- 34,110
- Mile High City
People are not good at thinking of others. This is abundantly clear from displays of mobs trampling each other at the mall to get 5 bucks off a barbie doll to cars burning in France. Human beings are simply not wired to think about others before they think about themselves. We're self-centered and self-oriented. Even when people think that they're being selfless they usually have self-centered motivations. "I help the homeless because it makes me feel good".
There's nothing we can do about it. It's just the way we are. We just have to sit back and embrace it. But sometimes you're stricken with an example of self-centered thinking so bluntly that you just have to sit back and marvel at the situation.
At work, I drive up to a T intersection to get to the parking lot (see the map). The intersection has a crosswalk across it and a sidewalk on the other side. Needless to say, at 8am there is a good deal of traffic moving through this intersection, and quite a number of people walking from their cars back through this intersection on their way to work.
Every morning, and every evening I see people choose to walk through the crosswalk - stopping traffic and generally backing things up when they could walk on the other side of the road, not have to use the cross walk, and then cross later - at a part of the road where there is essentially no traffic.
This morning I was baffled by a person who was walking on the northern sidewalk in that map, crossed to the south part to cross the street in front of traffic, and then went back to the north since his building was Northeast of the map.
What the hell? Does he just WANT to cause traffic?
It's not that people are being rude, its that they're simply not even thinking about the cars on the road (even though they were just in their cars). How you cannot consider the people in their cars when you're walking down a street is beyond me, but that's what I see every morning. People are so self-oriented they aren't even AWARE of the presence of others.
Now I can see you making this mistake for the first few months of working here. But after years you should have figured out to walk on the other side of the road. I also would like to point out that since I live in LA, most of the people that I'm talking about just got out of their hybrid cars with the "no war in Iraq" bumper stickers. These people are self-proclaimed liberals who are supposedly always thinking about others (except the less-unfortunate).
Ok enough of my rant. I was just amazed at evolution and how self-oriented it has made all of us and I thought I'd share.
There's nothing we can do about it. It's just the way we are. We just have to sit back and embrace it. But sometimes you're stricken with an example of self-centered thinking so bluntly that you just have to sit back and marvel at the situation.
At work, I drive up to a T intersection to get to the parking lot (see the map). The intersection has a crosswalk across it and a sidewalk on the other side. Needless to say, at 8am there is a good deal of traffic moving through this intersection, and quite a number of people walking from their cars back through this intersection on their way to work.
Every morning, and every evening I see people choose to walk through the crosswalk - stopping traffic and generally backing things up when they could walk on the other side of the road, not have to use the cross walk, and then cross later - at a part of the road where there is essentially no traffic.
This morning I was baffled by a person who was walking on the northern sidewalk in that map, crossed to the south part to cross the street in front of traffic, and then went back to the north since his building was Northeast of the map.
What the hell? Does he just WANT to cause traffic?
It's not that people are being rude, its that they're simply not even thinking about the cars on the road (even though they were just in their cars). How you cannot consider the people in their cars when you're walking down a street is beyond me, but that's what I see every morning. People are so self-oriented they aren't even AWARE of the presence of others.
Now I can see you making this mistake for the first few months of working here. But after years you should have figured out to walk on the other side of the road. I also would like to point out that since I live in LA, most of the people that I'm talking about just got out of their hybrid cars with the "no war in Iraq" bumper stickers. These people are self-proclaimed liberals who are supposedly always thinking about others (except the less-unfortunate).
Ok enough of my rant. I was just amazed at evolution and how self-oriented it has made all of us and I thought I'd share.