
  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Then it sounds as if the only solution is a no-words-on-clothes-dress-code.... cause I'm just as offended when I have to sit at a desk and stare at teh back of a shirt with a big golden cross and the word "JESUS" sprawled across it on 60 size font :irked:

"But nooooooooooooooooooooo",... Jesus is "acceptable" in our public schools :rolleyes:

I went to Catholic schools and we wore uniforms. My view of Chiristianity is well known. And I am still glad I went to Catholic schools. I also plan to send my son to a private school, most of which are perochial and Christian. Yes, I'll be at odds with some of what he is taught. This would be the case in a public school, too, though, except it'd be much, much worse. My parents sacrificed a lot for my siblings and I to get the education we did. We weren't rich, not by a long shot. My dad drove a rusted out POS car and all five of us shared one bathroom. But none of us shot up a school. And we grew up to be independent and individualistic to the point ot casting off Christianity when we were capable of deciding for ourselves, which requires experience that kids don't have, adults do, and are totally right to impose on children.
Originally posted by milefile
I went to Catholic schools and we wore uniforms. My view of Chiristianity is well known. And I am still glad I went to Catholic schools. I also plan to send my son to a private school, most of which are perochial and Christian. Yes, I'll be at odds with some of what he is taught. This would be the case in a public school, too, though, except it'd be much, much worse. My parents sacrificed a lot for my siblings and I to get the education we did. We weren't rich, not by a long shot. My dad drove a rusted out POS car and all five of us shared one bathroom. But none of us shot up a school. And we grew up to be independent and individualistic to the point ot casting off Christianity when we were capable of deciding for ourselves, which requires experience that kids don't have, adults do, and are totally right to impose on children.

Sounds like you've got it all figured out....


KORN shirts are appropriate apparel for the same reason the public schools allow someone to wear a Jesus shirt. Thats the great thing about individuality,.... you can send your kid to private school because you believe the uniformed atmosphere is most appropriate,... I'll send mine to public school because I think my kid deserves to express himself and BE EXPOSED to any and all 'non-explicit' material. I dont believe in, what you would call, imposing..... I prefer to expose everything for what it is, then let that proccesed information come to a conclusion, not let someone tell me what they've already concluded.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Sounds like you've got it all figured out....


KORN shirts are appropriate apparel for the same reason the public schools allow someone to wear a Jesus shirt. Thats the great thing about individuality,.... you can send your kid to private school because you believe the uniformed atmosphere is most appropriate,... I'll send mine to public school because I think my kid deserves to express himself and BE EXPOSED to any and all 'non-explicit' material. I dont believe in, what you would call, imposing..... I prefer to expose everything for what it is, then let that proccesed information come to a conclusion, not let someone tell me what they've already concluded.

Have you concluded anything? Ever? It doesn't sound like it. It sounds like you have a problem with decisiveness, structure, and authority.
Originally posted by milefile
Have you concluded anything? Ever? It doesn't sound like it.

Yes,... that everyone is entitled to equal opportunity and to have their own opinions.

Originally posted by milefile
It sounds like you have a problem with decisiveness,
structure, and authority.

Decisiveness = not at all,... it's called concious decision making. I made a clear point of that in my previous post. I'll have to assume you made an unconcious decision to ignore that point.

Structure and authority = yes, I do have a problem with this planets overall perspective on structure and authority.

Anything else you'd like to add Mr. Freud?
Originally posted by M5Power
I don't even think that statistic is correct.

I don't even think I was talking to you....

but since your here,... I'd appreciate some insight, or even hard evidence, concerning the validitiy of the statistic in question....
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I don't even think I was talking to you....


I forgot, you take whatever I say as a personal shot.

My fault for posting!

but since your here,... I'd appreciate some insight, or even hard evidence, concerning the validitiy of the statistic in question....

Well, considering you brought it up, you've got burden of proof, but whatever.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Yes,... that everyone is entitled to equal opportunity and to have their own opinions.
But children are less equal. They are minors, subject to the rules set forth by adults. They can't vote, go to war, drink, and even drive in some states.

Decisiveness = not at all,... it's called concious decision making. I made a clear point of that in my previous post. I'll have to assume you made an unconcious decision to ignore that point.
Unconscious? And you're calling me Mr. Freud? And it's Doctor Freud. Anyway, you're placing the burden on children. It's a cop out, a shunning of responsibility.

Structure and authority = yes, I do have a problem with this planets overall perspective on structure and authority.
How would you change it?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Am I so bland?

It's it that easy for your concience to just roll over and let your stereotypical views overide your compassion for others?
I never said all kids... I said most, and I still stand by that statement. I've known plenty of kids myself who wear such clothing, and yet are genuinely good, competent, unique people-- But, the vast majority of them need to use it as a crutch.
Originally posted by Sage
I never said all kids... I said most, and I still stand by that statement. I've known plenty of kids myself who wear such clothing, and yet are genuinely good, competent, unique people-- But, the vast majority of them need to use it as a crutch.

