Industry Buzz about Sony (not good) + Where do we go for the next great driving sim?

  • Thread starter panjandrum
Not looking to start an argument here, just stating what I've been hearing "in the industry". I work in the computer industry, in which the technobabble is never ending... The PS3 is one of the big subjects of course, and nearly all the buzz I've encountered has been negative. Not only that, the buzz about Sony in general is extremely negative as well. Possibly the biggest news was that Sony won't license the blu-ray technology to "certain types of movie studios" (clears throat). The immediate reaction has been "blu-ray is dead", thus the PS3 is close to dead, and those of us in the industry who once looked at Sony and saw great products, now look at them and agree that they have totally flipped out. Now, maybe they have always been this way to some extent (betamax? anyone? anyone? mini-disk players for years after the entire world already moved to mp3, and so on), but things seem to have gotten much worse.

I hate to say this, but I think there is a good chance Sony (and the PS3, and PD, NO!), might be on their way to the great la-la land of has-been companies.

I check the stock of PS3s when I visit technology stores, and they are just sitting on the shelves. Even Meijers has them... I expect by the time next Christmas season rolls around we'll see that the PS3 has had extremely poor sales.

Interestingly, when talking to people about the PS3, one of the things I've heard most often is "a lot of die-hard PS3 fans are there for Gran Turismo". I guess that at least is some good news.

So, with that in mind, I've begun researching my "next gen" racing sim, and haven't come up with a good solution. I thought we could all pool ideas and help each other out.

What I'm looking for in a racing sim:

1) Real "road" cars, especially a good collection of interesting models (RUF, Lotus, etc.).

2) Real courses

3) Real physics

4) Real force feedback (obviously if Sony doesn't fix the FF for GT5, it is a definite no-sale for me - no GT5 but also no PS3)

5) Real multi-player network play (prefer over the internet)

6) Driving wheel with "real" rotation (900 degrees, or at the very least let's say 720 degrees so you can get 2 full rotations)

Here is what I've found:

Windows: "Live for Speed". Sounds like the physics are great, but as far as I can tell it has 0 real life cars.

XBox 360: Forza 2 looks like it will be a solid product. Unfortunately, the only true feedback wheel (the new one from Microsoft), turns out not to have full rotation (less than 360 degrees). This will eliminate the XBox 360 from my considerations until someone makes a "real" wheel for it or hacks drivers into it for the G25 / DFP.

I've tried to filter through all the other racing sims out there, but there are so many of them, and it is difficult to see which ones are just games, which ones sims, and which ones support the DFP / G25 wheels.

Which other driving sims do you drive and how well do they work? Which ones feel like real sims (like GT4), and which feel like games (Like the original Forza)?

Feeling frustrated here! :-(((
Possibly the biggest news was that Sony won't license the blu-ray technology to "certain types of movie studios" (clears throat). The immediate reaction has been "blu-ray is dead", thus the PS3 is close to dead, and those of us in the industry who once looked at Sony and saw great products, now look at them and agree that they have totally flipped out. Now, maybe they have always been this way to some extent (betamax? anyone? anyone? mini-disk players for years after the entire world already moved to mp3, and so on), but things seem to have gotten much worse.

I hate to say this, but I think there is a good chance Sony (and the PS3, and PD, NO!), might be on their way to the great la-la land of has-been companies.
I actually agree on the PS3 itself. They have no games that grabs me and tells that I have to spend $500-$600 on a console, right now. But I also feel the same way about Wii, and while I think Xbox 360 is worth the money, X360's been out for a year, and I would have felt the same way about it, if I was asked about my opinion on the console couple of months after the launch.

Where I question your post a little bit is regarding Blu-ray Discs. Beta was before my time, but I know what you are talking about. Mini Discs, I used to love those, but yes, outside of Japan, it did fail to takeover. But Blu-ray, it just look so dominant right now. If the "industry" is doubting Blu-ray, is it telling us that HD-DVD is going to crush Blu-ray? Most people at this site(see Blu-ray vs HD-DVD Thread) seem to think that Blu-ray is the way to go. I also hear same thing from the people I know in real life.

I'm sorry. I just don't see how Blu-ray is going to be "dead", or can be compared to Beta or Mini Discs. I'd say it's quite the opposite. But of course, I'm not in the know, or anything. I think the time will prove the "industry" wrong.
it sounds like youve heard the extremes on the negative side.

