Originally posted by Hooligan
"Best parts"? I've already stated on how I think Nissan could have come up with far better parts than this,
I agree. I didn't say Nissan made the best parts - Just that the competition now is about who can come up with the best parts.
There are many examples in recent times of cars made near-custom. The best of which is the Neon SRT-4. In a word: stupid nice. Others include the Mini Cooper S and WRX. These are cars that concentrate on the drive, not on the look or extra cute features. They're a bargain, and they're near-custom. It can be done and companies are denying it to make that all-important bottom line look fat for investors. I understand this reality; I have investements here and there. But more than a flash-in-the-pan blip in my portfolio, I'd rather have a true inheritor of the Zed badge.
All this is pretty fair, and I neglect to argue with it based on that I agree with it.
The E30 M3 was a lightweight, moderately powered, excellently handling small car. The E36 was a midsized sedan with a bit more power than average. And it stunk in comparison to the E30. The E36 only beat the E30 in straight-line performance. Drive the two back to back, and you'd swear it was different manufacturers.
I tried hard to purchase an E30 M3 when I was of age and intelligence, and I drove quite a few then. Saw one a few weeks ago downtown and was so delighted I left a note under the wiper saying I liked the car. I think the only reason the E36 got the crap it did from car fans was because BMW made the E36 in larger numbers. Granted, the E30 WAS a better car in most regards (reliability NOT being one of them) but the E36 was progression of the line - it wasn't too bad, either. It was still, in my opinion, a great car, plus it came as a four-door. Handling was incredible, too.
Only car fans really knew what the BMW M3 was when the E36 came out to the public since BMW neglected to make very many E30's, even though there were all sorts of special editions... Point is, they were all higher preformance than the base model (318 & now 320) and they served their purpose.