Fair enough 👍

And yeah,.. I'm terminating the convo with mile and M5 as of this post. Mile, you've made your point, you think kids dont have rights. I say they do,.. case closed for me. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you analize what you think I'm thinking,... if you were half the shrink you thought you were,.. you'd be talking to people instead of sitting in front of that computer.

M5,.... if you talk about me or anything I've said,.. then yes,.. it's personal.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Fair enough 👍

And yeah,.. I'm terminating the convo with mile and M5 as of this post. Mile, you've made your point, you think kids dont have rights. I say they do,.. case closed for me. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you analize what you think I'm thinking,... if you were half the shrink you thought you were,.. you'd be talking to people instead of sitting in front of that computer.

M5,.... if you talk about me or anything I've said,.. then yes,.. it's personal.

Kay bye. :D

*pfft* Baby.:rolleyes:
Not that I need to point it out, but you have just witnessed Red Eye Racer's modus operendi. I asked him two questions:

1. How would you change the current state of structure and authority on the planet?

2. Define "goth".
(Of course we all know the stereotype. You know, those things Red Eye Racer is so passionately against... but wait... it seems he'll carelessly use and reinforce them when he needs a convenient crutch for his poorly thought out non-argument. Anyway, a popular stereotype is not a valid case for or against anything. Red Eye Racer, I will personally hold you responsible for any teen "goth" shooting-sprees and suicides from now on.)

Both questions remain unanswered. But this should be no surprise. Typically he'll turn a thread into an argument, loose, be a sore loser, throw out a bunch of rash and poorly worded insults, then disappear. It's very predictable and entertaining, actually, and I'm glad he's back because of it.

So, Red Eye Racer, thanks for the laughs. If you ever want to answer my questions and discuss this like an adult, let me know. But I doubt this will happen. It seems like your vehement defense of the children's "rights" obviously comes from the close affinity you justifiably feel for them.
If you ever wanna talk like your not my psychologist,... lemme know.

But I guess you made a concious decision to leave those questions out.

Argument,... pffft,.. I didnt flame you once in this whole topic,... you flamed me on more than one occassion. :rolleyes:

My turn to play Dr. Freud:
You have a confidence problem,... not sure if you got you ass whooped in HS or what,.... but you have a determination to make people look as stupid as possible,.. instead of embracing a quality 'conversation',.... usually what you would call an argument.

It's OK to be wrong once in a while Eric,... no one will tell you your stupid,.......... if not wrong,.. then at least make an attempt to respect other peoples beliefs.

You, being the wise psychology major,.. should've diagnosed that yourself when you ran off long standing member DGB454,... all because of your stuborness to not be respectful to other peoples beliefs.

PS,... quit ting to describe the old RER BTW,... I gave up that attitude months ago when I realized what you dont realize right now,.. that other people deserve respect.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
If you ever wanna talk like your not my psychologist,... lemme know.

But I guess you made a concious decision to leave those questions out.

Argument,... pffft,.. I didnt flame you once in this whole topic,... you flamed me on more than one occassion. :rolleyes:

My turn to play Dr. Freud:
You have a confidence problem,... not sure if you got you ass whooped in HS or what,.... but you have a determination to make people look as stupid as possible,.. instead of embracing a quality 'conversation',.... usually what you would call an argument.

It's OK to be wrong once in a while Eric,... no one will tell you your stupid,.......... if not wrong,.. then at least make an attempt to respect other peoples beliefs.

You, being the wise psychology major,.. should've diagnosed that yourself when you ran off long standing member DGB454,... all because of your stuborness to not be respectful to other peoples beliefs.

PS,... quit ting to describe the old RER BTW,... I gave up that attitude months ago when I realized what you dont realize right now,.. that other people deserve respect.

Heh. I'll just let this stand on it's own.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer

And yeah,.. I'm terminating the convo with mile and M5 as of this post. Mile, you've made your point, you think kids dont have rights. I say they do,.. case closed for me. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you analize what you think I'm thinking,... if you were half the shrink you thought you were,.. you'd be talking to people instead of sitting in front of that computer.

M5,.... if you talk about me or anything I've said,.. then yes,.. it's personal.

I asked him for proof of something he said in the spirit of the discussion and he comes back telling me that he takes everything I tell him personally and that he's terminating the conversation. The proof wasn't really that important...
It's like he thinks everybody is stupid and can't just read the thread and see for themselves how ridiculous he is. Maybe he can pull a DGB454.
Originally posted by milefile
It's like he thinks everybody is stupid and can't just read the thread and see for themselves how ridiculous he is. Maybe he can pull a DGB454.

