Infiniti's G35

  • Thread starter Joey D
Originally posted by Hooligan

"Best parts"? I've already stated on how I think Nissan could have come up with far better parts than this,

I agree. I didn't say Nissan made the best parts - Just that the competition now is about who can come up with the best parts.

There are many examples in recent times of cars made near-custom. The best of which is the Neon SRT-4. In a word: stupid nice. Others include the Mini Cooper S and WRX. These are cars that concentrate on the drive, not on the look or extra cute features. They're a bargain, and they're near-custom. It can be done and companies are denying it to make that all-important bottom line look fat for investors. I understand this reality; I have investements here and there. But more than a flash-in-the-pan blip in my portfolio, I'd rather have a true inheritor of the Zed badge.

All this is pretty fair, and I neglect to argue with it based on that I agree with it.

The E30 M3 was a lightweight, moderately powered, excellently handling small car. The E36 was a midsized sedan with a bit more power than average. And it stunk in comparison to the E30. The E36 only beat the E30 in straight-line performance. Drive the two back to back, and you'd swear it was different manufacturers.


I tried hard to purchase an E30 M3 when I was of age and intelligence, and I drove quite a few then. Saw one a few weeks ago downtown and was so delighted I left a note under the wiper saying I liked the car. I think the only reason the E36 got the crap it did from car fans was because BMW made the E36 in larger numbers. Granted, the E30 WAS a better car in most regards (reliability NOT being one of them) but the E36 was progression of the line - it wasn't too bad, either. It was still, in my opinion, a great car, plus it came as a four-door. Handling was incredible, too.

Only car fans really knew what the BMW M3 was when the E36 came out to the public since BMW neglected to make very many E30's, even though there were all sorts of special editions... Point is, they were all higher preformance than the base model (318 & now 320) and they served their purpose.

Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Don't have a baby and get the 350Z.

If I only had money for one car and the car of my dreams was only a 2 seater, then I'd say to hell with the baby. The world is overpopulated anyways.

I have no choice. I've wanted a baby since I was a senior in H.S. and if I don't do it within the next couple years, it may never happen. As I am a bodybuilder, and use "performance aids" to compete, and these "performance aids" will eventually kill my chances of producing a child. :D :(
Actually just saw a G 35 about 15 min ago. I got a good chance to take a look at it and I must say, that I'm not impressed that much. But, to each his own. I really like the headlights though. The body style is just a tad to rounded looking for me.

Well, just my :cents:
Originally posted by Hooligan

Um, what? Weren't you just arguing how people wanted more stuff on their cars? And how the best assembling of parts always wins out? Didn't we just agree on how GM throws tons of stuff in their cars and does a decent job of selling it?

Yes, which is why people don't want a cheap a/c unit and radio and simpler brakes in their Japanese preformance car.
Originally posted by M5Power

I tried hard to purchase an E30 M3 when I was of age and intelligence, and I drove quite a few then. Saw one a few weeks ago downtown and was so delighted I left a note under the wiper saying I liked the car. I think the only reason the E36 got the crap it did from car fans was because BMW made the E36 in larger numbers. Granted, the E30 WAS a better car in most regards (reliability NOT being one of them) but the E36 was progression of the line - it wasn't too bad, either. It was still, in my opinion, a great car, plus it came as a four-door. Handling was incredible, too.

I can see that how the loss of exclusivity is a factor, and how the E36 is definitely right square between the E30 and E46. It just wasn't enough for me, having known the E30. I like my cars feeling small and light, not just "kinda being" small and light, so the E36 was a letdown...for me.

Yes, which is why people don't want a cheap a/c unit and radio and simpler brakes in their Japanese preformance car.
Originally posted by Hooligan

I can see that how the loss of exclusivity is a factor, and how the E36 is definitely right square between the E30 and E46. It just wasn't enough for me, having known the E30. I like my cars feeling small and light, not just "kinda being" small and light, so the E36 was a letdown...for me.

