you know, when you see the economy of this country running on the unreported work of these illegal immigrants, then they better shut the **** up, and let them have such insignificant wish (for all of you).

Does speaking spanish hurts you?

I have to learn it, i'm doing enough.
Well, going through his post history, he doesn't exactly have a good record of being level-headed.

And probably the reason, people don't complain…
But people do complain – in fact, that's why you've been so hissy.

Can you truthfully deny that you think it's arrogant to go into a country and expect people to conform to you instead of you conforming to them? I'm all for bringing in new cultural stuff, but for christ's sake, why not make it easy on everybody and have English be the official language of the U.S.? (Oh wait, it already is.)

[edit]: Okay, I apparently took too long to post this, and see several new posts above this one… Slippery, you need to stop double-posting, and (much more importantly) you need to be more civil.
I am sorry, but it just pisses me off the things people post.

Well it seems completely stupid to come to a country that speaks English then complain because many people don't speak your language. They at least need to make an effort to learn the language.
Oh don't even bring up THAT issue... someone will tell you to go watch "a day without a Mexican" or something like that... *rolls eyes*
I admit, it was an harsh response. Let me explain my reason for my post. Here's Slipperys' quote:
OH, please, not that. Not with the "what if's". The thing is, you have to understand, Hispanics are the ones who make up most of the immigrant force on this country. And probably the reason, people don't complain is that Spanish is a more universal language unlike the many variations of Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Greek and the other languages.
Yes, Hispanics make up most of the immigrants in the United States. If Japanese, Chinese are allowed to break the law and come into this country illegally to stay as long as we like, my guess is, number of Asian immigrants will come close, or match the numbers of the Hispanic immigrants. Then what? Like Sage suggested before, are we expected to learn all their language, because immigrants are too busy to learn simple(not even good) english?
Well, going through his post history, he doesn't exactly have a good record of being level-headed.

But people do complain – in fact, that's why you've been so hissy.

Can you truthfully deny that you think it's arrogant to go into a country and expect people to conform to you instead of you conforming to them? I'm all for bringing in new cultural stuff, but for christ's sake, why not make it easy on everybody and have English be the official language of the U.S.? (Oh wait, it already is.)

Yes. No need to worry. English will never stop to be the U.S's official language.
Yes, Hispanics make up most of the immigrants in the United States. If Japanese, Chinese are allowed to break the law and come into this country illegally to stay as long as we like, my guess is, number of Asian immigrants will come close, or match the numbers of the Hispanic immigrants. Then what? Like Sage suggested before, are we expected to learn all their language, because immigrants are too busy to learn simple(not even good) english?

With the high concentration of Asian immigrants in Silicon Valley, it's getting to a
point where knowing at least one dialect of Chinese and/or some other Asian languages is helpful...

However we may find that when China really starts industrializing, the international language of business is going to be Chinese instead of English anyhow.

Yes. No need to worry. English will never stop to be the U.S's official language.

It doesn't have to stop being the official language for things to reach a point of utter absurdity. I heard something a while ago (I'll google later and see what I can find) about CA deciding to provide forms or tests or something for something... don't remember what... in languages other than English. This is ridiculous.
With the high concentration of Asian immigrants in Silicon Valley, it's getting to a point where knowing at least one dialect of Chinese and/or some other Asian languages is helpful...

However we may find that when China really starts industrializing, the international language of business is going to be Chinese instead of English anyhow.

All I know is Spanish is a very difficult language to comprehend and learn. But, I do live in a country where the language I know is the official language.
Well over here in SJ in the McDonalds and Burger Kings etc. that are built around a heavily populated area where lots of people speak spanish they hire people that speak both English and Spanish.

Same here, all of my managers speak Spanish.

Unfortunately, I cannot be bothered to ask them to translate every time someone can't speak English, we all have jobs to do. Either attempt to communicate in English or we cannot help you.

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