International Event - Suzuka Expert ONLY 750 pp 02-17-32-47 ***NO GT lm***

  • Thread starter Timppaq
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I can't get passed lap one before loosing the will to carry on. I wanna race but everything that can go wrong has, im struggling to find the will to live.
Thanks, you to. I was waiting to see if you would catch up after getting by the 599 :). He was very tough to pass as his car was a frickin rocket on the straights. I got him at Degner pretty early on after he bobbled the entry. I got a nice run up there and shot right by him. Hope to see you for some more Viper buddy.
well, that's my lot. To be honest I'm not very happy about the habit we've developed whereby very risky moves are OK so long as we say sorry if it all goes pear shape afterwards. As I've just told someone via the PSN message system, I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. As things stand at the moment with regard to the quality of racing here, I say the chances of running a serious competition online here is very slim indeed.
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well, that's my lot. To be honest i'm not very happy about the habit we've developed whereby very risky moves are ok so long as we say sorry if it all goes pear shape afterwards. As i've just told someone via the psn message system, i'm sorry, but i just don't buy it. As things stand at the moment with regard to the quality of racing here, i say the chances of running a serious competition online here is very slim indeed.

I totally, agree, though I've made a few ballsy moves of my own. But instead of being all pessimistic about it, and complaining, lets set the rules straight, and make some things crystal clear.

First, I think the first step to getting everyone to be a little more sensitive towards other people's driving, is to get everyone out of these super-handling, high speed monsters. They make everyone feel like superman, and allow some ballsy moves to be made. Slower, slippery-er cars will take all of that away, and penalize much more for erratic driving.

Second, I think there needs to be longer breaks between races, to let the testosterone levels lower. People need time to reflect on how they are driving, and take time to vent before getting right back on the track with someone who they have revenge planned for.

Third, I think we need some real rules. I think that if you make an error that would necessitate you 'waiting' for the person you took out, you should need to pit for the remainder of the race. It's not enough to just go to last place - all that does it allow them to continue racing, with a higher level of aggression to take back the position that they still feel is 'rightfully theirs'.

Benannt, stop pointing out everything that is wrong with GTP, and start helping to make decisions and choices that will help the community as a whole. To fix this problem, we need more than 'agree-ers' - we need people who will go out of their way to make changes in the system.

The impossible part will be to 'remember' who is on the right side of the etiquette fence. Too much emotion. It's easy to sort people by their hot-lap, but its a much hotter topic to sort people on their behavior.

I'm a do stuff person. I have had a blast online, good race or bad, good opponents or horrible ones. I'd hate to see it all disintegrate.
I'll say coming here and racing with you guys has been a dream compared to the random races I've been doing. Did witness timeattack getting a little rough with sphinx.

Oh, and duh, finally went with 750pp (instead of 749) like eveyone else was doing. Made for a tougher race for sure.

Had a lot of fun tonight.
Great racing KOR_Kingpin, Vaxen and ashdtv! I saw you guys almost all go flying off into the sandpit when that guy decided to ghost right at the entry of T1 at the :32 race. Asshole :ouch:
Well thats enough of that for now 6:00am and time for bed :P .. There was some wicked fast drivers out there through the last 7 hours I have been racing! would be nice to see more of them being curteous also ;) Yes it's true ... being curteous and considering your opposition without ramming or using them as a moving wall may not win you the race! but the gesture will be remembered long after the race is over ;)

Props to the guys who raced clean and fair with me .. you should know who you are ;) :cheers:
Benannt, stop pointing out everything that is wrong with GTP, and start helping to make decisions and choices that will help the community as a whole. To fix this problem, we need more than 'agree-ers' - we need people who will go out of their way to make changes in the system.

That is our problem right now. We have too many "agree-ers" all agreeing that they can do what they wish out on the track and as long as they come say sorry here it's all ok. People post on and on about being clean and fair and what the GTP tag means yet very few actual drive that way (there are some, and they know who they are). The latest thing, now that we have divisions, is people saying they are in a different division than someone else - therefore they are slower/faster and it is all ok.