Blue ray is beating HD-DVD right now actually. There are a few HD DVD Investors/studios are switching to Blu Ray.

PS3s are on the shelves, but not everwhere, you cant just randomly walk in somewhere and expect to find a PS3 on the shelves. Some places maybe, most places you still haft to hunt around a little bit to get one.

The main reason Betamax died out is because Sony wouldnt let the Porn industry use them. If sony lets them use the Blu Ray this time around it would be a good move and help them in succeding.
PS3 & Blue Ray are far from dead. The Ps3 is doing pretty well right now. Its not the best gaming console but time will tell that story. Blue Ray is the same way, it will take time to see who pans out as the winner. Even if Blue Ray does fail as a next generation movie format, it will still succeed as a Data format.

honestly, i would take what you heard with a grain of salt. Just watch as things pan out. I dont see Sony nor Polyphony Digital disappearing anytime soon.

Best Racing sim for PC: NetKar(Open wheel)/Racer
" " X360: Forza Motorsport 1 & 2
" " PS3: GT4/GTHD/GT5
I don't give a **** about all this high def crap... It's high def enough as it is now for me. All I know is the 360 and Forza 2 will be where it's at. Sorry PS3 and GT even if you are good it's not enough for me to WANT to go buy it just for that experience.
I don't give a **** about all this high def crap... It's high def enough as it is now for me. All I know is the 360 and Forza 2 will be where it's at. Sorry PS3 and GT even if you are good it's not enough for me to WANT to go buy it just for that experience.

The main reason Betamax died out is because Sony wouldnt let the Porn industry use them. If sony lets them use the Blu Ray this time around it would be a good move and help them in succeding.

Best Racing sim for PC: NetKar(Open wheel)/Racer
" " X360: Forza Motorsport 1 & 2
" " PS3: GT4/GTHD/GT5

The Porn industry has a problemwith Blue Ray now, not because Sony wont let them use it, but because production costs are so high!
As i understand it Blue ray discs have to be produced, they cannot be duplicated. Much of the porn industry is not of the level that can afford mass production cost associated with producing blue ray discs.
They like it cheap! easy duplication with the likes of DVD and VHS means the small studios can have a stack of machines in a back office Banging out the discs and much of the porn industry has stated they will support the HD DVD format because its easier and cheaper!

Will this have as big an effect on the battle between Blue ray and HDdvd as it did in the VHS - Betamax war, im not so sure, Porn is so much more accessable today than it was then due to the internet, back then it really was a case of Brown paper bags that contained either magazines or Cine 8 films, Videos exploded and expanded the market to a whole new level and became more acceptable.

The ease of the Internet has now taken away much in percentage terms, from the sale of the Video and DVD of the Porn market. But that market is also infinatley bigger now!

It will have Some effect, but wont be the deciding factor this time around.
The main reason Betamax died out is because Sony wouldnt let the (adult movie) industry use them. If sony lets them use the Blu Ray this time around it would be a good move and help them in succeding.

Well, yes, that is exactly the problem. Sony has once again said "no" that that industry. They are refusing to let them use blu-ray. It is this one thing more than anything else that has sent the "buzz" around Sony and Blu-Ray into the tank (although there has also been a lot of talk about lack of controller rumble, which turns out to be a more important feature for most people than Sony wants to believe). I deal with salesmen as well as technicians, and the salesmen are reporting a lot of negativity in the buying public concerning the PS3...

Here is a quote one of the news articles about this:

"There Joone, founder of the company Digital Playground and director of extremely popular HD (adult) movies, declared that his company would from next week on be publishing movies on HD DVD on a regular basis.

This is a U-turn for Joone, who at last year's AVN event had declared his support for the Blu-ray Disc format. Asked about his change of attitude by heise online the director responded: "Sony wants me to publish my films on HD DVD." He then went on to explain that he had in fact wanted to publish his movies on Blu-ray Disc, but that all Blu-ray Disc copying facilities in the United States had refused to cooperate. The companies had unanimously declared that Sony had threatened to withdraw their Blu-ray licenses should they stoop to making HD copies of pornographic films, Joone said. Even though he would have liked to supply with his movies the predominantly male group of Playstation 3 players he had been forced by events, he declared, to switch to HD DVD. The game console has the ability to play Blu-ray Discs built into it. The director said he was puzzled by Sony's attitude, which, he noted, had also turned out to be counterproductive in the case of Betamax.