You know, I wasn't even aware that DGB left - he did it during my roadtrip or something. I only found out about it a week or so ago. I liked him, he defended with competent, usually well-written statements, but he took things too personally on religion.
You guy's talk like you think I feel the need to impress someone with a quick tounge and sharp whits. Sorry to disappoint you,.. but, I'm not leaving, and furthermore,... I'd never leave over a simple conversation. I'll be freely expressing my opinions till the day I die,... and yes, I'll come across stubborn people like yourselves along the way,.. your not the first and definately wont be the last. As I've said before a million times,... I could care less what you, or anyone else here thinks about me,... it's called having a clear concience. I dont mind being wrong, and I dont get-off on being right,.... two things that you two,... in you old age,... suprisingly, havent learned yet.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
You guy's talk like you think I feel the need to impress someone with a quick tounge and sharp whits. Sorry to disappoint you,.. but, I'm not leaving, and furthermore,... I'd never leave over a simple conversation. I'll be freely expressing my opinions till the day I die,...

Good for you - honestly. But why do you deny me the same right? You've told me before you don't want me talking to you, therefore I'm not allowed to freely express my opinions, in your book. Seems like a double-standard.

and yes, I'll come across stubborn people like yourselves along the way,.. your not the first and definately wont be the last. As I've said before a million times,... I could care less what you, or anyone else here thinks about me,... it's called having a clear concience. I dont mind being wrong, and I dont get-off on being right,.... two things that you two,... in you old age,... suprisingly, havent learned yet.

Actually, when arguing with you I'm never right so it doesn't care how I feel - and for some reason we're the stubborn ones when you're telling me not to talk to you because I've asked you for proof of your statements in the past.
Originally posted by M5Power

Good for you - honestly. But why do you deny me the same right? You've told me before you don't want me talking to you, therefore I'm not allowed to freely express my opinions, in your book. Seems like a double-standard.

Actually, when arguing with you I'm never right so it doesn't care how I feel - and for some reason we're the stubborn ones when you're telling me not to talk to you because I've asked you for proof of your statements in the past. [/B]

Ive consistantly stated those feelings to you because you've never once given me or my opinions the time of day,... mile at least has had the courtousy in the past to give me a "that's a good point" compliment,.... though extremely rare, it has happened. That's why I still carry on convo's with him. You on the other hand,.. have been nothing but a thorn in my foot,.... quaestioning everything I say or do, and then following up with "all I asked for was proof". Well ya know what,.. sometimes you should just take peoples words for what they are,... words.

It's almost like you assume I care a lot more about what I say than I do.... I sit here and talk,. thats it,.. if I wanted to spend the whole day digging up facts and info, just to be impressionable,... your quite mistaken. I cant stress to you enough,... how much I could care less about how much you think I know,... I have nothing to prove to you,.. and I never will,.... unless you wanna take it to the track............ thats the only place I have to do any proving of any kind..... but, unfortunately,.... I dont think you have the 'cahones' :rolleyes:
Red Eye Racer, read the thread and tell me you are merely expressing your opinion and respecting others'. It's bunk. The second anyone disagrees with you you become hostile. All I asked you for was some support for your arguments and you failed to provide it. Furthermore, you accused me of doing that, when I did not. I think I have elaborated my opinion here fairly well in a respectful way. You, however, have failed to provide any information beyond your own personal feelings, which are not what cuts it in this forum. You don't want to discuss. You want to announce and proclaim.
Originally posted by milefile
You, however, have failed to provide any information beyond your own personal feelings, which are not what cuts it in this forum. You don't want to discuss. You want to announce and proclaim.

The only think that gets cut in this forum is cheese. We're all full of hot air,.. ever heared the expression "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they stink"?

BTW,.. I'll be here for as long as this forum exists,... anouncing and proclaiming the entire way,.. so get used to it,...

The topic says it all,.. and it's something I take full adavntage of,.. my individuallity,.... no one can take it away,... you can attempt to all you want,.... it only makes it more fun for me ;)
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
The only think that gets cut in this forum is cheese. We're all full of hot air,.. ever heared the expression "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they stink"?

BTW,.. I'll be here for as long as this forum exists,... anouncing and proclaiming the entire way,.. so get used to it,...

The topic says it all,.. and it's something I take full adavntage of,.. my individuallity,.... no one can take it away,... you can attempt to all you want,.... it only makes it more fun for me ;)

I rest my case.

At least your having fun while you cause trouble and contribute nothing.
Originally posted by milefile
I rest my case.

At least your having fun while you cause trouble and contribute nothing.

Yep,... oh and, BTW,.... when was the last time you "contributed" and helped someone with GT3 adivce? You know,... the whole reason this forum exists in the first place?