I was looking through a 1997 triple-a consumer guide today and came across their reported statistic that the E30 M3, which cost just a few hundred dollars under $40,000 was not the most expensive E30 for sale. According to the book, that honour went to the 328 convertible ($42k or so). That statistic totally stunned me, though I can't remember one way or another to verify it. If it's true, though, loss of exclusivity would have definitely been a factor.
Originally posted by Option2
What about the conversion of a G35 to a 350Z??

That seems like a waste of money? How much of a conversion are you talking about? Bringing the G35 Sedan up 27hp or bringing the G35 coupe up 7hp? I am sure just doing to mods for the more powerful engine are easy enough, but I dont know what other mods you have in mind?
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic

That seems like a waste of money? How much of a conversion are you talking about? Bringing the G35 Sedan up 27hp or bringing the G35 coupe up 7hp? I am sure just doing to mods for the more powerful engine are easy enough, but I dont know what other mods you have in mind?

No no no......not HP. I'm talking body mods. The stock exhaust, intake, chip, ect...... are as good as gone anyways.

I'm talking BODY MODS. to convert a G35 to a 350Z, I already Know I'll have to replace the front bumper, and possibly hte doors (the door handles 350Z vs. G35...I've take the 350)....

.. But what else??????

The fenders on the 350Z look "fatter" than the G35, at least in the photos I've seen. Will those need to go? (front fenders and rear quarter panels)??
Originally posted by Option2
I'm talking BODY MODS. to convert a G35 to a 350Z, I already Know I'll have to replace the front bumper, and possibly hte doors (the door handles 350Z vs. G35...I've take the 350)....

To make a G35 Coupe look like a 350Z won't take much. Just buy both and swap body panels. :) Seriously, I don't quite get what you're trying to do. It'd be far easier to go the other way around. I'm guessing you want the looks of the 350Z with the handling of the G35, so wouldn't it be quicker and easier to steal the suspension from the G35? Add some soundproofing, some other amenities, and you'd have a more luxurious 350Z (or a 350Z-badged G35 Coupe).

Unless you mean the G35 4-door, in which case break into a Nissan factory and steal some panels.... The bodywork between the 4-door and 2-door is more different than it looks. You could probably get it to work with the front end and doorhandles, but the trunk lines are quite different, especially in the taillight area (not to mention the taillights themselves). The arc coming down from the roof differs greatly as you add doors to the rear seats. The body framing is also quite different; I doubt you'd get valid panel fittings if at all, and it certainly won't be road-legal.

Strange exercise....
Wait why would you convert a G35 to a Z? It makes no sense. More work then it should be worth. Just buy a Z if you want a Z.
Originally posted by streetracer780
Wait why would you convert a G35 to a Z? It makes no sense. More work then it should be worth. Just buy a Z if you want a Z.

G35 is a 2+2, the Z is a 2 seater. I need a backseat to put a babyseat in.
Originally posted by Option2
G35 is a 2+2, the Z is a 2 seater. I need a backseat to put a babyseat in.

Looking at the two in the same 3/4 shot, you'd need to swap every body panel, and custom-cut new rear quarterpanels (due to the lengthened wheelbase).

G35 front:

350Z front:

From these two, you can see how the space rear of the door is longer on the G35, and while it's pretty much the same wheelarch, the trunk tips up on the G35, which may require a 350Z trunk frame. It looks like both trunks curve into the same rear glass, though. The doors need replacing, since the doorhandles are orthogonal. The mirrors are the same.

G35 rear:

350Z rear:

Same exhaust system, but again the trunk is entirely different: shape, lights, size. All custom panels will be needed here. You can probably keep the fuel door, though. Keep in mind, the Z rear access opens up as a hatch, and G35 as a true trunk.
Goddamn, scrath that idea. The rear of the G35, I could deal with, but it's the front headlights/fenders/grill that I want/need to change. I can deal with the doors also.

I've done a few conversions, but this would probably be my "greatest ever". I think I'm better off just finding a better looking front bumper/bodykit and changing the grill on a G35, and finding or making some fender flares. It's looking like the conversion alone will cost me ~$15k.

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