Delay? I'm not buying that. Or maybe its some false advertisement in p*ssing people off about GT4 in an effort to get us to buy Enthusia, Forza, or dare I say... PGR2. I don't know whether to call this game (GT4) underrated or overrated. Thing is, I'd rather wait out this deal. I been wanting GT4 for the longest and haven't let down my enthusiasm for it. It's either love GT4, or loathe GT4. This release date stuff is about as bogus as the "778 Cars Confirmed" deal which included various machines such as police cars and limos. Whenever you have a franchise, there will always be bogus claims to tick people off. You just have to ignore them and move on, and I think we should just ignore this delay. Only time we DON'T delay is if CobraGT or someone reports the delay.
But as I said before, I don't buy this delay. As the saying goes, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." So if GT4 is really delayed, provide some damn good proof.