Insurance Gender discrimination decision is made

  • Thread starter blaaah
People who think this new law is sexist, should make a protest then. If you are a majority it could influence the next government or make us leave the EU completely human rights and all.
I agree with the decision to make females pay the same amount as males although I don't think the difference was much before anyway.

On another matter I was talking to someone who is on a training course with me at college, he is currently unemployed through redundancy and when he told the insurance company about this they put his premium up, their excuse will probably be that he can use his car more whereas before he would have been stuck at work not being able to use it, he also said his house insurance went up, the reality is they use every excuse going to get more money off people.

I could go on and on as there is so much but it winds me up just thinking about the modern day dick turpins.
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Err... that's a crime of "obtaining financial products through false declaration" (commonly known as "fraud").

Your insurance is invalid (that's another 6-8pt for an IN10). In the event of any collision any damage requiring repair or injuries requiring treatment (also risking another 3-11pt for a CD90) will not be covered by your insurance and individuals affected by it will have to persue personal claims against you for recompense and you face potential criminal prosecution for fraud.

Not to mention:

You will not use these forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.

I'd have a swift rethink, if I were you.
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Which is more foolish, breaking the law or telling other people you are breaking the law?
What you can do instead of saying you are unemployed is say you are student.
An Oxford English definition of student:
A person who takes an interest in a particular subject.
That is all that is required. Your status will change. But the premium maybe be the same, that's where redoing online quotes comes in with different details of status.
They have to be truthful though, in interpretation.
Err... that's a crime of "obtaining financial products through false declaration" (commonly known as "fraud").

Your insurance is invalid (that's another 6-8pt for an IN10). In the event of any collision any damage requiring repair or injuries requiring treatment (also risking another 3-11pt for a CD90) will not be covered by your insurance and individuals affected by it will have to persue personal claims against you for recompense and you face potential criminal prosecution for fraud.

Not to mention:

I'd have a swift rethink, if I were you.

Post edited, I'm sorry about the aup violation I didn't think about that it wasn't intentional.

Which is more foolish, breaking the law or telling other people you are breaking the law?

I'm not I just checked my details and they have me down as unemployed and The points are over 5 years old now anyway so it's all legit. No laws broken here.
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