As a consequence Digital Playground now intends to release HD DVD products at a rapid rate..."

Hopefully this will all turn around and Sony will come to their senses. But, for now, I would say this sounds like the final nail in the coffin for blu-ray. Thus my search for a different racing sim so I know where to go if I have to bail on GT5 :-(((
Well, if all else fails, Kaz and his team could go to some other platform. I'd personally like to see the Wii get some sort of serious driving game, something Nintendo's been lacking, and since Microsoft already has Forza, I'm not sure they'd need in-house competition. I don't think Yamauchi would just give up because his company has.

That, and I want my StarFox and Zelda without giving up my GT.
Windows: "Live for Speed". Sounds like the physics are great, but as far as I can tell it has 0 real life cars.
It has 2 or 3 real life cars, but the physics are fantastic.

XBox 360: Forza 2 looks like it will be a solid product. Unfortunately, the only true feedback wheel (the new one from Microsoft), turns out not to have full rotation (less than 360 degrees). This will eliminate the XBox 360 from my considerations until someone makes a "real" wheel for it or hacks drivers into it for the G25 / DFP.
That is a problem, but not one that would put me off buying FM2.

I've tried to filter through all the other racing sims out there, but there are so many of them, and it is difficult to see which ones are just games, which ones sims, and which ones support the DFP / G25 wheels.
Most PC sims will support thoes wheels with no problem.

Which other driving sims do you drive and how well do they work? Which ones feel like real sims (like GT4), and which feel like games (Like the original Forza)?
GTR, GT Legends, RFactor (my current number 1 choice, the physics are good but not quite there with LFS, but the level of downloadable content for it is staggering, there's everything from sprint cars to GT race cars to road cars and cup racers ect) and there's a sim in development at the moment called Drivers republic, I have an early buil of it but it's very promising.
Well, if all else fails, Kaz and his team could go to some other platform. I'd personally like to see the Wii get some sort of serious driving game, something Nintendo's been lacking, and since Microsoft already has Forza, I'm not sure they'd need in-house competition. I don't think Yamauchi would just give up because his company has.

That, and I want my StarFox and Zelda without giving up my GT.

I can´t see that happening though. PD is owned by Sony, and Sony is not likely to sell their golden boys. PD´s only option would be to buy themselves out, and I don´t believe they can afford that.
Sony seems adamant on self destruction.:(

Well, Sony needs to live long enough to provide a solid PS3 by fixing all it's current problems. Blu-ray needs to live long enough for all the content of GT5 to fit on one of those DVD, GT4 barely fitted on a normal DVD (Or was it a CD?). PD needs to live long enough so GT5 can be released and support for it can be provided, in forms of patches and extra content. KY needs to live long enough to ensure that all the promises for GT5 are kept, or at least be accountable if they are not.

After that I don't care.:dunce:

To be honest if, by some miracle, PS3 becomes successful I'll be impressed. I really can't see a PS4 ever surfacing though.
To be honest if, by some miracle, PS3 becomes successful I'll be impressed. I really can't see a PS4 ever surfacing though.

I dont think we should write Sony and PS3 off anytime soon!
I believe they have made some fundamental errors of judgement with PS3 and the dominant number one position in the gaming market went to the whole companys head.
They restructured their business to fit around the PS3 and have invested heavily into it, but while they did that, they forgot all about the gamers!
The market for this machine is to bring technology and media content into the homes from other areas of sonys business, and in future use the sale of online media to create revenue! Theve tacked that all onto a game console, believing that we gamers will swallow the cost ala PS2!
However they have taken the gamers for granted, and many of us a well aware of that and dont like it.
The B/R makes the machine very overpriced as a game console, even out of a lot of gamers reach, to gamers Blue ray wasnt a necessary feature, yes future possibilty of huge games is good, but HDDVD would have sufficed.(without the investment in blue ray, in which they want to corner the market sony could have invested in the gamer, for one they could have settled with immersion and maintained rumble and feedback and who knows what else they could have developed? and they could have still made money with the resale of hd back catalogue, but Their total greed in trying to corner the market with Blue Ray tech and maximising the profit of the resale once again of all their old back catalogues, meant the gamers (ps3's core users) were short changed)
Blue ray wasnt essential.
secondly, currently there isnt a huge market full of Blue ray hd content that makes anyone other than a tech head really want a Blue ray player,combine that with the fact that you also need a new TV appreciate it is also another negative factor.