A few other people have pointed this out here as of late, mostly non-GTP members, but respected in the OLR community none-the-less (if not the racer, the board/team they come from), only to be shouted down by the "agree-ers" here that they are wrong.

"I apologized! I race fair! I race clean! We all make mistakes! I'm in a different division than that guy!...blah blah blah" That is all you see here lately.

You know what? That's is not good enough if we as a board/team want to be taken seriously out there in the racing community. Just because we are the biggest doesn't mean we are respeced by our size alone. it comes down to what each driver using a GTP_tag does on the track. If things continue the way they are currently the GTP_tag will be completely meaningless, it's already been chopped down a few levels in many racer's eyes. There are multiple examples of this clear to see and I know there are many out there who see them. The OLR community is not that big.

So no...we don't need anymore agree-ers.

I've met a handful of racers in game and via the PSN have tried to help "teach" (if you can call it that) race etiquette and strategy. In the GT2/GT3/GT4 OLR days I was active in helping racers learn how to hotlap and educate on OLR rules. Back in those days, when I had more time to devote to this, I helped as much as I could where I could in the OLR community. I've been around the OLR community for many years and have learned from some of the best and tried to pass on the knowledge and skills I learned from those very fast guys repeatedly.

In more recent times I've also posted numerous times on this board with what I think is wrong in GT5p and the general GTP_tag system and how I think we can start fixing it. Yes, I've also posted multiple rants and whines about it too, but that was before I figured out that offering ideas on how to fix it was more effective.

No one seems to care and I'm not a moderator here so I can do nothing about it.

I do find it rather sad and disturbing that moderators here are beginning to get to the point where they are not racing online or throwing up their hands in disgust.

I give Sphinx alot of credit for going out there and racing as much as he does, when he already has enough drama here to deal with. Look at how smoothly the GTP_registry went and how many times Sphinx had to answer the same questions over and over because people couldn't be bothered to look for the answer or even read half of the time. I give Sphinx more credit for that one too. Sadly that is a prime example of some of the problems we face here to help foster this community to OLR standards. Not to mention the vast differences in interest and skill levels. Not everyone is interested in really being apart of the OLR world and putting in the track time needed to do it, not everyone can, some people just want to go out and have some fun racing here and there. That is great but poses some issues in itself. In the old style OLR hotlap days it was fine, we never raced one another in real time, and those who did via LANs were hardcore about it and all knew each other and how to drive anyway so bad driving wasn't a huge issue.

As much as GT5p has been great for OLR and showing new people OLR rules it's been rough too in that we have so many new people racing out there there will be problems. That is fine, I think we all accept and understand that it will happen. Again the problem is the "agree-ers" letting standards slide and making a mockery of what the GTP_tag should mean.


Why do I care so much? I enjoy racing and I like racing people I know and trust. When I came back to the GT series last spring, after almost 2 years away from the OLR world, I came back to the board I used to race with only to find it had been shut down long ago. I remembered GTP and came here because I remember it as the place to find the best guys, the fast guys and the guys who really dig this game. There are a handful of other well known and long term OLR communities out there..but GTP was always the place I looked to for the right information and the guys who got things done (in contrast if anyone remembers GT3times and the messes over there you know what I mean). So when I came here and saw you could run a GTP_tag I took it serious and was honored to do it. Recently I've considered dropping the GTP_tag from my PSN ID but a friend of mine, who I have raced more than anyone else from here and trust more than anyone else on the track, talked me out of it.

I rant and rave so much about this lately because there are major problems out there right now with the OLR world, some caused by PD and their odd ways, some caused by GT5p being essentially a demo, but most from the general attitude of "I'm sorry..." and all the "agree-ers"...but I care and would love to be able to enjoy racing online whenever I'm out there. Right now it is maybe 2/10 races and if you read this thread and others like it that seems to be about the average. When it was just the standard non-tagged racers out there causing issues, fine, nothing anyone can do about it (other than private rooms, but who knows if that will ever happen and you can pin your bets on that alone), but when the problems started being tagged racers (not just GTP drivers BTW, but the majority are GTP due to the size of this community) then we all can do something about that...
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Good racing tonight, once I got into the groove. I made a few mistakes early, but don't think I cost anyone other than myself. timeattack, good battle on that last one (:02), until the lap down ghost started messing with us. Other than the visual distraction, ghosts also can be drafted, so can have a real effect on a race.

