Hi all, been trying to join some of the 2-17-32 ..... races.
Sorry about all the under-steer in the few races I joined tonight. Love the little Evo X, but it needs its space . I can occasionally string together a few 1'58s with it but all too often am running 2'03 /04s. Throw in a few mistakes and I'm at the back. Getting started in the online racing and might have to find another ride. Perhaps time to go back to to the s2000.
In any event sorry if got in any ones way.
Hi there,
I'm another fellow who loves the EVO X. If you can run below 2'00s then you're doing really well.
In the back of the grid I can manage 1'57s and 1'58s. Up front the best I can manage is 2'00'xxx . The 2'03/2'04 seems also familiar to me.
Don't write off the EVO X yet. It's too easy to take a car ( like the S2000, Corvette tuned or the allmighty GTLM). I find it more rewarding to end up high in the ranks with the EVO X then with the other faster cars ( not to mention that i'm actually slower using them instead off the EVO ).
You have to drive at your best , with no errors and a good start.
If you're looking for a good tune for the EVO, check out Dutch Customs tune for the EVO X. This is a very good start for some finetuning to your own drivingstyle.
Hope to meet you online, should be interesting racing you in the EVO.
@ Digital Relay, that was ace stuff man. Love battling with you. Sorry for the bump on the inside of the hairpin, that was my bad.
Also, sdemw sorry for throwing my Elise all over the place around you. I had just got done driving the EvoX a lot and had to get used to the 'bite the hand that feeds' handling of the Elise. Far less forgiving. Was fun running behind you for a few laps though. Cheers.
Why is doctorben and his bent friend still making the 02's, 17's etc?
How sad...
You know whats even worse... they start with 749PP to get front of the grid 👍👍👍
Everybody is doing that now!!! Oh well!! I like to start from the back!![]()
Well, the point is this: if you want to join in the 02 event stream, the rules state you should tune your car to exactly 750pp (or maximum possible PP, if 750 cannot be reached with said car).
When everyone follows these rules, the racing can be fun and intense, and the varied car lineup adds some flavor to the contest. Each allowed car has it's strengths and weaknesses, so passing is always possible.
However, a few have taken to regularly joining the races on the published schedule (presumably to get a higher quality grid), but violating the two rules that make the racing interesting: they come with a GTLM (which, when driven well, clearly outclasses any other car available), and set the PP at 749 (guaranteeing a start at or near the front). This gives them an unfair advantage on both counts.
Although this is a public server, this clearly shows poor sportsmanship, especially when there's a published schedule where no restrictions are imposed.
at first it didnt bother me as much but when i saw dr. ben doing it, i even sent him a pm suggesting that he follow the rules just as everyone else (which he disagreed to) but then bernalstock and today i saw thanos started doing it too. its disrespectful period. its obvious they want to race us because of the quality of the competition, so there is no excuse for not following the rules. knilchGTLM-squad along with the KOR and Tuesday drivers come to the event and follow the rules, if you want to race the GTLM's then follow the 00-15-45 schedule. ITS POOR SPORTSMANSHIP!!!
NISSMAN & Knilch
We had yesterday an outstandingly good competition. Hard, fair, and very closed.
Thank You Guys!
I really don't mind when I see such names (doctor, Thanos, Bernal, etc.) in our :02 races, even though it goes against the purpose of having the :02 event.What irriatates me is the fact that they always start with a PP below 750, placing them in a great position for the first turn and basically the entirety of the race in almost every scenario. I find that it is more than possible to keep up with the fastest driven LM's using the Viper tuned, Amuse S2k, Vette tuned, etc as long as you stay and keep within distance of their draft. Which is a challenge in its own right. Look at FAK, he can quite easily keep up with the fastest LM guys and even make time on them. To get the last 5% out of the LM is quite challenging and not consistantly achieved by but maybe a hand full of names 👍 doctorben doesn't even fall under those names either imo. As we all know, when the GTLM is driven to its full potential it is insanely fast and on another level judging by hot lap and race times.
Enjoying it here also.
Do they ever do annual awards on this forum?
Always a bit of fun voting for top drivers, best video, worst driver, funniest member etc?
Right, just had my haircut and feeling sexy. I'm going to go to the shops to show off a bit, get some beer, come back and set the camera up...So smile!