Inter Club Racing club vs club

  • Thread starter dranddad
Well, ive got to update the HITL logo with the new club names. If everyone is happy with it, I can post it as the header on the site. Ran out of room down the left side, so thought it may look OK with us all in the middle. Also, please just remember guys, this is all a work in progress, with more long term ambitions as the game matures. We have plenty of time. Do any of you have any events planned over Christmas? I have a Sunday Cup special at Brands Hatch, ( shameless plug ) and there are some spaces if anyone fancy's it.

hitl 2.PNG
I like it.

I'll be working throughout Xmas and New year :/ So i don't think i'll able to join anything just yet.

I love the shameless plugs 👍 I hope to get a little more time for online racing now that some of the work load for the clubs can be shared more, been very long days for two of us. Thanks for all your help Ade looks good.

Getting closer to the magic 10 now and club founders and their members can start to build.
Great work guys. Once I get our new GT Arena season underway, I will take a more active role here. Great ground work Phill/guys. Much appreciated.:bowdown:

@GTP_ADE might be worth getting GBRC logo on there also, as they are a GT Arena Club. Thanks

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We now only have three more places left, we've all heard hype about the new community features in GT6, making it much easier to organize events online, once all the DLC has been released.

If you wish to join in with the other 8 fantastic clubs in this group, enjoy some club vs club action in the future then let me know here.
Hey Guys,

Heres our logo for you:

If you can PM me an email address I will send the original that includes the transparent background.


Happy new year to all clubs involved with HITL. I have been really busy over the festive period preparing for SUNDAY CUP IV. It is now pretty much complete, so I should have some time to update the HITL banner soon. Please send any graphics for your club logo's you want added, and I will get the new logo done. Cheers.


Nice to see another new US club has joined HITL and that clubs are now stating to interact with one another, taken time but that is only natural and expected with the new GT6 coming out, everyone has been busy setting up new events for this coming season and GT6 grinding.
Update on the HITL header pic. I have had to move the leagues back over to the left, as there was not enough room in the middle. If everyones happy with this, I will change it on the page. (If I can remember how to) The Sunday Cup is in full swing now, until May and then we will be partaking in some club vs club events.

I like it this way, but did you try horizontally over 2 or 3 lines or something like that? Could be more balanced

Nice to hear about club vs club, we at Team Morphine always eager for that. Whenever you're ready, we could set smth up. I'm already talking about with Drock from ALV ;)
I'm happy with whatever the clubs involved think sell their clubs to visitors. After all this is all about promoting your clubs, advertising is not easy it's damned hard work, this is why to be successful it needs a small amount of input form all clubs each week, now club founders can ask their dedicated members to help in the promotion, a 2 minute feedback for all the hard work that you club founders do for your members enjoyment is very little to ask.

I know things have been quiet at hitl that is understandable, new game/seasons events/grinding all this takes our free time, support from your club members would help you greatly with work load, each post they make in say the chat thread may mean one new visitor to your clubs. I nor the club founders can't do it all, it has to be a team effort.

I also have two other clubs interested in joining you all, and maybe another US based club, but how do we sell something to others if we don't first show activity.

Welcome to THG RACING TEAM HOLLAND aka TheHumbleGuys | R A C I N G T E A M

Read more: http://gran-turismo-hitl.freeforums...cing-team-holland-thehumbleguys#ixzz2th3cP5Mx

THG is the latest Club to join us at HITL.

THG Racing Team and American Legion of Vroom have challenged each other to a Club vs Club event
Team Morphine are also in talks with ALV of Club vs Club racing.

You'll be able to keep up with the news of these club vs club events at HITL.​
This is great news for the longevity of our entertainment in Gran Turismo, all the other clubs will do well to follow your lead at hitl. History has shown us quiet times will come, the time is right now to get things in place as Team Morphine & American Legion have done.

GTFusion and THG are also moving forward in preparation. GTArena/GBRC club team also have a number of members willing and ready to take part in Club vs Club race events.

A fantastic evening and well organized considering the number of combatants that made it to the event, some 19 or 20 at one point so had to re-organize into two rooms. Big thanks to Tavilha and Bichu_mau for hosting the two rooms.

From Team Morphine.

Sorry I only ended up having time for one race, only the health problems I have to suffer make it hard for me to keep going towards the end of the day, it was a real pleasure to be racing with two very high standard teams TM & THG and was made to feel very welcome.

I hope to get GBRC more involved with this club vs club venture of ours, as I still think it's a benefit for all clubs for our GT future.

Read more:http://gran-turismo-hitl.freeforums...puccino-cup?page=1&scrollTo=382#ixzz2zj8oH8pn
And finally the scoreboard is done and online! It was mostly a fun event, and I'll be damned if that little Cappuccino wasn't a handful on Sports Hard tyres!

Plenty of close racing, some bumps here and there (some minor penalties) but noone got hurt except maybe for some feelings; and plenty of overtaking resulting in some spectacular moments!

Things got even more interesting when both lobbies were merged together to a 12 car grid on Willow Springs:

This image has been reduced by 35.9%. Click to view full size.

Thanks for the video, Phil. Hope you don't mind, I've linked it on our page as well.
I get all emotional to see us all doing these CLUBMEETINGS.
Well.... I like it alot....that's for sure.
I call it CLUB & CLUB events, coz it are not really CLUB vs. CLUB events.

We work together and share the passion!

Founder and ex teamboss
Great to see more and more activity in this passion for sure Isaac, what with Ronin_GT may also be joining in soon things are looking up for inter club meets, big shame the other clubs at HITL are not taking a more active part, but hey it's their loss not ours.

Keep up the great work your showing up all the other clubs.
I'm thinking of a 3-man team-based multiclass event. Each club would choose their 3 drivers, and we could arrange a meeting for 3, 4 or 5 clubs. What do you think?
Any clubs interested in this?
One Make no tuning event - Scirocco Cup - this friday at 22:00 (Lisbon time) hosted by "Bananoides" from Team Morphine. Anyone's welcome to join!
so, is the point of this to take 2 racing clubs and pit each others members against one another once every month?