Shame, that.

I'm out until tomorrow.
Good racing tonight, once I got into the groove. I made a few mistakes early, but don't think I cost anyone other than myself. timeattack, good battle on that last one (:02), until the lap down ghost started messing with us. Other than the visual distraction, ghosts also can be drafted, so can have a real effect on a race.

Shame, that.

I'm out until tomorrow.

Good seemed to be getting quicker and quicker each race. 👍
Yeah the guy ghosting was really being an asshole to me lol. Despite all of the rubberband affect he still couldn't even keep up haha!

Cya for now, I'll probably be back for more on Saturday.
That is our problem right now. We have too many "agree-ers" all agreeing that they can do what they wish out on the track and as long as they come say sorry here it's all ok. People post on and on about being clean and fair and what the GTP tag means yet very few actual drive that way (there are some, and they know who they are). The latest thing, now that we have divisions, is people saying they are in a different division than someone else - therefore they are slower/faster and it is all ok.*snip

1) You've never ever, even one time, made a mistake on the track that's resulted in someone else having their race screwed up?

2) It's utterly inconceivable that there are people out there with less experience than you who make more mistakes and have poorer judgement?

3) If you accept the possibility, in principle, that people like this exist you:

a - don't think they deserve a GTP tag?
b - don't deserve to learn on the same track as you?

I think the less talented drivers would benefit more from a bit of encouragement and constructive criticism, rather than the usual flaming that goes on here. I'm sick to death of the number of times I've seen "GTP_xxxxxxxx WTF??? Yuo rammed me 8 times in that race!!!!!"

Unless I got the wrong end of the stick and this community is only for the best of the best of the best (in which case I'd better just grab me coat) then I will be an "agree-er" and to hell with anyone who isn't.

While we're on the subject of experience - I've been playing online games since quake 2 came out on 56k modems and theres' something you have to remember - until we can set up private rooms we are playing on public servers and the unbroken rule is - pubs are full of noobs.

This has always been the case and, for some reason that escapes me, there's always been people like you who can't seem to grasp this. Let me spell it out for you - noobs are what keeps the servers serving and the community alive. Noobs won't always be noobs - some time in the future these noobs are going to be bearing down on you like Senna on a charge. Wouldn't you rather they remember you as the guy who gave them advice than the grumpy git who thinks he's the only one who deserves to be in the race?

It'll work out tho, either you lighten up or you will end up the only one in the race.

Then what will GTP stand for?
Anyone racing this morning?

Had 3 good races last night.

Anyhow, I'm going in at xx17 👍
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Totally agree with P3nT4gR4m.

I think alot of this has also come all the way back from 600PP suzaka and 750PP daytona road. People have got in there minds the nice clean racing they had on 600PP. The cars were slower and the connections seemed to be better. Now with 750, people still try and make the same moves. As its at a higher speed the moves dont work, which ends in people crashing being taken out.

Then people have in there minds of daytona road. This was in a bigger, wider space. The track was alot wider through the infeild section, where people could overtake. Now they and get side-by-side in some section of suzaka and it doesnt work.

People just have to remember that 750PP suzaka is alot faster and more technical. People havent raced much 750 before and they are adjusting to it all the time. Because the cars are so different this doesnt help either. You have elise overtaking anything and everything through the esses, then GTR's and GTLM's overtaking everything from the harpin to the start/finish straight.

Take your time racing. Its not always going for every chance you see. And finally, have some respect for slower drivers and dont come on here flaming them to move out the way.
So now having done a few days of no GTLM racing in this category, what seems to be the pecking order of the cars and emerging trends?

I've noticed that there are many Elises, fewer Vipers, some very well driven GTRs, still a healthy number of Corvettes and the number of GT06s is steadily increasing. Just the odd Clio, Mine's and evo. I also feel there were many more S2000s before and the number, while still more than Vipers, is dwindling?