So once the sales to those who really just want a ps3 for its B/ray capabilty are done, that leaves an overpriced console with currently little available in the way of Killer PS3 must haves.

It seems Sony really did learn nothing woth the BETA max fiasco, they are simply trying to take the same dominant position creating a closed restricted system which Sony want to control to cream profits in all directions, but this time they are trying to use its position with gamers to win. Very risky!!
Gamers dont want to be the pawns!
HD DVD is far a more open to all technology, that will give greater content at least for now!

I dont see Sony burying their heads in the sand too long with the PS3 though, they cannot afford for PS3 to fail, the companies survival almost depends on it!
Eventually they know this has got sell huge numbers, they cant afford all the bad press that causes PS3 to sit on shelves,the price will definately fall drastically by xmas next season imho!
Yeah, we shouldn't write off the PS3 yet. I like mine but I wish I had gotten the 60gb but then I'm trying to wrap my mind around a $600 price tag. But it is kinda sad to see these sitting on shelves. There will be great games for it but I think I bought mine too soon...the price will go down eventually and there will be great games and accessories for it but their selection of both at launch were out right pathetic and that hurt them. And yes, from what I heard blu-ray is beating hd-dvd....just. If they would just let the porn industry use the format it would be game over! Why can't they learn from the betamax fiasco?! Also, in regards to the orginal poster's question about great racing games...try GTR2 for the PC, great game if your computer is speced out.
GTR, GT Legends, RFactor (my current number 1 choice, the physics are good but not quite there with LFS, but the level of downloadable content for it is staggering, there's everything from sprint cars to GT race cars to road cars and cup racers ect) and there's a sim in development at the moment called Drivers republic, I have an early buil of it but it's very promising.

Thank you! That's exactly the type of information I'm trying to gather in this thread. Hopefully this will help both myself and others if we decide to move away from the PS3 platform.
Thank you! That's exactly the type of information I'm trying to gather in this thread. Hopefully this will help both myself and others if we decide to move away from the PS3 platform.

I have an XB360, and one thing to consider is that the 360 will be getting LFS as well as Forza 2 in the near future, and I am looking forward to both since XBOX live is such a good service. One nice feature about the new wireless wheel that Microsoft makes for XB360 is that with a $20 adapter coming out soon, you can use it on your PC as well for games like GT Legends and Netcar Pro, etc. Like you mentioned, the only drawback with this wheel is the lack of 900 degree steering, which I think I won't miss very much. The only time I use more than 200 degrees is on a tight course like motorland or costa d'amalfi on GT4, so I'd guess 95% of corners it won't really matter to me. Just thought I'd throw this out there for consideration also, there's going to be pros and cons with either choice so I'm not really advocating one or the other. I do have GT Legends for my PC and like it very much, but I can't get a decent framerate with my current video card, so I haven't been able to play it very much.
I just thought I'd drop by and mention that I agree with Live4speed 100%. LFS, GTR, rFactor, etc. are all great.

Live for Speed is the simulator right now, and even if someone else comes up with something a bit more realistic, it'll be hard to compete with Live for Speed's excellent netcode, buttery-smooth framerate on PCs that would be considered extremely out of date by today's standards, and very flexible physics/sound engine (the physics work from real geometry and a proprietary tire model, instead of relying on intangible variables and Pacejka; engine sounds are created by the sim, based on engine size/type and the number of cylinders, among a few other factors).

From what I've heard, ScaViEr is also planning on providing tools for modders when LFS S3 is released, or shortly after, which means that a large variety of real-world cars and tracks may become a reality in the future.

I have an XB360, and one thing to consider is that the 360 will be getting LFS...

That's news to me. I think you've got LFS confused with GTR. ;)

Like you mentioned, the only drawback with this wheel is the lack of 900 degree steering, which I think I won't miss very much. The only time I use more than 200 degrees is on a tight course like motorland or costa d'amalfi on GT4, so I'd guess 95% of corners it won't really matter to me.

