A 1979 <insert whatever> while living in California is a bad-bad idea. Why? Smog inspections will absolutely haunt you.
It would be less expensive to swap in a smog-legal crate engine + cats than it would be to sink the thousands of dollars into a smog-choked wimpy 350. Whatever car you find will either be quite expensive or it will not pass California's emissions requirements. Pick one...
The engines & transmissions of that era are awful. A 5.3L truck motor, harness, computer, exhaust manifolds + cats, and transmission will run you about $1k...figure another $6-700 to install it professionally.
How much would new cats, new carb, new vacuum lines, engine overhaul, headwork, and fixing all the pissing fluids cost you? My guess, not much less.
It's a neat car but if you want to own one register it in another state.
If you're looking for vintage cars, you want a 1974 or older model. They're emissions exempt.