Driving a Corvette/Tuned, the following in my opinion and experience counts when reasonably close to a draft: I find I can close gaps to Mine's, Corvettes, S2000s, Elises pretty much all over the track. The GT06 and GTRs get hauled in on the corners but can be lost on the straights. Vipers I find are difficult for me to catch as they seem to have a broad spectrum of performance all over the track.

Out of the draft, I have found that I can still catch a Mines, Corvette and S2000, the rest prove incredibly difficult and sometimes require a mistake for me to get back in touch.

There are of course exceptions to the rule, in a few cases the drivers make a major difference and make anything they are driving un-catchable.

I'm not sure a single car is coming to dominate this event now, I must say I see a great number of Elises, but because of their lack of grunt on the straights etc they can be a great deal of fun to race. And as scary as it is seeing them swallow you up on the esses, when I am in a draft with one ahead, I can do the same to them. So it makes for excellent racing.

And with the other cars, it's such a major challenge to catch and pass those GTR and GT06s that when it happens, it's a great challenge and thrill. It's not like the GTLMs for me, I found I would have to execute a perfect 5 lap sprint to beat them.

I think this event is currently in rude health and still bursting with variety and quality. More of the same please!

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
1) You've never ever, even one time, made a mistake on the track that's resulted in someone else having their race screwed up?

2) It's utterly inconceivable that there are people out there with less experience than you who make more mistakes and have poorer judgement?

3) If you accept the possibility, in principle, that people like this exist you:

a - don't think they deserve a GTP tag?
b - don't deserve to learn on the same track as you?

I think the less talented drivers would benefit more from a bit of encouragement and constructive criticism, rather than the usual flaming that goes on here. I'm sick to death of the number of times I've seen "GTP_xxxxxxxx WTF??? Yuo rammed me 8 times in that race!!!!!"

Unless I got the wrong end of the stick and this community is only for the best of the best of the best (in which case I'd better just grab me coat) then I will be an "agree-er" and to hell with anyone who isn't.

While we're on the subject of experience - I've been playing online games since quake 2 came out on 56k modems and theres' something you have to remember - until we can set up private rooms we are playing on public servers and the unbroken rule is - pubs are full of noobs.

This has always been the case and, for some reason that escapes me, there's always been people like you who can't seem to grasp this. Let me spell it out for you - noobs are what keeps the servers serving and the community alive. Noobs won't always be noobs - some time in the future these noobs are going to be bearing down on you like Senna on a charge. Wouldn't you rather they remember you as the guy who gave them advice than the grumpy git who thinks he's the only one who deserves to be in the race?

It'll work out tho, either you lighten up or you will end up the only one in the race.

Then what will GTP stand for?

Another "Agree-er" here. Nicely said P3nt couldn't put it better myself.

@ Benannt - if i ever meet up with you in a race again i'll remember to either pull aside and let you pass or stay 1 mile behind you just because i've had the unfortunate luck to late brake and touched you "twice" ( i believe it was the GT-R - F430 - Vette HSR). Even tho' i slowed down and let you regain your position , even tho you finished on the same position as you would of withouth me touching you and after i sended my apologies via PSN you came here posting that i need to learn to play better. That's ok i took it as an well intended advice and submitted my apologies again , but the one thing that still bugs me is that fact that you made it more than obvious you don't care about the apologies(ers). I do feel crap if i ruin other guy's gameplay and i swiftly tend to apologise for it as i would expect someone to do the same for me ; shure that doesnt make it ok but still...

I realise that when you come to a certain lever of gameplay it's harder and it takes more patience to put up with the less better players , but they are still a part of the community and GTP is exactly that. I'm sorry that GTP isn's exactly what you would call an "exclusive best drivers club" that you would want it to be 'cose if it were, i would most kindly ask P3nT4g4m to hand me my coat too while he's at it.
Had a good 3 player race with GTP_Andrewyhy[HK] and hda2[HK] guy 👍
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Totally agree with P3nT4gR4m.

I think alot of this has also come all the way back from 600PP suzaka and 750PP daytona road. People have got in there minds the nice clean racing they had on 600PP. The cars were slower and the connections seemed to be better. Now with 750, people still try and make the same moves. As its at a higher speed the moves dont work, which ends in people crashing being taken out.