The 900 degrees are indispensable if you're a fan of drifting, and the DFP/G25 are PC-compatible, which means they work with the PC sims L4S mentioned.
The PS3 will not fail anytime soon I think. Wait until it's been out for a few months... then prices will drop and thousands will buy the PS3 because of the reduced prices! I know I will.
The only thing about the X360's GTR is that it won't do well at all. It doesn't look all the great compared to a PC running GTR2 at max capabilities, in fact, looks like a PC version running it between high and medium with hi-resolution wheels off.


The wheels are just so bland. And the red seems to be a bit blurry, to me.

Not to mention, that even if the game gets a 2006 season or 3 extra cars, the PC version is just as capable of getting them as well.

The 3rd party mod support for the GTR2 version is just what puts years ahead. It's much like how CS was crap unless you had the PC copy, and then had the ability to play WoW or Super Hero mods.
Sony's not going anywhere. They are too large of a company with way too much momentum and brand recognision. Unless this thread is about Sony's gaming division failing, then that I could see as a possibility. In any event, you can't judge how well a console will do after just 8 weeks (has it even been that long?). Wait until after next Christmas, when all 3 consoles will have a decent amount of shelf time under their belt. That should also give us a better idea of the whole Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD fiasco.

However, I do think that Sony in general has one serious shortcoming that is going to be a problem the longer they let it go. It's their company structure. Each division (gaming, movies, A/V electronics, etc.) is allowed to act as a separate entity, with little communication required between them. This was a good idea when the company was small, and 40 years ago when consumer electronics didn't interact much with anything else. A prime example of this is their latest and greatest baby: the PS3. If this was meant to be the center of their idea of the entertainment center, why was the (not included) remote control Bluetooth-only? Little nagging problems like this are becoming more and more prevalent (like how Columbia/Sony BMG put out so few SACD discs to support a format their CE division invented).

Microsoft is in a very different boat. They communicate fantastically, but have a long history of being inept when it comes to hardware design (except for mice & keyboards, for some reason). The clunky XBOX series is not a winner when it comes to design of any kind, but their software leaves no doubt as to who's the current desktop leader. That, combined with their usual relentless attitude and bottomless wallet, may give Microsoft the win sooner or later.
I wouldn't either. More like, as demand for high def DVD becomes higher, people will start realizing the deal that they are getting with PS3. As I noted earlier, I don't care for PS3 at the moment, but as more titles becomes available, plus the demand for Blu-ray becomes higher, better deal the PS3 will end up being. $500-$600 for next gen gaming console and the next gen DVD player is more than reasonable.
here is a slight update.

Blu-Ray Disc Association: No Problem With Porn
By: Vance Kingsley
Posted: 1:45 pm PST 1-17-2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A spokesman for the Blu-Ray Disc Association stated this week that the organization does not seek to bar adult studios from the Blu-Ray format.

"There is not a prohibition against adult content," BDA vice-chairman Marty Gordon told "The BDA is an open organization that welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, including those that represent the full spectrum of genres in the content industry."

Gordon's remarks follow in the wake of last week's Adult Entertainment Expo, where Digital Playground owner Joone stated that Blu-Ray replicators have been refusing to handle X-rated content. Digital Playground had initially embraced the Sony-backed Blu-Ray last year, but at AEE, Joone announced that the replication issue had forced his company to switch its allegiance to HD-DVD.

Joone told website that replicators had "unanimously declared that Sony had threatened to withdraw their Blu-Ray licenses should they stoop to making HD copies of pornographic films". Sony's current policy dictates that facilities handling Disney content for Blu-Ray are prohibited from producing adult material.

In the early days of home video, adult manufacturers' decision to support VHS video played a key role in that technology's victory over Betamax. Many attendees at the expo speculated that Blu-Ray's failure to cooperate with the porn industry would prove to be the deciding factor in the so-called format war with HD-DVD.

On March 28, Vivid Entertainment will release Paul Thomas' highly-anticipated Debbie Does Dallas...Again in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD editions, becoming the first adult studio to offer a title in both formats.

Like Joone, Hirsch confirmed that his company has encountered resistance from Sony in bring porn to Blu-Ray.

