* The topic does say "Industry Buzz about Sony".. and this response is to posts made by the OP so this is on topic.. but maybe this thread doesn't belong in this forum.
Hopefully this will all turn around and Sony will come to their senses. But, for now, I would say this sounds like the final nail in the coffin for blu-ray. Thus my search for a different racing sim so I know where to go if I have to bail on GT5 :-((((
First of all, it's HD DVD that has the nails coming down on its coffin due to almost no manufactuerer support for making HD DVD players compared to Blu-ray which not only has the exclusive support from the largest consumer electronic companies, but already has several different Blu-ray players from different manufactueres. HD DVD is even losing exclusive support from studios.
Here are some of the nails on HD DVD's coffin:
- Paramount was the first to end their exclusive support for HD DVD
- Warner (who also controls HBO & New Line) soon followed Paramount's lead.
- RCA annonuced they will no longer sell HD DVD players which were nothing more than rebadged Toshiba players.
- Prior to CES the HD DVD Promotional Group where spreading rumors about the upcoming defection of at least one studio that was exclusive to Blu-ray... instead, at CES all the Blu-ray studios were there in force making it clear they have absolutely no plans or intentions of supporting HD DVD.
- Universal, the only major studio exclusively supporting HD DVD was a no show at CES (where at least Warner & Paramount were there with some announcments on HD DVD & Blu-ray titles), their support for HD DVD is certainly looking dubious at best.
Unlike HD DVD, Blu-ray has exclusive support from Sony, 20th Century Fox, Disney, and Lion's Gate who control the distribution of the films from the following studios:
At CES, the heads of Sony, Fox, Disney, and Lions Gate home entertainment divisions annouced over 150 exclusive titles for Blu-ray... this compared to only about 15 HD DVD titles that are scheduled from Universal.
As for the relevence of the porn industry, just look at their DVD sales. Porn distribution is not anything like it was during the Beta vs VHS days, and more importantly, how many porn films have ever even been shot in HD? VERY FEW! As evidence of that, just look at the list of current porn films on either HD DVD or Blu-ray, and the list of planned titles. You can use one hand BTW.... no... not for that.. for counting the number of titles.
Besides, anyone who actually researches the history of the Beta VS VHS war will know that the porn industry played a very small role in that format war... and will certainly have no impact on this one no matter how much the HD DVD Promotional Group tries to spin sound bites.
If anything HD DVD is playing the role of Beta due to its tremendous lack of manufactuering support, very limited studio support, and lower capacity. However, while Beta at least performed better, HD DVD has no performance advanatge and even lacks the higher data rate that Blu-ray is capable of.
The only two advanatges that HD DVD had was that it came out first, and that it was less expensive. Despite its early arrival, sales of Blu-ray players have already out paced and out numbered HD DVDs.
If any format is on life support its HD DVD.
(and unless HD DVD can turn this ship around and somehow convince Blu-ray supporters to switch sides, try not to be shocked if by this time next year the plug is pulled unless HD DVD )