Then people have in there minds of daytona road. This was in a bigger, wider space. The track was alot wider through the infeild section, where people could overtake. Now they and get side-by-side in some section of suzaka and it doesnt work.

People just have to remember that 750PP suzaka is alot faster and more technical. People havent raced much 750 before and they are adjusting to it all the time. Because the cars are so different this doesnt help either. You have elise overtaking anything and everything through the esses, then GTR's and GTLM's overtaking everything from the harpin to the start/finish straight.

Take your time racing. Its not always going for every chance you see. And finally, have some respect for slower drivers and dont come on here flaming them to move out the way.

So lets blame the people who used to race at the 600pp level( thats how i see you saying it).
There hasnt been szk 600 for a very long long time so i think people have adjusted and if they havnt theyll be on Daytona oval or something.
Did you ever race at Szk 600 because the people who normally did race are no cowboys to the 750 level. Alot of your top Division 1 drivers did most of their racing at 600pp. Theres more skill involved in overtaking at the 600 level than in the 750 races as you dont have a rocket on your arse.
I could also bet that if we got the 600pp races back alot of the top drivers will jump down to there,Why?
Have a good one yourself! Bye guys!:)
Don't leave the team just for the words of someone u_u

GTP loses a pretty clean driver and one of the ones from the beginning of GTP team. I hope you come back.
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So lets blame the people who used to race at the 600pp level( thats how i see you saying it).
There hasnt been szk 600 for a very long long time so i think people have adjusted and if they havnt theyll be on Daytona oval or something.
Did you ever race at Szk 600 because the people who normally did race are no cowboys to the 750 level. Alot of your top Division 1 drivers did most of their racing at 600pp. Theres more skill involved in overtaking at the 600 level than in the 750 races as you dont have a rocket on your arse.
I could also bet that if we got the 600pp races back alot of the top drivers will jump down to there,Why?

600pp racing is way to slow and no skill at all.
i bet you never get people like Timmpaq, Rudiracer and Truth racing at that level, whats the point.
It seems to me that there some who always want to be at the head of the race, and will ride roughshod over anyone who has the temerity to be in the way.
Are we racing for money, and no-one has told me?
It's entirely possible, and in fact common, to have entertaining scraps right through the field, beit for 1st place or 10th place.
The best drivers have the ability to work their way through the field efficiently and courteously. 👍
I'll give you an example;
Last night I was racing somewhere mid-pack. I saw in my mirror a certain MrP (in disguise of course). I carried on racing in my normal manner, holding my normal lines through the turns and normal lines on the straights. I guess he followed me for half a lap (maybe he was laughing). Then he was past me - no fuss, no contact, and disappeared over the horizon. I looked at the results at the end of the race, and he'd finished 2nd or 3rd. I didn't get a message afterwards blaming me that he didn't win either.
I remember in the following race that I pulled to the right between Degner and the hairpin to let him past easliy.
I learnt something there. 💡
Letting MrP overtake between Degner & the hairpin really didn't cost me any time. Just a pull to the right and a momentary lift off the throttle.
So now this is what I've resolved to do;
If I'm being followed by someone who I know is a much faster driver than me, then at the earliest convenient opportunity I will make their pass easy for them. Maybe I'll learn something by following for a while.
Lets see how this works then.
600pp racing is way to slow and no skill at all.
i bet you never get people like Timmpaq, Rudiracer and Truth racing at that level, whats the point.

How wrong you are with that quote will soon find out!
Let's focus to have some fun, shall we.. :)





600pp racing is way to slow and no skill at all.
i bet you never get people like Timmpaq, Rudiracer and Truth racing at that level, whats the point.

ha ha. its not your fault as you havent been here long.

Nice pussy Timo.
And yes, we all wish the 600pp to come back. 👍 The greatest racing happened there. :)
I would love some constructive criticism on my driving, rather than just criticism. I'm try to race clean, but am still pretty new to gt games, so sometimes my enthusiasm is greater than my skill when over taking etc. Pointing out where i'm going wrong and giving advise would be very helpfull to me, and i'm sure it would be to many others too.
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