"Sony is not giving any assistance in the authoring or replication of adult content on Blu-ray," Hirsch told "Sony is somehow trying to keep away such material from the format, which I think is a mistake. [...] Part of the problem [with Blu-ray] is that it's a new format. There are very few replicators right now."

Industry sources agreed that it is too early to predict a definitive outcome in the Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD war. "Steven Hirsch has stated before that he wants the public to make the call as to which [format] is the one they want," said Vivid's national sales manager Howard Levine. "As a manufacturer, we're not going to jump on one or the other side of the fence."
It seems to me that Sony with the PS3 are going the way of Nintendo and the N64. The console itself is great, but they just don't seem to have the titles onboard, and they are relying on a few brands to ensure market success. This is either Sony being arrogant or simply over confident.

There is a very good chance that Sony will get plenty more titles onboard for the PS3 before Christmas, however I am shocked at just how poor the sales figures are. The Wii has stolen a massive amount of the market from under Sony's nose, and with the 360 coming out so far in advance, they have taken a chunk as well. Sony are not out of it just yet, but they have a much bigger fight on their hands than anyone would have thought :D

As for Blu-Ray v HD-DVD. Sony really missed a trick here. They should have sold Blu-Ray to Nintendo and Microsoft, and used it as a games consoles only format. You get the benefit of the extra space on Blu Ray compared to HD-DVD, and if it's not generally available, you won't get readers or copiers that people can use to make illegal copies of their games (I know people can't do it now, but give it time). Sure they wouldn't have sold as many units, compared to selling Blu Ray players for watching films, but they would have protected all of their games, and ensured there isn't yet another stupid "format war". Which only hurts the consumer, and gives them a bad image.

Only time will tell how wrong Sony have gotten it with the PS3.
I can´t see that happening though. PD is owned by Sony, and Sony is not likely to sell their golden boys. PD´s only option would be to buy themselves out, and I don´t believe they can afford that.

Sorry on the late reply.

I wasn't so much talking about the company, so much as I was talking about the Man himself and his crew. Unless slavery has been legalized in Japan, I do not believe Sony owns Kazunori Yamauchi.

And, I was also talking about the PS line going out of production. I mean, you can't leave that sort of passion without some way to harness it. Even if the PS3 forces Sony to leave the market, (Like Saturn and Dreamcast for Sega,) There will still be a racer by a man named Kazunori Yamauchi. Just like there are still games featuring a hyper-fast blue Hedgehog.
Unfortunately as of right now, to me, the PS3 is a non-existant system.
A poor release with no quality games for it.
As a gamer, i wanted to see the next gen games be a whole new level of play brung in to them.
As of right now the Nintendo Wii has my complete attention for one reason only.
Their systems games are now made with a very nice motion sensitive controller, which means the games add a new level of play.
I'm so tired of game companies not adding in replayability and a non unique approach.
I said this when the Xbox and PS2 first came out that i wanted to see some changes in the games CONTENT and not just really pretty graphics, but that didn't happen much.
Now a $600 system is out and from what i've seen/read/heard it's looking to be the same old same old,again.
Yes in time the PS3 just might surprise me, but as of right now, sorry, i'm not dumping $600 and then $60+ for system and games and "extra downloadable content" "insert small print here....for a large downloadable price", when a $250 system is attempting to or at least look like they are attempting to add something new to the playing of games and not just yelling out how hi-def their games are.
The XBOX360, the only reason i'd get one is the same reason i'd have gotten a Xbox, the Xbox-live service, period.
Something which also hurt the new PS3 by it not having one.
If sony wants to have me and thousands of others the systems games CONTENT had better be there.
I want to see huge replayability, multisystem linking for those without online, a PS3-live like service, etc not just hi-def graphics and sound.
I want my sims to be real sims, not wanna be sims, i want my platform games to be HUGE and have lots of extra options, i want my rpg's to really be a whole world etc etc.
As for Blu-ray versus HD-DVD, in my area it's BLU-RAY as the main seller, right now.
As for being able to find PS3's they show up here quite regularly and are selling, along with the few Wii's i've seen <those are gone way faster the the other systems its not even funny.>
Don't give up on he PS3 just yet, but know that as of right now buying one is more of an investment than a gaming console.
I am in no way a fan boy as I have all the systems, but taking into account that the ps3 has only been out for 2 month's it's crazy to think that there is supposed to be a plethora of a great launch titles.

If you really take the time to look at each systems launch library there was at least one game that most gamers bought with the system, for the 360 it was COD and/or PGR2, for the Wii it was Zelda, and PS3 RFOM....the rest of the games were ports or games that weren't that good.

Hell it took the 360 a full year to release a killer app in GOW, but compare that to the upcoming release of Motorstorm which should help set the PS3 up for some very good subsequent titles due for release right after. But at any rate back to the thread topic. Racing sims are still best on the pc, with GTR, GTR2, and the latest release by Simbin Race WTCC
I am in no way a fan boy as I have all the systems, but taking into account that the ps3 has only been out for 2 month's it's crazy to think that there is supposed to be a plethora of a great launch titles.

If you really take the time to look at each systems launch library there was at least one game that most gamers bought with the system, for the 360 it was COD and/or PGR2, for the Wii it was Zelda, and PS3 RFOM....the rest of the games were ports or games that weren't that good.

Hell it took the 360 a full year to release a killer app in GOW, but compare that to the upcoming release of Motorstorm which should help set the PS3 up for some very good subsequent titles due for release right after. But at any rate back to the thread topic. Racing sims are still best on the pc, with GTR, GTR2, and the latest release by Simbin Race WTCC
Thank you! I can't believe how other people are dismissing the PS3 this early. I've also said last year about Xbox 360 what I'm saying now about the PS3. There might be not much going on for the system now, but as the titles start coming out, things are only going to get better.

Funny thing about it was, last year, I was telling this to X360 owners and fanboys. They were really dissapointed with the system. Glitch with the games, remotes, lack of titles. I had to keep reminding them(while I never even owned an X-Box), they are just getting started with X360. Release was too early, just so they can sell some units during the holiday season. Titles will catch up in few months. I'm having to tell same thing to people about PS3 now.

Only concern for Sony is that PS3 is not selling like a hot pancake, and I think X360 had a hotter launch. But IMO, it is no problem for Sony, because in this case, time is on Sony's side. As more titles follows, as demand for high def DVD rises, so does the sales of PS3, up, up, up and up.
Unfortunately as of right now, to me, the PS3 is a non-existant system.
A poor release with no quality games for it.
As a gamer, i wanted to see the next gen games be a whole new level of play brung in to them.
As of right now the Nintendo Wii has my complete attention for one reason only.
Their systems games are now made with a very nice motion sensitive controller, which means the games add a new level of play.
I'm so tired of game companies not adding in replayability and a non unique approach.
I said this when the Xbox and PS2 first came out that i wanted to see some changes in the games CONTENT and not just really pretty graphics, but that didn't happen much.
Now a $600 system is out and from what i've seen/read/heard it's looking to be the same old same old,again.
Yes in time the PS3 just might surprise me, but as of right now, sorry, i'm not dumping $600 and then $60+ for system and games and "extra downloadable content" "insert small print here....for a large downloadable price", when a $250 system is attempting to or at least look like they are attempting to add something new to the playing of games and not just yelling out how hi-def their games are.
The XBOX360, the only reason i'd get one is the same reason i'd have gotten a Xbox, the Xbox-live service, period.
Something which also hurt the new PS3 by it not having one.
If sony wants to have me and thousands of others the systems games CONTENT had better be there.
I want to see huge replayability, multisystem linking for those without online, a PS3-live like service, etc not just hi-def graphics and sound.
I want my sims to be real sims, not wanna be sims, i want my platform games to be HUGE and have lots of extra options, i want my rpg's to really be a whole world etc etc.
As for Blu-ray versus HD-DVD, in my area it's BLU-RAY as the main seller, right now.
As for being able to find PS3's they show up here quite regularly and are selling, along with the few Wii's i've seen <those are gone way faster the the other systems its not even funny.>
Don't give up on he PS3 just yet, but know that as of right now buying one is more of an investment than a gaming console.

thanks for your un insightful post.
If this turns into a PS3 rant only, then it should be moved to the Playstation 3 forum, not here on the GT5 one :rolleyes:, let's try to stay on the Gran Turismo topic please.